Hello DG community is it common for a Realtor to charge and investor a "retainer fee" and Buyers Broker agreement?
What success has anyone had with "NO MONEY DOWN" Foreclosure and pre- Foreclosure Purchases?
What is the best strategy for closing on the above type of properties?
I realise times are tough out there for every one but I have never herd of a REA charging a retainer I dont think it would be eleagle but But I never would pay one I personally would just move on
I have bought several propertys for NOMD but never a forcloser.So I cant give any advice on that subject but there are others that will be able to answer that Question.
Bill How did you structure the NOMD deals and what did you do with them when you acquired them?
In my area of the country this is not common. I believe there are many "hungry" realtors out there that would not require this. You want to ensure you find someone that you can establish a good business relationship and work with. The more you search for a good real estate agent the more you may find. Also ask other investors in your area for referrals and see whose name may be coming up.
In regards to no money down foreclosures, try working with small local banks that have REOs. They may entertain 100% financing on an REO they own. As long as you have positive cash flow and the numbers make sense it could be a deal in the making. Good luck with real estate investing. Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
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Joe Jurek CPA