Writing up a contract for a real estate offer can be intimidating for many people. They feel as if they will make a mistake that will come back and bite them. Let's see if we can take away some of that fear.
If you are working with an agent then she will have state approved contracts to fill out. If you are making offers without an agent you can use the forms on this website located under forms and docs.
Read you contract FULLY a few times so that you know exactly what it says. Filling in the blanks is usually pretty easy if you understand the contract. Have your agent fill the first few out with you. With time you can have an agent fill out all of your contracts.
Also, use the coaches and other members of the DG family. Good luck to all of you.
Roy Voeks
Official RE Coach
I'm looking for a good and simple assignment contract for both ends of the deal can I find that on this site? Thanks Rich
yes Rich ,on the left side of this website under STUDENT RESOURCES
then under FORMS AND DOCS -you will find the purchase agreement contract AND the assignment contract
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great advice coach Roy !! i would add that when you have the fear of contracts ......just like all of us when we begin....it is NORMAL and DO NOT WORRY as coach says ...the agent has what you need and also your attorney has them all drawn up for you once you tell them what way you want to proceed with a deal.For instatnce if you call your attorney up and say ....this is Jay and i want to sell on land contract this 3 bedroom house on 2nd street in brushton ny to joe smith for 50,000,they will fill in all the blanks for you and take care of all the paperwork !! they may just need additional info like yours and the sellers address and social security # but THEY handle the contract
) no worries !!! BUT...... as coach says....READ it and get familiar with it !!
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