Starting New & Fresh & asking Questions Before Selling my Properties

Starting New & Fresh & asking Questions Before Selling my Properties

Ok so I haven't been on here in A while & I haven't done any deal's or money , & Its A good thing for me because it has given me time to Figure things out , How I would like to do things & not Just jump my butt into something & not take the time to search things & do everything totally different then before .

So Here's what I'm Doing Now

Looking up Properties & Cash Buyers/Motivated Cash Buyers .

Stuff that will help me sell my Homes Such as Postcards , Bandt Signs & Ad's & More that are Low cost ,Cheap Or even Free .

I've found "WE BUY HOMES" websites A lot actually but In the past I've notice that Some do not want to Buy If they know you're Properties are under Contract so I'm thinking of Just Asking them Questions Before I put My Homes up & ask for A Offer that away it'll give me time to Search else were for Buyers whom are Interested in Buying .

I Got my Funding Sources & all Including Escrow Company , But I'm wondering if I could find Funding for Businesses Start up Cash I'll have to look into that more .

So I'm starting Over , starting Fresh with A New Way of Doing Business & selling Homes & I think it'll Work .


Put the homes under

Put the homes under contract. Check the link below for the OFFER FORMULA and make sure you add in the profit for your end buyer if your going to be assigning it. If you have something under contract that someone can make a 20%-40% profit then it well sell.

Offer Formula