Equity Sharing with owner

Equity Sharing with owner

Has anyone used the idea of Equity sharing/partnering to help an owner with equity who is behind in payments. If someone were to catch them up on their payments, with the agreement that the house would be immediately sold to another buyer, after paying off all the loans, the equity could be shared with the owner. No foreclosure, or shortsale, and an owner could buy another home a lot quicker.

Are there forms already made for this type of transaction?




equity sharing is a viable option. It isn't used as much in today's market because of all the other low hanging fruit (foreclosures, underwater homes). However, if you are making up the payments in this market, you might just want to consider a "subject to" purchase and own the home outright.

There are forms for an equity sharing arrangement but I don't know where mine are as I haven't used the method in years.


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