Do YOU Believe In YOU?

Do YOU Believe In YOU?

I have a great opportunity everyday to talk to many of you. To be able to rub shoulders with others who desire to improve their own lives by taking personal control. It is inspirational to listen to your success stories and to know that so many are out improving their personal situations.

However, at times I come across someone who appears to have lost all hope. They are simply going through the motions. They seem to not believe in themselves. They seem to have lost all hope.

The DG family is large and always has someone who understands your particular problem. Use this forum to reach out. There is power in working with others. help is available. When YOU feel good about YOU the possibilities are endless.


Roy Voeks
Official RE Coach

your thoughts

Iam a can do guy and have been working and average of 6-12 hrs a day on this investing ( mostly 12 hrs) and I will not be denied, this is another Matt Larsons in the making with out any competion what so ever just his work ethics, had them all my life and for now sleeping out of my truck to get there( oh how nice a bed will feel once again!!!!!!) but you have to do what you have to do and have the biggest "why" in your life and it truely is making a better man out of me and for that purpose I do what I do, how bad do the rest of you want to be successful in this and how big are your "why", "see you at the top"( ole Sig Siggler)the view is better and for one light the sun shine and love to fly with the Eagles, Jim



words missed spelled

That word for light was "Like", sorry fellow investors, Jim




Very well said and we do have to belive in our self and believe we can do it, move forward take a chance

Believe in yourself

I do believe in myself, but it seems like you get ready to take a step and then
life tries to suck you in. The next day you get going and you say I got it, and ten you say it is something else missing. I know that I won't understand it all before I get started but you do need to know what you are talking about.

God Bless
Bertha Coleman

Belief in self is critical

I think you're right on point Roy. If I don't believe I can do this and be successful at it, then it will be very difficult for others to believe that about me too. Not saying that we need others approval to be successful, we just need to have that quiet confidence to know I will make it in this business. My biggest ENEMY is my INNER ME. And sometimes we newbies can be afraid to ask for help for whatever reason we tell ourselves. But what I have found to be true is that this community of like minded people are here for one another. Each of us have to start, or have started somewhere, and others have helped them along the way. Being humble enough to ask questions for advice is important. It not only helps us along the way, but it also helps build our confidence in that fact that we can be just as successful as others on this site. Thanks for the encouraging words Roy.

Corey V

Do YOU Believe In YOU?


Thanks for reminding us that surrounding ourselves with like minded individuals will help us to remember that we always have the DG Family to count on in difficult times.

Stay Focused

Do YOU Believe In YOU?

These are truly important concerns that all people have.

All I know is that we MUST persevere and use all of the tools that Dan's books and tools have to offer.

There is NO OTHER OPTION if you want to be successful at this Real Estate Investing Career.

I too am having some difficulties, but I refuse to let ANYTHING prevent me from accomplishing my goal.

Think about this scenario:

If I don't, I will have what I have always had.

If I DO, I will move forward towards realizing my magnificent dream.

Think about the reasons why you want to accomplish this goal...

Hopefully, you have some seriously positive reasons why you want to be successful.
If you don't, then you need to seriously consider why you are interjecting yourself in the Real Estate Investing game.

I know that if you really search your dreams, you will find that you want to accomplish goals beyond even your wildest imagination.

That is why we get on this roller coaster ride.

Well, those are the stakes.... so will you step up or will you fold?

Stay Focused

Great message Roy. It is so

Great message Roy. It is so true. When you believe in yourself it comes through in everything you do especially in your communications with others. You will be more confident and self assured.

There isn't anyone out there that cannot do real estate deals. Quite often it boils down to believing in yourself and taking the action to get it done.



"Faith is the eternal elixir which gives life, power, and action to the impulse of thought.

"Faith is the starting point of all accumulation of riches!"

- Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich