I want to believe that I can do this. I want to believe that I can generate extra cash in 30 days. That sure would help us out with the bill collectors and the IRS. I believe that Dean is a standup guy. I just can't seem to pull the trigger. I need some encouragement from someone who has made this work. Can anyone help?
Dean's books are the guidemap that you need to put an action plan in place. Dean's books have all the information, tips, strategies and techniques that you need to start today! The key is read Dean's book, make a plan and take immediate action today and everyday. I can tell you it does work! The key is to believe in the program and believe in yourself. You can do this and you will start today. Good luck with your future deals! Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
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Joe Jurek CPA
His strategies do work you just has to follow trough. And do what he says and dont let others discourage you.