Does anyone know of an affordable way of getting legal advice? I've heard of pre-paid legal; however I didn't see anything about RE advice. Maybe legal zoom?
Does anyone know of an affordable way of getting legal advice? I've heard of pre-paid legal; however I didn't see anything about RE advice. Maybe legal zoom?
simply call some general practice and/or real estate lawyers and tell them you are interested in making real estate investing a career and would they spend an hour with you answering some questions. It is the easiest way and for $75 to $200, it may be the best money you spend. Just be prepared so that you money is well spent. Same goes for accounting and tax advice. Don't save a dollar to end up costing you a $100.
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Pre-paid legal has offices set up in every state I believe. They have attorneys that specialize in everything. I got my LLC set up through them (they walked me through it free of charge) and have had several real estate documents reviewed by them (free of charge). In fact, I just got a traffic ticket that I'm protesting, but I wont be in town at the time I'm supposed to go to court and explain my circumstances to the judge. So pre-paid legal said not to worry about it and that they would represent me at court my absence.
I think I paid a one time start-up fee of $10 and I pay $17/month in my state (Washington State). The rates usually vary between $10 to $20 depending on where you're at. The rate you get will stay the same for the rest of your life.
I love 'em
"You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you stop and look fear in the face. Do the things you think you cannot do. Tough times never last, but tough people do"
Thanks for the tips and feedback, Bill and drplunk05. So far, many of the things I think I need to do are common sense, but the validation gives me peace of mind and the motivation to get'r done!
Think Less, Do More - Dean Graziosi
for only a dollar added to your $17 you have access to a lawyer on the weekend.
no i dont sell it. but i used to years ago. it's great.