1. D estitute and Down he once was.
2. E xperience he acquired through his challenges.
3. A mbitous and Achiever he decided to become.
4. N ever did he think of quitting or giving up.
5. G enerous he has become.
6. R ising up to his challenges became his major focus
7. A ttitude of success he nurtured and developped.
8. Z ero tolerance does he have for mediocrity.
9. I ndustrious and relentless has he become.
10.O riginal and ordinary are his thoughts and methods.
11.S avvy and selfless he is too.
12.I ntelligent must he have been to have dared to think a little different.
DEAN GRAZIOSI spells out integrity and hard work and wit. Not scam
Now I am working toward my gaols to get out of the rat race. Let the naysay keep saying Nay. I am keeping on saying aye. They say why? I will say Why not? They have been telling me there is no way; I tell them there is always a way. And guess what? If there is really no way, I will make one.
When the going gets tough, the tough gets going.
He great post...right on!!
"Every failure brings with it the seed of an equivalent success"
Napoleon Hill
Great posting. Thank you for putting this here.
You are going to do great things in your RE career!
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