We are Looking for Partners to Share Our SFL System & Create a Team

We are Looking for Partners to Share Our SFL System & Create a Team

Jill & I purchased the SFL System & have not really used it yet since we have rehabbing another property.
What we are looking to do is find partners that are very computer savvy to help set up & use the SFL System
to wholesale properties. We have paid for the system & are not looking to split the cost of it, just to split
profits on RE deals. Please PM us if interested. Thanks, Gary


SFL System

This opportunity is for motivated people, even if you have never did a deal yet or couldn't afford the SFL System, don't worry ... you just need to be computer savvy so you can navigate the system. Thanks again, Gary

I am motivated and computer

I am motivated and computer savvy. Does SFL work for the Mac? I use a Mac, but I am familiar with PC (I just dont own a PC anymore) I also PMed you.


Together, we can be successful!

sfl system

Hello Gc I use to have my own pc business while overseas and gave it up when I moved back to the u.s and I know quite a bit about configuring computer, problem solving including windows and the less known system to normal users call Linux as well. I still build computers for people I know and myself as well and have installed and setup all kinds of software for computers as well so maybe I can help in getting sfl setup for you and get things going to see all what sfl can do. Just pm and let me know if interested.



Hey guys I'm a newebie what is a sfl?


SFL is also known as the Set for Life system that Dean came out with in August. You can find a few Video blogs about it.

gceriani I am currently investing in Kansas City and Chicago area with my partner investorinmissouri. I am also very computer savvy, but where are you planning in investing in? And what kind of help do you need with SFL? My partner and I might be interested in partnering with you guys for a few deals if you're looking to expand or if we are eventually. PM me your email and we can chat over that if you want.



Are you new? Check out my NEW and IMPROVED Guide for Beginners! http://deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/everything-else/128413/domini...


Thanks to all who have responded by PM, it looks like we just might be able to put an awesome team together. I will be in contract soon. Thanks again for all the help.


sounds good!


Together, we can be successful!

Hi Gary and Jill

I am currently living in the Hampton Roads area of Virginia and would like to partner up with the 2 of you on your wholesaling properties.

Please be in touch,


"All Your Dreams Can Come True If You Have The Courage To Pursue Them" Walt Disney
