Hi Guys,
Let me ask if anyone has a power point presentation they would like to share. A presentation that they have used to help the investor decide their product would be a good investment opportunity for them. I'm not a fantastic speaker, and I think it would help me as much as them.
In the end it's me I'm selling along with my product. I'm pretty sure what the content needs to say, yet I am Computer/ Power Point challenged. This is eating up a lot of time and I don't have much to show for it. I have checked with local schools to see if they have students in their programs interested in setting up a presentation, but have had little luck.
I was thinking someone would be interested in sharing a template, or provide me with a link I can go to, to purchase a template. I think I'm on the right track, but need that last tool in my box to get my investors to commit.
Any questions/ comments are welcome.
Send me a p.m. if you would consider my request.
I Need Help With Presentation For Potential Private Investors
Posted on: Thu, 06/07/2012 - 15:33
I Need Help With Presentation For Potential Private Investors
- by Scott Slack
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Look up Daniil Kleyman on the internet.He has software you can
download for free,you need excel to do it.I believe this is what
you are looking for.Their email is [email protected] don't
know how to put the link on here or I would.good luck in you en-
deavors. Silverhound.
Silverhound(WHAT BOX?)
use link below for tool needed
max offer ROI presentation all in one
https://tvallc.isrefer.com/go/RehabLite/renvestr/ Free tools
I do have his program. It's well laid out and not too difficult to follow.
What I'm Really looking for is a way to show the potential lender they need Me, keeping it very very simple. (on screen presentation)( Power Point perhaps?)
( poor return on their traditional investments.. stocks, cds,mutual funds )
real estate can be more secure it being tangible, Funds invested locally and will be able to communicate with me easier, have more control over their investment,no middleman.. etc..
I want to drive these things home and be sure they are really interested
before I start throwing all kinds of numbers and info at them.
Thankyou for posting the link.this is the one I meant,it's
a very good tool to have. Silverhound
Silverhound(WHAT BOX?)
try this https://tvallc.infusionsoft.com/go/PMV/renvestr/
I do have his program. It's well laid out and not too difficult to follow.
What I'm Really looking for is a way to show the potential lender they need Me, keeping it very very simple. (on screen presentation)( Power Point perhaps?)
( poor return on their traditional investments.. stocks, cds,mutual funds )
real estate can be more secure it being tangible, Funds invested locally and will be able to communicate with me easier, have more control over their investment,no middleman.. etc..
I want to drive these things home and be sure they are really interested
before I start throwing all kinds of numbers and info at them.
https://tvallc.isrefer.com/go/RehabLite/renvestr/ Free tools