To All EDGE Home Study Course Members

To All EDGE Home Study Course Members

Hi Guys,

Could you please tell me how you are doing with the Course?

Many Thanx,
A Fellow Member,



EDGE home study progress

Presently, my progress is slow. I watched the video portion and was excited. At the same time a relationship ended unexpectedly and has been going back and forth to the point where I've been immobilized.
Now that my son is back in school and I have recovered emotionally, I'm ready to go again. I am in need of an accountability partner. If anyone is interested in helping, please email me at [email protected].
Thank you and good luck!

EDGE home study progress

got the pkg. On the process of watching the DVD. get exciting, want to start right away but don't know how? would like some more help?

Like White Knight, I am in a slow progress since I've been going to chiropractor 3 times a week but do want to get started now!


The EDGE home study course is great. It is just like being there. What I would recommend is make a "plan of action" list after each dvd you watch and then begin to work your plan. Rewatch the program for additional ideas and tidbits of information. Adjust your plan as you progress. I hope everyone is enjoying the program and working a plan toward success. Good luck with real estate investing. Believe and Achieve! Smiling - Joe


YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures

TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA


Exactly That Indiana-Joe.....Plan of Action!!!!
I think the Edge Program is Great. I think it is very easy getting wrapped up in the senastion of wanting to do something, but YOU MUST Create a list of 1-2 things every day on Your ACTION LIST To make things happen!! YOU CAN'T GET ANYWHERE BY WISHING ABOUT IT! ACTION IS THE KEY!!!!!!!


Residential Connection Group LLC
Gilbert, AZ

Take Joe's advice

George, have a plan written out or in your mind all the time even if you don't complete it has fast has you like to, at least that will push you to get closer to your goal & your exit strategy. I feel I'm there every time I watch it, I got front row seat.....yeah! Smiling

Everyone Can Make A Difference!
John A.