Newbie Investor

Newbie Investor

Hi I am new to the investing arena and just want to start a new journal. I hope this is where I am supposed to do this.

I have taken several steps to start on my buyers list and have received one bird dog request for two single family homes and one four-plex.
I also have a client from my property management business who wants two or three single family homes. I cannot wait to get started and am excited that things are moving fairly quickly.

Spring is in the air and I guess in Texas that means that everyone is ready to get started and I am going to be right there in the thick of it! Talk about perfect timing!!!


Welcome to DG's family

You are in the right place. This is where all deans successful students hang out and learn from each other.

It is a free resource that you can learn just about everything you need to know about re investing. Network with students here long enough you will start seeing yourself taking action doing what you are learning. When you take action that is when you start seeing results.


I always say Keep Moving Forward! Never Give Up On Your Dreams!

As Matt Larsen says "Feed the Need" - Edge 2013

Follow my daily investing journal and read about the deals I've done and am working on at: