Okay, so I've been out of the game for a short while now because I've been had to go attend to my sons medical needs down North Carolina. I joined the academy two weeks ago and last week before I left to take my son for his annual pacemaker checkup I finally received my success academy kit through the mail. Needless to say that I havent been able to get anything done yet because of my having to attend to my sons medical needs. Now I've got to really put my nose to the grinding stone and get me some deals under my belt this month. I wasn't going to post anything on the forum again until I actually made a deal happen, but I've changed my mind about that. I think it's always good to keep in touch with everyone here in one way or the other. So now I go forth to prosper for ever more.
Bryant Slade
Hope every thing went well for you and your son. Glad to have you back where you can be motivated to get back at it. This is the place where we can inspire each other to take the next step. Good luck and keep us posted with your progress.
yes get back in it bryant,as advocate said this site is a MOTIVATOR for us all.hope your son is doing well!! keep at it and STAY excited and take action!!good luck to you bryant!!
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Glad to hear everything is going well and you are back in the game. There are so many opportunities I am sure you will be able to jump back into action. Good luck on all your deals. Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
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Joe Jurek CPA