Can a new person still succeed in wholesaling? Especially one who is new, and alone without an agent or team in place? Are all the properties going to the bigger sharks? Its almost impossible to get to a property first....then, if u are so lucky, its hard to get it locked on ur price. It seems as the more established, seasoned veterans, with power teams, power connections, and money & credit will nab all the properties for certain.
I know the bigger sharks will surely disagree. But does anyone else feel the same?
First off, If you want seasoned investors to reply to your posts, fill out your profile.
So here is a Christmas Gift for you. Contact Carol Stinson on this site through a PM and she might give you some valuable advise. If you know anything about Carol and I do, she is the one to go to. If a PM doesn't work, try her on Facebook.
How good is this. It is Christmas Eve @ 11:58pm my time and I am giving you REI advise. When you become rich and famous, remember this day.
Merry Christmas......Jan
I know the bigger sharks will surely disagree. But does anyone else feel the same?
First off if I were you get deans two books "Be a real estate millionaire and profit from real estate right now. Then read them and any self help repair books from roofing to foundation and everything in-between. Get an agent, I suggest someone a little new with at least 1 years experience maybe 2. This allows them to be more flexible and understanding of mistakes as they are still making some themselves and are willing to learn, fail, and keep going. While interviewing agents, go to title companies and make sure they will close on assignments, back-to-back closing, and the IEE method you can find the forms here if you look for them hard enough (use search bar, that is how I find everything). Once you have these two things your ready to go. I'd also suggest a mortgage broker and 2012 Craftsman Site License to estimate rehab costs for first offer then back it up with a free estimate from a general contractor (google search ones closest is better then yellow pages I've discovered).
Let the contractors know if they give you legit written estimates of rehab costs (you will know thx to the site license it wont be far from whats shown there) you will suggest that your end buyer use them. Why does that matter? BECAUSE they do most of their work through referrals. I like to use general contractors as my free appraisers. It isn't the same as a real appraiser, but if they have some years under their belt they are pretty close to as good as one in my humble opinion.
Follow this, what you find in deans books, and everything on this site you will be super!
no really don't it will be really hard starting I've been doing this for only around two months and it is hard, but worth it!
Happy holidays
"I have my mountain in sight. I am climbing to the top and I will kick anyone off that stands in my way or tries to hold me back!" --quot by me.
--quot by me.
"My glass isn't half empty, its overflowing!" --quot by unknown modified by me.
"The sky isn't my limit I can keep going!" --quot by unknown modified by me.
"There are too many square people and I think a little differently if that makes me round hey its better than being flat"
Follow me on my Journal:
So here is a Christmas Gift for you. Contact Carol Stinson on this site through a PM and she might give you some valuable advise. If you know anything about Carol and I do, she is the one to go to. If a PM doesn't work, try her on Facebook.
How good is this. It is Christmas Eve @ 11:58pm my time and I am giving you REI advise. When you become rich and famous, remember this day.
Merry Christmas......Jan
lol Jan Malek I feel the same way. Carol is amazing. There are a lot of wonderful people here and all are willing to help even on Christmas eve because we are a family... the DG family and yes it would be nice to see a face or something and some info about you. Don't hide behind some blank lines join in and tell us about yourself! Being active is how real estate works and THAT is the BIGGEST part of real estate!
"I have my mountain in sight. I am climbing to the top and I will kick anyone off that stands in my way or tries to hold me back!" --quot by me.
--quot by me.
"My glass isn't half empty, its overflowing!" --quot by unknown modified by me.
"The sky isn't my limit I can keep going!" --quot by unknown modified by me.
"There are too many square people and I think a little differently if that makes me round hey its better than being flat"
Follow me on my Journal:
30 Days to real estate cash.
Yes you can do it, I am proof, Carol Stinson is proof and Matt Larson is proof, along with MANY other members who are making money hand over foot because we won't be denied!
I started with nothing and there is NO WAY the bigger sharks are getting all the deals! They are everywhere! You can't cast a net big enough to get them all!
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"In order for me to think outside the box, that would require me to acknowledge that the box actually exists. In my world, there is no box."
~Matt Larson~
I would like to know where your "big sharks" are? Those are the guys you are going to wholesale to! I wish I had big sharks where we live, just little guppies.
Scoot over, I want to network with your sharks!
Real estate works...
If you want to know where I am
Click Here To Buy Deans New Book!!!
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"In order for me to think outside the box, that would require me to acknowledge that the box actually exists. In my world, there is no box."
~Matt Larson~
1. Yes
2. Fill out your bio
Networking is the key. As you start to network through investment clubs, online advertising, referrals etc. Doors will open up! You will be surprised how things will begin to blossom and grow BUT you have to take action. It is scary and you feel outnumbered and inferior to the big players. doesn't matter whether you've been in real estate for 5 yrs or 5 mins, if you have a deal and the numbers are right - any investor will jump on it. You can do this. Start small, take it step by step and you will get there. Continue to be active on This is a great website to get advice, encouragement and support.
Good Luck
"Keep Moving Forward"
"If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."
If you would like the chance to work with me or one of my fellow real estate investor coaches and our advanced training programs, give us a call anytime to see if Dean's Real Estate Success Academy and our customized curriculum is a fit for you. Call us at 1-877-219-1474 ext. 125