When submitting offers to real estate agents for properties, is it better to have your real estate agent put in these offers or is it alright to put them in yourself?
When submitting offers to real estate agents for properties, is it better to have your real estate agent put in these offers or is it alright to put them in yourself?
Welcome to the DG website. If the property is a For Sale By Owner, you can submit offers to the owners yourself. If you are looking at submitting an offer on a listed proeprty that has been listed by a real estate agent, it is better to have your real estate agent present or submit the offer.
When looking at properties in a target market area, it is always beneficial to have your real estate agent "run comps" for similar properties that have sold in the same area during the past 6 months. This can help you determine market value and determine what you desire to offer on a given property. Good luck with real estate investing. Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
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Joe Jurek CPA