Newbie would like to know what is the best foreclosure to invest in?

Newbie would like to know what is the best foreclosure to invest in?

Preforclosure,reo....etc. What would the best way purchasing it? If it is preforeclosure, would I purchase the equity? What is the best method? I have no cash and no credit so this might be default for me but I know there is something I can do without using cash and credit.

Many thanks


Lots of methods, pick your Niche

There's a lot of ways to get in with no money or credit. I know your looking for a fast answer, but the strategy you choose to go, you have to study it and take never ending action until you land the deal. That's it...
To get into Real Estate in my opinion is studying the different methods and train your mind on being confident. You have to carry yourself with confidence or no one will deed you there house or do a lease option with you, ect.
50% is a mind set & 50% is the knowledge of how to approach people and how you carry yourself.
Study wealthy people and all there stories lead to never giving up and proceeding no matter what.
NOTE: You will never buy a house, if you don't have offers going in...
Whether its using a Realtor or you making offers direct to Home Owners.
So study & make some offers.
Good Luck!


Jason S.
San Diego, CA.
**All CASH House Buyer!**
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