I have been out of the loop for a while, where do I start.

I have been out of the loop for a while, where do I start.

My father was sick while I was starting my business and my father died and I never got in a rythm. What do I do to get started. I hae a LLC and I recertified it with the state so what do I do now. I just need a start point. I also still have a good contact list but don't know what to do with it.


William Pooler SR

Sorry to hear about your

Sorry to hear about your fathers passing Will... Since you already have a strong buyers list, you will need a real estate agent that has worked with investors. Do two separate searches on Google for Keller Willams and ReMax real estate agents in your area (maybe 10 to 15 or more). Call each office asking to speak with the receptionist (first). You should ask the receptionist for real estate agents who are investor friendly. Tell each REA that you are an REI and you are looking to do a buy fix and sell and make a profit of 25,000 to 35,000 dollars...where do I have to be to achieve that? (say this regardless of your strategy or the actual price of the property...the price isn't the issue your just looking for an REA that knows where those kind of deals are). If they say "Will, you know you can't do that. Haven't you seen the news? Thank them for there time, hang up and go to the next one (rinse and repeat). Don't waste any of your time trying to convince them of otherwise. Don't stop until you find an agent that knows where those deals are. When you find your real estate agent ask him or her for a list of cash solds in your target area for the last 90 days (you can find more cash buyers this way, but you also don't need a lot of buyers) tell them you want to find out what the market is doing for the cash buyers. Your REA can also lead you to the rest of you power team (mortgage broker, real estate attorney etc.). Keep in touch with your buyers and market to motivated sellers with properties that fall under their criteria. If you haven't already done this, I would also join your local REIA (real estate investors association). Do something everyday for your business...write down all your daily activities and goals.

Oh yeah,...come back and

Oh yeah,...come back and listen to these conference calls on DG.com especially the one from 3/1/2011 with Dean Graziosi and Matt Larson. It's a free source with a wealth of info.



my sincere condolences on your father's passing...

I highly recommend reading DG's book "Totally Fulfilled"; great book that will help you put everything in perspective, and achieve success from within.

wishing you great success,




“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss

"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown

My journal: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/59110/...

Were to start???

You may first want to consider what you are trying to accomplish and what tool or resources you bring. If you have money and credit, look for deals you can buy cheap and hold onto them for rental income, or sell off to make a lump sum of money.

If you don't have money or credit, look into the "no money down" techniques like Assignment of Contract or Double Close. There's a ton of info on this site that will teach you how to do both.

Just a heads up, there are 4 basic steps you will need to work on for both.
1. Build a buyers list
2. Find an investor friendly Realtor
3. Only work with HIGHLY MOTIVATED sellers
4. Make written offers on houses
You can also learn how to do each of these effectively from this site. The DG Family Rocks!

Wish you well.


If you would like the chance to work with me or one of my fellow real estate investor coaches and our advanced training programs, give us a call anytime to see if Dean's Real Estate Success Academy and our customized curriculum is a fit for you. Call us at 1-877-219-1474 ext. 125

i agree

Building ur buyers list is the key to no-money down techniques. Go to a local real estate auction in ur area and walk up to the winner of the auction and introduce yourself and say u have a revolutionary marketing system where u can find deals at dirt cheap prices and tell them i dont mean to waste ur time can i ask u a few ?s. Then get their property criteria which would include property type, location, price range, equity, and do u have cash? What were ur last 2 deals like? Then thank them for their time and tell them u wont contact them until u find a deal that fits ur criteria. U mcould also use this script at an rei meeting also or use it when mtalking on the phone to an investor or cash buyer