power of attorney form

power of attorney form

i need to know where to get a power of attorney form. The one in our student resources reads"limited power of attorney.It do not give me the power to sale the property if i am reading it right.I hope i am putting this request in the proper site.I am still a newbie trying to learn the sites we have for help. Thanks again!!


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Limited Real Estate Power of Attorney

I/We ________________________________________ do hereby certify that I/We am/are the buyer(s)
of the property located at:

And I/We, hereby authorize__________________________________ to act on my/our behalf at the closing of the above real estate and to sign any and all necessary documents at said closing on my/our behalf.



State of __________________________________________

County of_________________________________________

Sworn to and subscribed before me, a Notary Public, for the State of _______________County of______________

This _______ day of ______________________________________________ 20_________

Notary Public

My Commission Expires: This _____day of ___________________, 20 ______


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Power Of Attorney

i saw that power of attorney in the student resousces,however my question is will that one work being that the property is already bought and the owner is willing to give me power of attorney to do whatever i choose with it.There is no closing.Nevertheless,i thank you for responding to me.Is it possible for you and i to talk with each other?I would follow a mentor very well and be ever so appreciative.My name is James and thanks once again.

power of attorney

Hi Mike thanks for sharing, wishing you the very best, Jim



edit/change this form

to fit the situation.

James send me a PM with contact info.

Jim (jbishoff) you are welcome - I try to SHARE and GIVE to HELP everyone.

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Best Wishes,


https://tvallc.isrefer.com/go/RehabLite/renvestr/ Free tools