I attended Dean's " The Insider's Edge " presentation on Thursday night in Glendale, AZ.. I've been a DG member since 2008 and decided to attend this event with the purpose of gaining more knowledge and techniques on investing in RE in today's market here in the Phoenix area.
I was just somewhat disappointed in that the information presented was geared more toward those attendees that did not have much education or knowledge of investing in real estate. Don't get me wrong; speakers Tim Payne and Wayne Gray were exceptional in their presentations, I guess maybe I expected to much before attending. I came to realize that their main purpose was to give brief information to get the attendees excited about what could be accomplished in today's RE market and seek further education and knowledge by attending the Edge event later this month.
I did gain some information about the tax lien certificate investing that I did not know before and will be able to use that information later to build my RE portfolio.
All in all, I want to thank Dean and everyone involved for offering these 3 days of FREE information and wish the best to everyone that attended.
We were recently invited to a local seminar in our area, from this seminar, we became enrolled into attending the "Insider's Edge" event held in Chicago, IL. We went, we saw, we heard. Needless to say, we did get an overview of different real estate deals & how they were handled. Of course, everyone whom attended, are at different levels of doing realestate in their own personal lives. Some starters, some already with properties, &/or investors, so I'm sure it was kinda difficult to try to taylor make this event to everyone's levels in the game. We had a funny feeling that we were being set up to be asked to spend out further additional money to also attend another upcoming event, which is for an upcoming "buying" trip to Vegas, ONLY to the tune of $25,000 TOTAL in which to go. The only problem being, do really that many of us have an extra $25,000 to fork out to go?? We were just lucky enough to have/get the $1997 together in order to attend this event that we just went to. Is there anyone else out there that attended this same event too?? What did you do/not do?? Are you going on the Vegas buying trip?? Has anyone else that had previously attended such an event, was it worth your time & money spent to go on this buying trip?? We just wanna know, since we feel that we keep spending out more & more money, to many other people & their "seminars" in the past that we just should have opened that front door & let our money fly out the door, since that's about all that we got in return for our money spent!! We're just sick & tired, of being sick & tired, of wasting our hard earned money & not recieving in return, what was promised when we spent out the money for the seminar/event.
We don't mean to be "Debbie Downers" here, just want to make sure that our money's being spent is gonna pay off for us, instead of us being taken advantage of once again... we're tired of losing money in these deals!!
We would appreciate it if ANYone who's attended these such seminars/events to please post what your experience has been, good, bad, or otherwise, so we can logically think as to what we should do here next...or not to do??
Thanks for your honest input here!!
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