Alright DG family..My Brain is going nuts.Why you ask well,It seems to me that I have reached out to, to many people in the world to much networking.I know you can never do to much networking but my phone and email is blowing up..I havent even done my first deal yet and I have some many people calling with properties to buy or help sell.I feel like I need to get a Intern just to help with everything and I just started doing this Investing stuff.I cant Imagine what happens when I just doing deals.I guess Im just a good People person and didnt even think I was..I would like to know If there is anyone in the Orlando Area that would like to parter up with me so I have time to just do one thing


What I did

I have gotten a couple Mess. from other Dg'ers and they wanted me to tell them what I did to get so much action..
All I did was Post 2 ghost ADS on CL...Those was the only AD I posted and it has been at lease 2 weeks and buyers are still calling on them.I have gotten around 25 true cash buyers from those ad.The I signed up on LinkedIn and that is where I have been getting alot of action also.I didnt even know I was a good People person but I was wrong,I guess I sound like what Im doing because I have got calls from Word to mouth (alot of calls)..So to those that asked That is all I have done.

Thanks for responing and asking

Many Thanks

Craigs list was my next step. I better take a deep breath!!!!

Can you Share what your adds

Can you Share what your adds said on CL?

I'm at this point and it's really giving me alot of trouble, already posted one add and I didnt get any calls; on Monday.


Smiling Kathy


"Cut not the wings of your dreams,
for they are the heartbeat and the freedom of your soul." ~ Flavia

Kathy Wholesales TX
KM WholeSale Properties LLC


I can show you want I used,But when people call you have to know what to say,You have to be able to think of something right away to show you know what you r talking about.Hold on I singing to the radio............I cant sing and write at the same time.But I guess you guys dont care ok back to the subject..This was my first one and I got alot and still get alot of calls with this add


" INVESTOR NEEDED " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I Have Several Investment Properties Under Contract Well Below

Market Price..... I Am Looking For

" SERIOUS " Investors


Here is the other one.


Looking For Investors To Hand Off Properties...

I have been finding alot of Properties with good deals and I hate to pass up a deal
I can only handle so many, so Im Looking for Investors to hand them off after I lock up the deal (Wholesale)

If Your a Serious Investor and Looking for good deals You can email me


Ive also got alot Leads from LinkedIn..You will find alot of people on that site

thanks for sharing

Thanks for sharing..


"Action and Mistakes" always-outweigh "Analysis Paralysis"
"Action+Knowledge=Success....$$$$$$$$$.....Smiling...Just do It"


I hope it helps.If it dont work in your area just change it up a little bit

Great ads!

I am so going to use your ads! Thank you!
(what song was playing??)

I know you're going crazy, but if you find a moment, can you tell us a little about what the investors say and how you respond?

I'm on the west coast, but maybe if you create a thread titled something like "Looking for partners in the Orlando area" you may find some DG'ers out that way to work with.

Keep us posted..


I pretty much use what deans say in his books..But I might twist words around to make it work for me..You have to be able to think of a question fast, dont think about it cuz they will know your thinking about something to say


I posted an ad on craigslist before I received my DG Books and have not had any responses. I am working on my 3rd book now. I hope to get some ideas what to say in my ads. I am also looking to partner up with someone. I live in KS. I have a lead on a realtor. I am also hearing challenaged so like to use texting or chat formats the best. Contact me if you can help.


conquesttsi89 wrote:
I pretty much use what deans say in his books..But I might twist words around to make it work for me..You have to be able to think of a question fast, dont think about it cuz they will know your thinking about something to say

Thanks... I will review the books...

Still Hurting

I just cant find Property fast enough for these buyers.I did find a partner
that knows of the DG Family, she is helping alot but she is also busy.I just need someone help find Property for me..Im smoking for cuz I am so Stress..On top of all that I have to find another AGent cuz she quick during counter offers.She couldnt take getting yelled at cuz My offer was low..Im still moving forward nothing is going to keep me down


Don't feel bad! It took me 6 months to get my first deal. There IS a learning process we all go through and continue to go through! Look for your own deals. Don't rely on someone else to find them for you. Look for unlisted motivated sellers that you can deal directly with. Use all the strategies that Dean teaches to connect with motivated sellers. NO agents involved. What you need to do is right there in Dean's books. Do it, have patience and determination and you will succeed.

Good Luck!
Michael Mangham
MD Home Acquisitions LLC


Knowledge is power, but execution trumps knowledge. Tony Robbins Seller site Buyer site Bird Dog Site Tenant/Buyer site

Brain Hurting

That's a good thing. That means you're stretching your limits! The good thing is, you have pieces of the puzzle coming at you. Keep following up with these people and some will have properties to sell at good prices that you can move to another one of your contacts. Remember, these people you are meeting can be both buyers AND sellers! Work both sides with each contact. You never know how the first deal will come together.

Another thing to keep in mind is that it does take time to absorb all of this and adjust to the new contacts and ways of thinking. Allow yourself the time to absorb everything, and it will come. You are doing great work, and getting excellent results from it. The deals are not too far off!

Congrats for being on fire from AZ

That is a great response from the ads. Sounds like you found your nitch. No response from our CL ad but I did call on a ad that were posted about wanting real estate for investing to aleast start as a bird dog as we learn all this awesome details.

Hoping he may turn into a buyer.

Linkedin is the next step.
Thanks for sharing Conquest!