I seen a post on another site that warned why not to wholesale and he wud tell why later in another post. I'm thinking what in the world is that guy thinking?
I just got out of the shower cuz I'm getting ready to go to the Title Company and pick up my check for $13,000 frikin dollars. Yea, don't get into wholesaling if you don't want to pick up checks like this. I've got 11 deals in Escrow that amount to some serious profits, if even half of them close I'll still be collecting some wild ass profits.
This is another one of those deals that just fell in my lap. A Realtor called and said he had a fixer for $59,900 I don't do well with Realtors, their properties are overpriced and all the red tape to go thru and the 40 page contract and their sucky know it all attitudes. I told Raul the Realtor I cudnt do anything at that price. He insisted I make an offer. I told him I didn't want to fill out his 40 pg contract, put up an earnest deposit to just make an offer. But he insisted.
I told him to call the seller and ask if he wud accept 45K Cash.
I was shocked when he calls back and tells me they accepted, crap why didn't I offer 40?
I jumped thru all his hoops and again was shocked when my buyer wants it at 58K I havnt seen this house, This property is or was on the MLS. Why didn't anybody else see it? I never met Raul and I havnt even met the buyer even though we've done 15 deals together now. Yea, don't waste your time wholesaling unless you want to make massive profits. I spent less than an hour on this deal, I never left the house.
Excuse me, I gotta go, I'm on my way to pick up my 13 Grand.
just goes to show you some people dont know what they are talking about like dean says peoples reality is their reality & not actual reality. anyways awesome Rando, love it!
i better get busy making offers!
Go faster do more! GFDM!
Only people who don't know about wholesaling or tried it but didn't follow through to make a deal happen would bash wholesaling. wholesaling works only if you are willing to put in the work. Keep up the good work and enjoy your $13K LOL
Reynold Orozco
Wow, way to go, Rando. There are so many people on this site that are making sure that person will eat his words along with his hat. If he had tuned in to the live broadcast last night with Matt and Dean he would not be writing things like that. Congratulations and keep going because you've already proven him wrong. Keep up the momentum.
Be your very best always-Judy Williamson
Change. Change is life giving. It helps us grow into someone greater than we already are.
Rando just goes to prove that what Dean says not only works but are beyond golden nuggets they are precious uncut diamonds and Dean's enthusiasm and dedication to us, helps us all fulfill what napoleon hill mentions in a burning desire ! Again love it keep them coming
Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.
Our Heart's Desire must be nurtured by our mind,to give birth to common sense, that will enable us to seek out the path less traveled, with the greatest Personal Growth. -J.R.-
we must remember if your not embarrassed by your offer your offering to much !!!!
so rando how many deals have you done ?