How can I get a copy of "30 Days to Real Estate Cash" ?
I watched the video. I posted under ask a question, also.
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I haven't heard any thing.....yet about getting a copy of "30 Days to Real Estate Cash"
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My free website from Dean:
The Sky's the Limit!
I don't know what that is. Is it a special report Dean offered at one point? Which video refers to it?
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How can I get a copy of "30 Days to Real Estate Cash" ?
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The Sky's the Limit!
How can I get a copy of "30 Days to Real Estate Cash" ?
Am I the only one to have watched this video?
Check out my journal:
My free website from Dean:
The Sky's the Limit!
Yes I saw the video too. He didn't say how to get it in that video. All he said is that he was giving out 1000 copies initially. Then, later it would be available in bookstores and on this site.
I would suggest calling into the office or success academy to see if they are still giving them away.
Please let me knw when you find out and which video did you watch?