Hi everyone! So as the title says I am a noobie! However I have been studying real estate investing for a few years now, and have tried to do things before and got slammed down lol.
Although now I have the opportunity to take the course from Dean Graziosi and that is how I found this website. So I am reading the 30 days to real estate cash book about wholesaling and have been taking action on calling agents and such.
I felt like I was lying because I don't know any investors, I don't have cash behind me and all I have to do is find a property, I don't have money myself, that is why I am starting out wholesaling!
Some weren't as helpful as others lol, although I probably didn't sound like I knew what I was talking about. Any advice for a new person taking action like me? I live in AZ so if anyone reads this that is in the area and would like to meet I would love that!
What to say? How to say it? How to better take control of the conversation? How can I better feel about what I am saying about wanting to look and buy houses?
Thanks for all the help!
Fill out your bio it is vital and start a journal.... Pace yourself and follow the advice given in the 30 days book and you will be well on your way.....
Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.
Our Heart's Desire must be nurtured by our mind,to give birth to common sense, that will enable us to seek out the path less traveled, with the greatest Personal Growth. -J.R.-