New Beginnings

New Beginnings

So I am calling my journal "New Beginnings" as this is a very appropriate title for my personal journal and adventure after having attended the "2013 Edge Event". Wow, wow, wow - what an amazing experience. There is nothing like a real live event. I have attended "The Insider's Financial Workshop", "Boots on the Ground training", the "Buying Summit" in Las Vegas, but the "Edge Event" trumped all of these. More than ever do I now feel (really feel) in my gut that I CAN do this! I can! I have seen so much proof of others being successful in this business, I have seen them, I have heard them, I talked to them, I exchanged business cards with them, I ate with them, I breathed the same air with them - it was just electric! I heard so many presentations, and learned such great stuff. Somehow at this event it just really hit home, and it all sank into my heart, my mind, my brain, my entire being! I can't explain why this made so much more of an impact, but it did. What made it so real was that I heard real life day to day experiences, including the struggles, the ups, the downs, and how to get back on your feet. Very, very inspirational. So on the plane back home I started rereading "30 Days to Real Estate Cash". I've read it before, but life punched me pretty hard in the last 6 months. I have gone through quite a bit of stress, and somehow the stress just blocked my brain, my mind, and I just could not absorb or retain any information. But I don't see this 6 months of hiatus as a failure. It was just time I had to allow myself to grieve, mourne, and heal. Without that I would not be the person I am today. At the Edge I also learned that it will take mistakes, and failure, before you will reach success. The more failures you have, the closer you get to success! It will happen, but you need to be persistent, and never let go, and never give up! I heard that so often, but not until this weekend I fully understood the meaning of it. I also learned that in order for me to become successful I really have to say NO to get to the Holy Land, meaning I have to be willing to disappoint people, friends, relatives, by saying NO to them, and make RE my true passion (which I wanted to do in the first place anyhow). I just have allowed others to take possession of my time, my energy, even my sleep (because they gave me so much headaches). No more. I am for real, and my RE business is now in first place. Will keep you posted. To new beginnings everyone!


New Beginnings - 30 lbs

Oh, and one other commitment I made (on camera as well) is that by next year's Edge Event I will be 30 lbs lighter. I shared it with my Life Coach who also happened to be at the Edge event, and I am going to tell everybody who wants to hear it! I invite you to join me in this endeavor. Healthy food, healthy body, healthy brain, healthy weight, healthy energy, healthy sleep - all of that will assist me in making healthy investments! To healthy choices and a new beginning!


New Beginnings

I like the idea of new beginnings. It's a great idea and concept. Stay positive and goal oriented and dream big. I believe you can do it. I wish you the best. Please keep the the DG family posted on how you are doing. I know there are many out there who will join me in wishing you great success in your New Beginnings.


new beginnings

Hi Patricia,
I agree with Patrick. With a positive mindset, you can do anything. Stay focused and always be looking for the opportunity to help others:) Laura



fired up!


Love your energy!! And your attitude that the last 6 months happened for a reason. It will just make you more grateful when you get there!! The Edge WAS amazing, yes?

Awesome on your goal-setting.

I look forward to watching your success here!

All the best to you!



Current Journal on Dean's site: The Second Chapter:

First Journal on Dean's Site: From the Beginning: