should i just become a real estate agent myself, so i won't have to be at the mercy or have to depend on any of them. or is there a conflict between being a real estate agent and an investor at the same time
should i just become a real estate agent myself, so i won't have to be at the mercy or have to depend on any of them. or is there a conflict between being a real estate agent and an investor at the same time
There are pros and cons of being or not being licensed in the real estate investing business. I personally think it's a good fit for me that I'm also licensed. However, it might not be the right combination for everyone.
After disclosing that I'm licensed, my main line when approaching a seller is "I'm not calling because I want to list your home, I'm calling because I want to BUY your home".
Thanks, Nadine
** Realtor/Investor in Lancaster County, PA
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While I have taken all the necessary courses at school to be a real estate agent, I elected not to go that route. While I believe that the courses are in every investor's best interest, I do not believe that it is a critical component of an investor's success.
There are many real estate agents who have successfully morphed into fantastic investors right here on this site, but I think going the other direction is harder to do as the investor truly has the best position in earning the most money for the effort spent.
Always Looking to Acquire Houses | Always Looking to Amaze Investors
I also have been licensed for many years. You don't need a RE license to be successful. Don't look at it as you are bothering a Realtor...they only make money when something sells.
my license and their are pros and cons. I like having my license because I have access to the MLS, I get insider information via my broker and I feel more educated on the market because I have access to trainings and magazines that no one else gets. Also, I have realtor relationships that are special because I am an agent.
Downside you have to disclose your an agent. Not a bad thing, but sometimes banks give you a hard time. Also, I just put out $458 for yearly agent fees, $99 for MLS fees and another $150 for yearly broker fees. Also, in March I owe $310 for my Supra Key. That is a lot of money going out at the beginning of the year.
I hardly deal with end buyers, mostly cash buyers, so in the last three years haven't even bothered to look at the MLS; the homes I found my clients who were first time homebuyers were my listings or from another agent or invesotr who wanted me to sell it for them.
Not sure any other place, but here in NYC having your license allows you to be taken more serious and weed out the frauds, and when a buyer says they have cash and you ask for their corporate docs AND a bank statement to verify thier funds, you're never met with apprehension.
for me i would give up my license if i hadn't put so much time, effort and money into it. i feel the best way for me to benefit is to get my broker's license and be on my own. now if i can just find a class. you run into so many challenges with that license and for me, i think i should have left well enough alone. but, for some people, it's the way to go. it all depends on you.
Linda, Army EOD Mom
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You can't go straight to being a broker I believe and while that is a great move, I think you might not be using your license as well as you should.
one thing I don't do is listings; hate them. I've let anyone I know "I think they are wastes of time and I prefer to work more with investors and find them unlisted FSBO's" They've never had a problem and have all made a nice penny off my choices.
Like myself, you're an investor at heart and I think it might be that you're with the wrong broker who might be running his business like a standard realty company and not an investment stronghold. if you haven't, get with more mortgage brokers and lawyers who know and constantly deal with developers and cash buyers.
what are end buyers
people who buy and decide to keep to rent or live in long time
End buyers are normally first time homebuyers who tend to stay in their homes for a longer period of time
is it a good idea to stay away from them
i'm sure you're right. the brokerage i'm with has no involvement with me at all. they are fine with me investing on my own as long as i pay the broker his take. i have had very little training with the brokerage itself and i'm not real pleased with where i'm at. very little professionalism, etc. i tried to get in with Keller/Williams but since there isn't an office here it would be cost prohibitive for them to hold my license.
Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at
Fear equals:
R.S. There is another factor. There are a few states which have a law which states that no real estate transaction can be done with out a licensed individual making the transaction from begining to end . Some that add to the end of that: for commercial or for profit by a 3rd party. So you will want to check the law(s) before proceeding. After that do some soul searching and listen to these people.
Michael Radtke
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