What is the Key to success?
It's a filthy, nasty vulgar, obscene, dirty word that makes people get really uncomfortable.
The word?
And keep this in mind.......
The only place the "success" comes before "work" is in a dictionary.
Hard work will create success.
Get out there and "Plan Your Work",,,, and "Work Your Plan"
Happy investing!
Matt W.
I speak to people all over the country daily who are doing Dean's programs. Some call and are sad because they haven't made a deal yet. I take time with them to see if I can figure out why they haven't made it happen. Invariably it is because they haven't put in the time and effort to achieve success. Conversely, I speak with people who are making money in the program. I ask them why they feel that they are successful. You guessed it, they work long and hard to get to where they are at. They tell me that it didn't happen over night, they had to work and work and work, but now they are enjoying the benefits of their labors. You can be successful too, if you work hard.