There is a great, meaningful, and fulfilling accomplishment within me. Using my focus, determination, discipline, and effort, I step into my greatness, so that this accomplishment becomes actual and real.
There is a fear within me, I have yet to identify that fear specifically, as I step into the realm of the real estate world, a world where I once ventures; however, I am confident that those of you that I have yet to interface with will support me in my new endeavor, as I offer to support you in those things in which I have knowledge.
My belief in the Grand Architect of the universe empowers me to teach, seek and support. I further impart my collective experiential knowledge, edifying others to practice techniques that encourage and support management through empowerment.
I help and teach others how to create success, attracting abundance in all areas of their lives which make their world a better place to live, a world where no one is left behind.
A brief biography
I led and managed teams of over 13 Fiber Optic Technicians and taught engineers the basics of Fiber Optic Technology, Installation, and Testing.
Observers in school, college, and work often tell me I have a knack for explaining and making difficult things seem simple when I teach, and that I use unique and innovative concepts to impart my knowledge to students in such ways that the teaching is experiential.
In my corporate career, me and my teams tested and turned over for service all the initial fiber optic systems installed in the New York boroughs of, Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Long Island, The Bronx, Staten Island, White Plains, New Rochelle, Mount Vernon, and Mount Kisco New York.
I believe in continuing education, and am constantly learning. I make every attempt to stay on the cutting edge through studying the latest books, electronic media courses, and systems of marketing. I am an avid student and learn from every successful person that is blazing the trail in their field.
I am fortunate fortunate to have spent personal time with people such as, Jim Rohn, Brian Klemmer, Rich Schefren, Jeffrey Combs, and Jerry Clarke to name a few.
Barbadian by birth, I immigrated to the USA as a permanent resident in 1970, and began what became my career in the telecommunications industry.
I am a proud father of two young ladies, three grandsons and one grand daughter.
I am a master Handyman, Avid Gardener and a Kite Flier; I love Bicycle Riding, Tennis, Snow Skiing, Paddle Ball, Cricket, Horseback riding, Photography, Reading motivational Literature and books, listening to motivational media.
Achievement is mine to create, to which I truly commit. Getting it done, gives me the special joy of creating an environment where everyone moves forward together.
I Have practical professional experience as an Entrepreneur, Electrolux, Amway/Quixtar Independent Business Owner (IBO), electrical contractor, air conditioning, refrigeration, plumbing, house painting and small appliance repair. Current passion Network Marketing and empowerment through webucation.
Thirty-six years in Telecommunications Engineer ·
May 1970 to Dec 2006 · New York, New York
Cable Splicer, Switching Equipment Technician, Manager of Fiber Optic Task Force, Fiber Optic Designs, and Fiber Optic Network Systems Architecture.
Using Excel, created in-put forms which were used by Request For Information committees and vendors alike during the acquisition of technical data for vendor selection. The forms collected technical, manufacturing, and cost data that helped us during the selection process and significantly reduce overall contractual costs. 21 different vendors used these forms.
Collaborated, designed and developed an online tutorial for a Testing Equipment manufacturer to offer a certification program to telecommunication companies, as part of a training/purchase package. This program certified operators and introduce new technology and enhance previously acquired skills.
Worked with Testing Equipment manufacturer expanding the "OTDR FM TAP" applications within the north eastern region of the country. This Software package analyzes the OTDR traces of fibers under test, identifying and locating installation deficiencies in fiber optic cables BEFORE they are delivered for service.
Managing teams of people using empowerment principles and techniques.
As a real estate wholesaler intermediary, I want to bring potential sellers and specific properties I locate and evaluate to buyers, mostly investors who want properties to buy and resell or to hold as long term rental investments.
I actually want to take on some level of financial involvement or even ownership in some properties for resale, rental, rehabilitation and Flipping. This is my big picture I envision at this point; however, I have to first conquer the learning curve.
I adopt a critical concept. Its that a real estate wholesaler intermediary is important and offers incredible value in the process, because property availability and investor requirements vary with market trends; therefore, I recognize that finding what’s available, what investors want, bringing them together, delivering only highly qualified service and deals, is marketable and in high demand.
I also plan to develop relationships with real estate agents, working more closely with those agents who actually want to work with investors.
I love teaching others through webucation and empowerment, about their physical-biological well-being, and offering them the possibility to discover the greatness in themselves.
Webucation is education and knowledge delivered 100 percent via the Internet. The material is usually high in quality and content.
Mr Graziosi's webucation tutorials are professional produced well, and I enjoy his photogenic presentations and ease with which he explains the content.
I promote this Niche also, because it supports my calling in life, teaching. I teach others through Webucation and empowerment how to create and build their dreams, tangible or intangible edifying them to help others through empowerment. Bottom line, I educate, enlighten, improve, teach, and uplift.
“No other industry that is so new, has the market potential of webucation. Nor is there any other form of education or knowledge transfer that is so convenient, affordable, or comprehensive. Webucation truly opens the doors of knowledge to anyone that seeks it." Peter Drucker.
This is a profile of my personal discoveries I'd like to share.
I attended a series of several Personal Development Champions workshops designed to produce significant results in my personal life and entrepreneurial endeavors.
Revelation: I am kind, gentle, giving; serious about life, and like to have fun. Others see wisdom and happiness in me.
Personal Mastery: A two and a half day weekend experience that revealed my belief systems holding me back, in my business, my success belief systems, and personal life.
Revelation: The greatness others see in me: I am focused, attentive, a good listener, a planner, leader. I am open minded, family oriented and a team player.
Advanced Leadership:– Breakthrough.
A four day experience in living the Leadership needed for my successful future. I experienced how my life could be, living the ten attributes of a Compassionate Samurai. I learned experientially, the characteristics and the effects of Courage, Honor, Focus, Personal Responsibility, Commitment, Trust, Contribution, Honesty, Knowledge, and Abundance. I inculcate them into my daily life.
My Breakthrough Doctrine: I am an accepted, courageous, excellent, honest, trusting man, I distinguish truth from falsehood, and I love unconditionally.
Heart of the Samurai - Significance and Purpose; Through this intense workshop, I learned the essence of creating and developing a life that lasts beyond success, to that of significance.
Through exercises, I identified, and clarified my purpose in life, resulting in a mission both compelling and far sighted that allows me to endure through fluctuations of my entrepreneurial endeavors and my life; being of service to others, enhance my financial prosperity, promote literacy, and compassion, all growing exponentially.
Revelation: My purpose is to edify and teach others through empowerment, how to motivate themselves, practicing daily positive mental exercises, repeating affirmations leading them to success in all areas of their lives, developing and owning their greatness, being courageous, excellent, truthful, loving, kind, honest, creating a harmonic world.
Heart of the Samurai – Significance and Purpose; Through this intense workshop, I learned the essence of creating a life that lasts beyond success, to that of significance. Through my workshop exercises, I identified, and clarified my purpose in life, as a result, I developed a mission both compelling and far sighted that enables me to endure through fluctuations in my life, and to be of service to others.
Revelation: My purpose at this stage in my life is to edify and teach others through empowerment and webucation, how they can motivate themselves, practicing daily positive mental exercises and affirmations which lead them to be successful in all areas of their lives eventually developing and owning their greatness, being courageous, excellent, truthful, loving, kind and honest, creating a world where everyone moves forward together in harmony.
I am once again in the classroom with a brain like a sponge, absorbing all I can, to put into action pursuing and achieving my dreams
Lets Go, Go, Go.
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Watched following videos on Total View.
Video # 1 - How Greg Murphy "Locks It Up"
Video # 2 - How Greg Murphy "Locks It Up" with a Lease Option!
Video # 3 - How Greg Murphy "Locks It Up" with the use of a flyer!
Video # 4 - How Greg Murphy "Locks It Up" and asks how hard do you want to work?
Video # 5 - How Greg Murphy "Locks It Up" with his stack of papers!
Video # 6 - How the Jurek´s "Lock Up" a Bank Owned REO!
Video # 7 - How Carol Stinson "Locks It Up" with her contract!
Video # 8 - Dean describes how to "Lock It Up" with an Assignment!
Video # 9 - Dean describes how to "Lock It Up" with Probates!
Video # 1 - Dean describes the importance of Building a Buyer’s List.
Monday, June 17, 2013
Finished reading “30 Days to Real Estate cash”.
Filling my “Agent” and “Buyers” Buckets
Watched the following Video:
Weekly Wisdom #241 - Getting Derailed
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Conference call: Matt Larson and Dean Graziosi. 25:1 Strategy.
Read “Blueprint Page #5. Bird-dogging, Assignments and Double closings.
Finishing customizing my website.
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Watched the following videos:
Deal of the month #8 Ugly House Pretty profits.
Don’t be afraid to ask big questions.
Buying over 20 acres without money.
Deal of the month #6 from run down shack to new home tract.
The game of “21” paid off big.
The power of word of mouth marketing.
This is the house that Dean built.
Matt Larson contest winner from 2007.
Winning with tax sales.
Friday, AM June 14, 2013
Read the “USA Property Wholesale. Com” Website “TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF USE” Agreement
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Read and studied Blueprint Page # 4 Filling the Deal Bucket.
and Blueprint Page # 5 Bird-dogging, Assignments & Double Closings..
Visited Websites:
Started to set up my free website
Watched Videos:
Profit From Real Estate Now Reference Material: Maximize Video.
Wednesday, PM June 12, 2013
Moving forward according to my plan, I've begun reading "Blue Print Page # 4" "Filling the Deal Bucket" Pg. 90 of 'thirty days to real estate cash'.
I am overwhelmed wit the opportunities available to me as a DG Student.
Wednesday, AM June 12, 2013
Read and studied Blueprint Page # 3 How to know what to pay.
Visited the Total View Website watched the following Videos under “Find IT”:
Dean describes how to find Motivated Sellers!
Dean describes how to score with REOs! - (Bank Owned Properties).
Greg Murphy describes how he finds Motivated Sellers.
Carol Stinson described how she finds deals.
Carol Stinson described how she finds deals through Craigslist
How Carol Stinson Mines Gold through Expired MLS listings!!
Dean Graziosi Explains the What and How of Probate Profits!
Reviewed these websites t get an idea of what’s available. Amazing prices.
Alti Source Homes
Alti Source Homes
Go Homing
Hudson and Marshall
Real Estate Disposition Corporation - REDC
Williams and Williams
National Auctioneers Association - Real Estate Auction
Loopnet - (Search for distressed or Property Auctions)
Home Steps by Freddie Mac
Home Path by Fannie Mae (Search by State)
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Visited the Total View Website watched the following Videos under “Lock it Up”:
How Greg Murphy "Locks It Up.
How Greg Murphy "Locks It Up" with a Lease Option!
How Greg Murphy "Locks It Up" with the use of a flyer!
How Greg Murphy "Locks It Up" and asks how hard do you want to work?
How Greg Murphy "Locks It Up" with his stack of papers!
How the Jurek´s "Lock Up" a Bank Owned REO!
How Carol Stinson "Locks It Up" with her contract!
Dean describes how to "Lock It Up" with an Assignment!
Dean describes how to "Lock It Up" with Probates!
Tuesday June 11 2013
I am moving through "30 Days to Real Estate Cash" at a steady pace. Dean was right when he says I'll feel like I'm getting a drink of water from a fire hose. I 'm up to page 72.
My plan is to read through the book in its entirety, see what tools are at my disposal and create in my mind a 32000 feet view of the possibilities as Dean paints his canvas for my consumption. So far I am really excited and eager to put my blueprints into action.
I visited all the websites suggested in the book up to page 72, to get familiar with the material and the lay out of the different websites. The websites have a simple layout; however, they are all loaded with great information. I reviewed the templates for buyers, agents, intro-letters, and buyer's profile.
I revisited my "WHY" fine-tuned it, read it over and over a few times to a point where I began to feel an emotion stirring deep with in me.
Monday PM June 10 2013
Created My Email - Fax Template for Finding A Real Estate Agent based on Mat Larson’s model.
Monday AM June 10 2013
Spent some time this morning mapping out my goals based om Matt Larson's 25:1 plan that will take me to years end.
Began mapping out my 25:1 plan for 2014.
I watched these Dean’s tutorial videos:
1. The truth about you, and me! (What I promised you).
2. The Truth About How to Make Money in Real Estate Without Any of Your Own Money or Credit Required.
3. Do this first - you'll make money in real estate.
4. The Shift in the Real Estate Market and Where Profits Are Waiting For You Now.
5. Special video response to Oklahoma tragedy
6. Welcome - Dean's Video Messages
7. Properly Placed Honor.
8. From credit in the crapper to MS Millionaire!!
9. I watched this 3 times - Here's 52 minutes of video with Matt Larson. This is really mind-blowing.
10. Weekly Wisdom #239 - 88 Keys - From piano teacher to $12,000 per month in real estate...
11. Motivated Sellers - Dean's Video Messages
Wednesday, June 5th 2013 at 11:19PM EDT
Watched Matt Larson's Videos. Super Wholesaling #'s 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, & 7.
I also completed my "Why" Commitment Statement, I really struggled with this, and read 1st 12 pgs. of 30 days to Real estate Cash.
Monday, June 3rd 2013 at 6:54PM EDT
Viewed Laura Johnson's "Persistence And Risks". I like her tenacity, commitment and networking skills. I will learn from her. 0 Comments
Monday, June 3rd 2013 at 1:46AM EDT
I just registered. I am new in this arena and am beginning with wholesale. As I look around the website, so far I see there is a lot to learn and absorb; however, I can see the possibilities for me to achieve my goal of $500,000.00 or more, on or before December 31, 2013. So I am on my way.
Lets Go, Go, Go.
Al Lashley. Lovingly Divine
Think Globally. Dream Universally.
Samurai XV. Festina Lente.
It is truly a new beginning and an opportunity with real estate. Congratulations on starting your real estate investment journal. It is an awesome way to keep track of your daily progress and help other DG Members along the way with the knowledge that you continue to gain each day. I am looking forward to hearing about your adventure and good luck on all your future real estate deals. Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA