New Moose Beginnings

New Moose Beginnings

We just finished our 3-day seminar in PHL and boy, we are pumped!!! Sunday night we couldn't wait to open the PropTrend software and on Monday we had my brother-n-law in FL looking at properties. Great to have a "boot on the ground" day 1.

Next steps are to begin the on-line seminars to prepare for the next phase of training and evaluate the properties in FL to see if there is any potential.

Will continue this blog to document our journey to our new successful life!


Janet & Sandy

Knowledge is power, but knowledge put into action is powerful; and when you are powerful, that is when you are successful!
― Janet Andrew


I will be attending my 3 day this weekend and can't wait! Hit the road running and don't let anything stop you, we can all do this!!! Smiling


Jean Maestre
The Maestre Property Group, LLC

"Our deepest fear is NOT that we are inadequate, Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure"

"Do or do not, there is no try"

"Every adversity, every failure, every heartache, carries with it the seeds of an equal or greater benefit"

Stay the course - Connections will happen!

We started off like gang busters finding potential properties but not being able to connect with the owners. Had a moment of despair thinking that we would never get a network together.

Then 2 phone calls turned into dreams - first was to a real estate agent with whom we had done some business with in the past. She was very excited about our new venture and has a buyers list ready when we have sellers.

Call # 2 - after reaching out to several government agencies, one person called back and advised that he has several distressed properties that require cash buyers!!

Next step - check out the properties and match sellers to buyers! Now it is getting exciting!!


Janet & Sandy

Knowledge is power, but knowledge put into action is powerful; and when you are powerful, that is when you are successful!
― Janet Andrew