Hey everyone,
I wanted to share a book I read recently that may help some of you become more of an action taker. Deans top students are action takers and if you noticed on some of Dean's videos he advertises his top students as above average. Their above average not because of something they have that you don't, its because they simply take action.
The thing that has kept/keeps me from taking action has always been my obsessive desire to perfect my actions while I'm taking action. If that makes sense to you then you understand that instead of just doing a simple task like stacking firewood, I would try to organize the fire wood by length, diameter, weight, species, quality, etc. I wouldn't stop there, I would also try to pick it up in the best order while sorting it to "help" my complex operation move a little faster by trying to prevent "wasted" motion.
Well by always trying to reinvent the wheel while actually building the wheel is very COUNTERPRODUCTIVE.
Go to your bookstore and request "Do the Work" by Steven Pressfield. Learn how to simply do simple work.
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Will check this read out...nothing like learning how to improve yourself EVERY DAY! !!!
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