I first start with Thank you Dean Graziosi for your Books & just showing us all how its really done in Real Estate & thanks to my DG Family I Love you all & thanks for Continuing to Help one another.
The other Night I wrote about buying Land & Developing them into Homes & doing assignment deals as well .
well this morning I wroke up did some E-mails to 2 agents on land & property with Good responds from Both.
With The Assignments Will be A Piece Of Cake they're only asking for ( POF Letter ) to start with & then we can move forward with doing A Assignment .
The Othe Agent replied Back upon me Buying the Land I love In Malibu,CA He told me I Needed The Following
1. C.A.R. Form's ( California Association Realtor Forms)
2. A POF Letter for the Amount I Offered to buy The Land.
3. State Of Malibu,CA Building Permit
with addition to Not Including I'm going to Need
1. A Home Building Company ( For Building My Homes )
2. Money to Build Homes
Maybe I Can get A Loan or Something to Pay for Building My Homes on my Own Land For Sale .
But I'm hard at Work in getting Both Land Deal & Assignment Deal Locked up & Done This may take longer For the land cause I'm having to Get C.A.R Forms , & A Permit to Build in Malibu,CA First .
But I'm Happy I'm going into This & I'm thinking If I ca pull the Land & Building my own Homes to Sale Thats A Major Start in Becoming A Real Estate Investor as well as A having A Job that I can do from Home & Just feel Good at what I do .
So I'm Hard at Work I'll Give you all A Update on Everything After I'm done .
Have you have built spec homes before ? And if so, do you think this is the type of market for building ? Jill & I did a few spec homes when things were good, & we did very well from a profit stand point but most of our local builders have either gone out of business or are just doing home repairs, rehabs, additions, etc. With so many homes in short sale or foreclosure, the cost of rehabbing is still much cheaper than the cost per square foot to builder from scratch ... be careful.
You can order them online, they are somewhat expensive. http://store.car.org/ It is not a law that forms in CA be used for an offer, is there a reason he needs it on the C.A.R. form? (If he insists thats the only form allowed, he is incorrect); but I bought the smallest package so I had some on hand just in case.
I have 8 lots of land and I'm considering building a lot I have in PA I'm having trouble selling and then selling the home instead of just the land. Have you researched building costs, permit costs, foundation costs or other horizontal costs (such as underground utilities) that is needed to start?
well with this Buying Land its not going to be easy nor is it A overnight thing It may take me 2-3 years to get everything started . but I'm determend to succeed.