When you're looking to get a mortgage loan, you may work with a loan officer or you may choose to work with a mortgage broker. People often confuse the two job types even though both will glean the same results: a new home. However, it is important to understand the difference between the two types of jobs so you know what to expect from them during the mortgage application process.
A mortgage broker is an individual or firm that acts as an independent agent for both the borrower and the lender of a mortgage loan.
Mortgage brokers are the middle man between you and the lending institution, which can be a bank, trust company, credit union, mortgage corporation, finance company or even an individual private investor. A mortgage broker will analyze your financial situation to determine which lender is the best fit for your loan needs. He or she will submit your mortgage application to one or more lenders in order to sell it, and works with the chosen lender until the loan closes. He or she receives a commission from the borrower if the loan closes.
A loan officer is a representative of a lending institution, such as a bank, who works to sell and process mortgages and other loans originated by their employer. They often have a wide variety of loans types to draw from, but all originate from that specific lender.
Also known as a loan representative or account executive, loan officers represent the borrower to the lending institution and will guide him or her through the selection, processing and closing of mortgage loan. Loan officers can be paid a commission or salary for their services.
Any idea on which one to go with?
Zellner Inc
See it big Keep it simple
Thanks for the post and the information on a mortgage broker vs. a loan officer. The best choice may be who can offer you the best deal. In today's market some banks are not loaning as they use to so a mortagge broker can shop around to several banks and may be able to offer more options. It may depend on what are the choices in your local area. You will receive a good faith estimate to try to dtermine the cost for getting the mortgage such as points paid, origination fees, etc. Thus, shop and compare and keep your options open. Good luck with REI. Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
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Joe Jurek CPA
Thanks for the clarification. It is important to know who's working for who. Continued success............Lubertha
I was really confused it first but after I reading Dean's I found my answer.
Zellner Inc
See it big Keep it simple