Let's make it happen!

Let's make it happen!

I'm looking for a "workout partner", someone that I can call (vice versa) daily/weekly to push eachother to make real estate investing work! WE DONT HAVE MUCH TIME.

I don't have enough money for coaching or Insider Elite. In my area in Denver, everyone seems to just be in competition with eachother which is frustrating when you're alone without a partner. I do have enough to make this work. Money for bandit signs, time, contracts, etc. and that's it. And have learned a ton from friends and one coach I had a bit ago. Time flies and I'm not letting it pass me again this year and if you want to be my "workout partner" WE will make time our new friend!

PM and lets network to motivate eachother to get deals done in our areas.


Adam M.


Adam Macias