

What is putting a house under contract. What am I saying to the seller. How long should I ask for where is my profit made. Looking for some direction or find out want am stating to do. Someone please advise. Otto Lucky



Putting a house under contract consist of what ????

Need some advice on what to say or ask for when filling out contract form. For putting property under contract.




this website.


I suggest you read 30 days to real estate cash & follow that its downloadable here for free, ok. thats first things first.



Go faster do more! GFDM!

getting a house under contract

First - I totally agree with the other comments above. Refer to Dean's book 30Days...

and 2nd find a real estate agent to do this for you. they will know exactly what to do.
the First thing you need to do is put in an offer
- again have your real estate agent do this for you.
You just need to tell the agent what price you want to offer and any special terms - for example make sure the offer has an inspection contingency clause (see Dean's book for details on this)

If the offer gets accepted by the seller - then you will have a property "under contract" meaning the seller cannot sell it to anyone else. You put it under contract once the offer to purchase(buyer=you) is accepted(seller).


- think about what if? - and what is possible rather what is not Smiling
- Kevin

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Putting a house under contract consist of what ????

Thank you I am reading 30 days been on board for week going on two will following directions. Time to read.



Putting a house under contract consist of what ????

O.K will do thank you



yes good stuff

i also agree with my friend above about getting an agent, very important, also you will see in book you must have at least a few buyers say about 10 to get started actually 20 to be safe. then also buy bandit signs(follow the book) but get signs & make them out & go put them out.

You will have a deal soon if you follow the instructions. also watch motivational videos every morn for a half hr or so, just type that in youtube motivational videos & you will start to see a change, I am seeing it. I'ts 80% mindset & 20% the real estate techniques, so we have to change our thinking. we need positive thinking.



Go faster do more! GFDM!

Erhab contract

Hi it's Gary I'M Looking for a rehab contract that I could use in business
Can somebody please help or send me to the side. THANK YOU

email me at SouthernStarDevelopment @****