Which Book Cover Do You Like The Best?

Cover 1
16% (221 votes)
Cover 2
6% (83 votes)
Cover 3
14% (193 votes)
Cover 4
18% (241 votes)
Cover 5
10% (139 votes)
Cover 6
36% (495 votes)
Total votes: 1372

Book Cover

Thank you Dean for sharing your wisdom with us again. I like cover number 4 because it makes the
book look like it is on fire with information.

Cover #5

kilthau's picture

Nice and clean Dean. Sort of jumps out at you like all your material. Thanks for staying a step ahead and doing the things others don't!

LOL Hey Dean Cover 6

GBU Ventures HQ's picture

I Love cover six better...

I can't wait for your new book Dean can't wait

I voted for 5

cunchis1's picture

I think cover 5 is pretty straight foward and non pretentious. People want to see something that straight foward, we don't have time to beat around the bush, so to speak. Anyway, they are all great covers, but I like No. 5 the best.


Mario Macias


I voted for #1. It is very spicy and attention grabber. Real Estate is not black and white, nor is it bland. It grabs a hold of you, and no matter what happens, it keeps you in it's grip.
That's what i see with the #1 book cover with the orange/red /yellow colors. kinda firey hot and grabs your attention.

which ever cover is chosen, I can't wait to get one. And it's interesting that the subject title is what the majority of us students have been wondering. HOW CAN IT WORK IN MY AREA???
Dean really does listen!!!!

Cover 1 / marketing

Jason@RealSolutions.Me's picture

Cover 1 catches the eye best, Your Town in bright sun, or Red would catch a bit more.

Cover #1

Looks like another homerun book for sure! Cover #1 does it for me. Very professional and as usual you clean up pretty good! Best regards, LJV

Hey Dean, Thanks for asking

ccortez's picture

Hey Dean,
Thanks for asking our opinion. I feel priviledged. I really liked no.1 the "fire" look, but I voted for no.3 Profits is money earned, and no.3 is the COLOR OF MONEY.



started with #4 but in the end blue is my favorite color. feels more classy

I Voted For #6

veryinterested's picture

All the covers are cool but #6 looks fantastic and i would be honered if you sent a book to me.

Bob Ross


farscapeprincess's picture

I voted #2 because I think it the words "Your Town" written on the ruled lines such as in a note book connects/flows with Learned and Students. Smiling
Cover 7 came in a close 2nd for me, too and I see that a lot of people voted for that one.

Can't wait to read this book. It's very much needed and wanted.

Cover #1

I voted for cover #1 because the cover made the book look exciting to read and folks would want to buy it. It also made Dean's teeth look very white. So many of us love the color blue because it is so relaxing and soothing, therefore cover blue should rack up a lot of votes. But, hey we want to sell books - go for the yellow/orange look. Thanks for all your information Dean. You are an inspiration. I first purchased your books in April, 2008 and read them cover to cover and then some. This just happens to be my first blog. Blessings 2 U.
Kathy V.

Book Cover

Cover #4 Really stands out and grabs your attention. The color the lettering, all says professional, buy me!

Cover # 6

I was torn between #1 and #6 but I think I'll go with the clean and classy look. Good luck with your new book Dean, I know it will be awesome...can't wait to read it.

book cover

I don't post too often Dean but I thought I owed it to you since you are calling it our cover. Although the yellow to orange really jumps at you, I have to vote for #6. It has a very sincere look to it and I know I am not alone in stating that I feel that you are very sincere about all of the help you supply us with.


willowme's picture

I didn't go with my favorite color even though that was my first instinct. I went for what I thought would make me pick it up and buy it. The bottome line is what will accomplish the goal, wich in this case is to sell your book.

I'm looking forward to reading what you have to say about the southern California market. I've been so frustrated that I'm looking into other parts of the country. Houses here are out of my budget.

I chose #6

grady corbin's picture

Hard choices, but smart and savvy are the colors, background, etc. on #6 Just glad you chose to include your own award-winning smile
as the cover; the positivity keeps beaming through to me and for me everytime we see that smile.
thanks so much for changing my life
Grady Corbin


I like #4--it is bright and bold.

cover # 2

i think the dark green brings you out more....makes you stand out....plus green is my favorite color


Jay Sthilaire's picture

hi dean thanks for including us in your decision on your next books cover .awesome to be a part of it.i am excited to get it and learn more of your teachings. I LIKE #3 because it is also staying with the think a little different color which i personally like!!

Thank you so much Dean for

luvmylife1010's picture

Thank you so much Dean for sharing your knowledge and for being a very real and helpful person. I'm excited to read the new book! I chose #3 for the cover because I felt it was really well balanced. The green makes your complexion come alive, and the color yellow promotes productivity.


Lets go Green!

Though the others are just as great, I chose the 3rd one because it was lighter, softer and makes you look...people and environmentally friendly.

book cover

No image pops up. Only the options on the right side. Triedseveral times.

desire to vote!


I want to cast my vote but I can't see a picture of any of the covers. what am i doing wrong?

Steven M.

Book Cover

Glennda's picture

I had to go with #4 as it seemed to catch my eye a bit more than #6, But I did like the blue as well.
Have a great day!

what did you do that I didn't?


I can't get an image on my computer. How did you get it?

Steven M.

Book Covers not showing just the comments

Glennda's picture

Hi Steven M.
I had to try several times, I had to go to different pages then went back and I then could see the covers when I scrolled down the page. The first time I tried all I could see was the comments that people had posted? Good luck.

Cover #6

I like the Blue cover

Cover #3

granny4010's picture

Anything that mimicks John Deere Green and Yellow gets my vote!!!! Dean I think all of this excitment going on in all that you do for everyone is making u younger:) BTW in Oct I am going to LA to a seminar and Sir Richard Branson is the keynote speaker as well as some of your other buddies from the 25K club wish u were speaking also that would of really made the trip worthwhile.

Book Cover # 6

dqteeter's picture

Blue is you Dean

Dean Teeter
Rochester, NY