Hello, can anyone route me to the right forum or perhaps advice me how to find investors who are willing to pay a finders fee? Also, how can I approach the investor(s) once I've located them. Would it be appropriate to send them an e-mail, or a letter via mail offering my assistance to locate their properties? I want to start builing up an investor list so that I know who to contact when I find a good deal! Eventually I can buy the properties myself, but fist I must built a capital, RIGHT?. Does this approach seem logical and realistic? Or does anyone have a better and faster way to get there? LOL. Let me know. Thanks.
Im a newbie myself,but from what i have read you are on the right track.You must look in the weekend classifieds where you see ad's that say."i buy homes,homes wanted etc..They usually are investors.Just ask them what type of homes they are looking for(price range,description and start searching.Once you find their home)negotiate with the seller to try and lower the price below market so you can make it attractive to the potential buyer and make a profit for your hard searching. LOL.Then you can put in the contract to have a reassign clause.Once you line it all up make the deal happen.Hope this helps.
Thanks for your prompt reply. Now, does anyone have link or copy of a letter that they have previously sent to an investor offering their services so that I can use it as a backbone to draft my own? Thanks.
Cant say i do,but i just listened to the confrence call from 12/9/08 and i believe dean touch's on this subject.If not keep navigating through the site because there is related questions.Always have a list of questions ready for the potential investor.Be organized and have very direct questions(price point?,description he is looking for?,and dont be afraid to tell him or her you are looking to make a referral fee and you are a up and coming investor.If your honest and true.You will reap rewards in the end.
You may want to look in the classified Ads section, under Services.
to answer your questions, go to the "active forums" part of the website and hit "more". scroll down to the "marketing to buyers and sellers" forum and select it. From there start reading all the 887 post regarding building a buyer and sellers list. Hope that helps my friend.
Your resident ninja
- The Copy Ninja
Cash Flow Financial Solutions, LLC
a subsidiary of Halo Enterprise Inc.
"Make a distinction between being interested and being committed. When you are interested in doing something, you do it only when it’s convenient. When you are committed you follow through – no matter what – no excuses. – Mike Krzyzewski , Duke Blue Devils
Go to www.craigslist.org and put an AD in the real estate section like this.....
Here's my ad....I found SEVERAL the first week or so.
Title : INVESTORS.......assignments?
"Hi.....I am always looking for the latest deals in the valley and may come across a CRAZY deal that you could invest in. Sometimes I come across a deal that I myself am not ready to fund, but maybe YOU are !!! I have the skills...If you have the CASH. Let me find YOU the best deals I can and present them to you with a Bow on them. I will lock them in....and you will get the great buys without the footwork. Call me and let me know what I can find you.
Call Sam
Northwest Investments
BUILD your knowledge base....it is your ARSENAL to wage war against disbelief and the negativity of the status quo. You need your weapons......It's your choice whether you carry them or not.
Build Relationships and open the door to opportunities that could once only be dreamed of......never take those relationships for granted.
Don't let EXCUSES be the nails that keep you INSIDE the box.
Nice answer i learned from it myself.Way to step up and share your info.This site is amazing.Thank you,
I appreciate you guys giving me some really good info. You are right Joel, this site is awsome!!!!!!!!!
You can also try posting in the Local Networking board on here. In fact, I did just that and got 3 replies from investors who I am working with currently.
Good luck!
P.S.: Northwest that's a pretty good ad there, I'll have to try something similar.
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