I'm not sure if this is 100% legit, but some of the basic facts I've looked at seem to check out, and frankly I wouldn't be surprised if what he's saying is true.
Fast forward the video to 2 minutes to skip the intro. Basically the guy found the vid recorded it because he felt it would be censored soon and it was. So he posts the original.
Basically the premise of this is that failed banks which were purchased by the FDIC were bought up by larger institutions in this case the example is IndiMac bank was bought up by OneWest Bank. Apparently according to this source all mortgages were bought at 70% of the value, and all HELOCs were purchased at 58% of the value and then the FDIC would cover 80-95% of the losses brought on by a short sale or a foreclosure.
The loss would be calculated using the original loan balance.
If these numbers and claims are true then I guess it would make short sales or buying REOS of loans of the failed banks that were bought up extremely easy to do since pretty much any offer gives the bank a profit.
Honestly though this is ridiculous if the tax-payer is really paying the big banks that much money, but I guess if we don't take the deals someone else will. Let me know what you guys think and if all this info is legitimate or not. Just thought I would share.
Like I said not sure if it's true or not, just posting to verify and if so to find out what you guys think and what can be done.
Bottom Line, here, is the fact that the Banks had all this setup waaay in advance. The entire Depression Event was "scripted" ... and it was totally approved by the BIS thru the World Bank, since even Europe has been involved with the Derivatives Scandal and the process you mention above with Wall Street being in the act for the last 5 years, at least.
Nothing THIS LARGE happens without the Rothschild's approval. They own 56% of the Stock in BIS. And, the World Bank takes their marching orders from BIS. The FED takes theirs from the World Bank. I'm glossing over a whole bunch of this stuff. But, you get the idea.
When I say scripted - understand that you must have read up on the "Fractional Banking System" that is the basis of The Federal Reserve. The Boom & Bust Cycle(s) are a constant part of this FBS. This Depression we are in, is almost an exact copy of the 1929 Crash. Only the catalyst has changed.
Back in 2006, Porter Stansberry had a Weekly Email that discussed that a faction of Ultra-Billionaires had put together what Wall Street calls a PUT on the FANNIE/FREDDIE/AIG situation. And, I think most of you are well aware of the nonsense going on inside AIG. These un-named Investors were pulling the same stunt that John D Rockefeller and JP Morgan, etc., pulled during the 1929 Crash. Since they were in charge of the event, they knew in advance how to manage the event for extreme profits. The overall sum Porter mentions was around $400-800 Billion. On which, they made TRILLIONS .. and these Investors are from around the Globe. Yes, Soros was a major player. As was Warren Buffett, amongst others. Porter Stansberry was very explicit about it. He tried to warn his Investors, so they could grab a ride on that Train, or pull out and save their losses.... unknown how many were saved.
While I am not in the Wall Street Industry .. one doesn't need to be an Expert to understand the mechanics of it all. Thei Depression was scripted to return America's Wealth back to Britain... and on a Financial(Banking)Level ... return America to Colonial Status as far as where the World's Wealth was based. It's called the Anglo-American Agenda. And, America is being used as the Union Thug with the Banking B$ we've been witness to.
How does this all this affect Dean's Students?
The never-ending changes in the Banking Rules, by which any of us will get funding for our DEALS.
Hopefully, Dean will always be toe-to-toe with these changes and help keep us all on point.
There's Always Room For 1 More PackerFan.
Now, there's always room for one more real estate deal....
I watched the YouTube Video, which is what made me post my rather long diatribe. I have links to other somewhat famous Documentaries, as well.
The thing I noticed, was how many other related videos there were to watch, on the rightside column. Everyone should review those, as well.
There's Always Room For 1 More PackerFan.
Now, there's always room for one more real estate deal....