For some reason, all the looking I do and everything else, no results comes of it. I look every morning faithfully at bokrin, backpage, craigslist, and even my own newspaper but this small town (pop 20 thousand) is just pathetic. At times like these, I wish I was in Houston, able to really look at such a wide playing feild.
And you want to know the sad thing? I am real serious about investing. Heck, I'm even in coaching right now to help me through, but I don't call or anything like that because there is nothing to help me through with right now. I just don't know sometimes....
I don't know what my problem is, but whatever it is, I really need to get over it. Any support on what I should do is very welcome. I just wish I new how people did LONG DISTANCE real estate transactions. You know, the ones that say, WE BUY HOUSES ANY WHERE. I wonder how you could broaden your playing feild without having to actually drive all that way to see it and so forth.
Any ideas?
Don't let it keep you down. Positive attitude is everything! (But we all have a bad day once in a while
Have you been looking for FSBOs as well? Listen to Anita's May 28th conference call to get remotivated in that area.
Don't be afraid to call in to the coaching staff. Maybe they can give you more ideas.
Don't give up. You're gonna do great!!!!
"Obstacles can slow you down, but they can only stop you with your permission." Dean Graziosi (BARM pg 101)
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
For a little about me, welcome to the site, and a few tips for new DG family members, click on this link:
The size of the town doesn't matter. I started out buying homes in a town of 3700 people. Have you looked at Find out who has all of the foreclosures in your area--that is a goldmine in and of itself.
You've got to find your obstacles and call them out! Unsheath the sword, and do battle with whatever it is that holds you back!
Take this in a very positive way, because that is the way it is intended - but you MUST change your THINKING!
1.How easy did you think it was going to be? (again, take it in the way intended). It's like I heard someone say the other day....and I'll use Dean's book for an example....sometimes it's like we think we're going to open up the book and dollar bills are going to fall out.
2. How determined are you to succeed? Anyone that has ever been successful in anything will tell you of frustrations and failures. The question is - what are you going to do with yours? The world does not want you to succeed! You don't have to understand that statement to get the point ---- why should most anyone else (except the kind, caring and supportive people that are on this site) care or give a rip whether you succeed or not? Why should those people do anything to encourage you? They don't and they won't!
3. Are you willing to pay the price? And, what price are you willing to pay? You may look through 100 properties before you find the 1. Not great odds, huih? But what would that 1 have to gain you for it to be worth while in experience, learning and, yes, even financially?
Not to toot my own horn since I've not made a deal yet...but I'm getting my HEAD straight and things are happening even as I type - but I want to encourage you to read my journal in the forums under "investing journals" -- I think you would/could benefit from some of the things found there from me and some of the others that have responded.
Main thing is this -- if you want it --- NEVER, EVER GIVE UP!!!!
C'mon man, get your head up --- have a couple of chocholate chip cookies and a glass of milk.....have your little pity part
and then............
I promise this is all meant in a postive way...but sometimes we need a swift kick you-know-where to get our focus back.
Make it an AWESOME day! (why? Who else is gonna' do that for you?)
"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)" - Mike Spillman
"As long as there is breath there is hope!" - Mike Spillman
hey chris start telling everybody you know you buy and sell houses the more people that know it the better your chances are of getting a deal, i mean talk it up every where with everybody i promise they are deal everywhere even in your on family,but if they don,t know you do that it don,t, just get a deal or two under your belt it dont matter how small they are. they all be big to you and never ever give up . hope this helps
Just keep on keepin' on. I wish I had better advice, but I know down the road I'm gonna have a day (or a week, month, etc) of frustration and I'll recall your post and know that it happens to everyone. I'm practicing the "Three Foot Rule"...anyone that gets within three feet of me I tell them I'm an investor.
Keep the faith pal,
I was sooo frustrated when I first started looking - I wanted my first house right there and then. But trust me - I looked at literally hundreds of mls listings, fsbos, foreclosures, etc etc and lost track of how many I walked through, plus miles of driving around and around.....and then I found it - my first deal. That was about a month after ordering the book... and now just 5 weeks later I'm finishing it up and marketing it. So keep the faith - take advantage of the coaches and just keep doing everything you are, and more, and it WILL HAPPEN! And I have to agree with the attitude advice....thought is very powerful, and the more you focus on being successful the more you will attract that to yourself!! Keep us posted - I know we will be reading about your first deal real soon!!!
my story:
Hey Chris, It sounds like too much, too quick and expecting the moon. slow down, take your time. Do you think the market is going to dry up in a week? Dean didn't do it all in a couple of weeks. I to get ticked off that I am not moving faster, but I know when I do my first deal ( I am working 2 ) that I will pretty much know what to expect. Stay with you coaching, it works for me.If you have the think a little different audios, take a break and listen to them. Between the coaching and the audios, it will all fall in me. Good Luck...Jan
I started in a small town too. I still go there at times because my guitarist lives there. I went in March the first time and I was early so I cruised by my old neighborhood and saw 4 vacant homes around my block. I recently went back in July and those 4 homes were STILL vacant. So I looked up the taxes and found the owners and sent them all letters, I haven't heard back yet, but I will follow up in another week. My point is, drive a few neighborhoods around your area, you'd be surprised how many homes are out there. Everytime I drive neighborhoods I find at least 10 vacant homes with NO realtor signs on them, just sitting there waiting to be picked up. Seek and he shall find!
God bless,
Psalms 118:23 "This is the LORD's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes."
I don't know what to say. I guess, the only thing that comes to mind is that I appreciate everyone on this board. I'll tell ya, I am getting better already. It's nice to have someone there for you when you get that way. It's just so mind boggling right now. Trying to work a full time job, then I own a mobile detail business that I do when I'm not working, then I am still trying to get my Ignite business off of the ground, and now I am doing my best to make time for REI. It really frustrating right now, because by the time I get to the house in the evening, I can't even get ahold of any Realtors, or anyone that I need to build my team. I'm better though. I have the support of my loving wife also, and also my family. I know I can't SHOW you how pleased I am with all of the responses, but I hope you remember this topic when I come back on here and say "I got my first DEAL! Thank you guys!"
I didn't have a team when I did my assignment. You can do it even if you don't have a team, NO money, NO credit and NO support. Because I did and I didn't have ANY of those things! So I believe if I can do it then anybody can. I had low self-esteem, a victim mentality, no money, and I was forced to move when I got into real estate. So even though that's what motivated me, it was the BEST thing that EVER happened to me! That's why I say, if I can do it YOU can do it too.
God bless,
Psalms 118:23 "This is the LORD's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes."
And we'll be here clapping, Chris!
God bless,
"Obstacles can slow you down, but they can only stop you with your permission." Dean Graziosi (BARM pg 101)
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
For a little about me, welcome to the site, and a few tips for new DG family members, click on this link:
Chris, I too come from a small town and the optons here are almost nill. Notice I said almost. I know there is something out there, I just have to be dilligent. One thing that put me behind a little is that I didn't have the right realtor in place. He was a small town good ole boy, but not investment minded. Now that I have one that can actually see where I'm coming from things are a lot better. It will fall into place. Just give it time, have patients, and use the coaches.
May I make one suggestion? I see you don't have a lot of time on your hands so you may want to think of creative ways to add more time to your day. I guess what I'm saying is...if you have a cell phone and a mobile detailing business, is there anyway you can use your time on the road between jobs to call real estate agents, FSBO's, or whatever to get ahead? Keep a list of names and phone numbers in the car. This way when you have even two minutes of spare time, call someone, see what you can get done. Just don't take your eyes off the road!!!
Good luck, and trust me when I say I've been there. It gets better.
How is it going for you now?? Is your head into the deal now??....Jan
I know this is not a new forum, but I sometimes feel the exact opposite. It seems to me that most of the people making it here are people who live in small towns around the country. That is what continues to haunt me. Almost all the people in Dean's new book live in a small town! Except for the couple in Honolulu.
Any success in large cities?
OK. OK. I know someone (not a member of the dg family) who recently re-habbed a house and sold it and made a $75,000 profit and that was done in Hayward, California near San Francisco! (He sold it for $375,000)