Help!!! Little Rock home potential 40% off FMV

Help!!! Little Rock home potential 40% off FMV

A $68,000 FMV home willing to go for almost half that.

Now with that out the way,

I found this home in my state where seems to be a great deal. I noticed that this house has been up for sale a few months now. The newest ad I saw said he was willing to sell it for almost half its FMV.

I nearly fell out of my chair! Even though excited, I calmed down and wondered why it hasn't sold yet even when the sales price was around $40k-$50k.

I know the area a little bit. It's not the best crime-free zone, but there are houses in decent shape and located near three schools.

So, I contacted the owner. He said he had to relocate out of state; the house is vacant. The home needs only cosmetic upgrades, nothing major.He wants me to check out the house, present an offer, and his mortgage company will finalize everything.

I'm nervous because it sounds good, but the house may not pan out. However, I figured I may have an okay deal since the owner sounds really motivated. I want to assign it someone (seasoned investors you can help if you feel like it). Or at least, I want to do is birddog it to some "We Buy Houses" companies.

Any advice?


I can do all things . . .

Get Great Cash Flow Properties w/ 10-25% return possible! ! !

Lock it up and assign the

Lock it up and assign the deal!