Hey Al,
Sounds great... Count me in! I have another couple that's interested too. We're even considering having small REI meetings once or twice a month. What did you have in mind?
Elena, Sounds like we are on the same page. That is exactly what I was thinking of doing. I started a "Group" to attract others in our area. I think we can network and plan/schedule meetings thru that. I am not exactly sure how the group thing works.
Hey Arizona investors! Let us know what your ideas are about setting up a networking group or thread. Tell us what you would like to see or hear. I look forward to hearing from you.
I just bought Dean's system and am a little overwhelmed. I have my first coaching session scheduled for today so hopefully that will clear a few things up.
I interested in meeting and networking with other investors in the area (I live in Gilbert). I will check back later to see what the plans are and if I can assist in any way.
We are still trying to put a group together. I believe we have four parties interested at this time. I suggest you go to the group section and become a member of the Phoenix Area REI group. We can communicate through that group.
Hey Investors in Phoenix!
Al and I are having a REI club meeting within the next couple of weeks. If you're interested and you would like to participate, then you need to sign up by contacting me: webuyhouses24_7@****.
I'm in New River and would like to come to any meetings you get together. I'd like to meet others in our area of like mind and see about putting some deals together.
I am also a new investor looking to get my feet wet and hopefully finding partners. I am more than willing to attend meetings. Anyone a member of AZREIA by the way? (I just joined this year in february). Good organization and very useful resources.
Welcome, Tell us a little about yourself. Where are you located? What are your investing plans? What would you like to get from this group. Elena and I have been wanting to get together as a group and discuss RE investing. What would work for you as far as a meeting place and time?
Yes, its called Arizona Real Estate Investors Association. they have monthly meetings in downtown phoenix at the Herberger theatre. You can check out the website at azreia.org. I just went to a meeting a few weeks ago and they talked about preparing for taxes and how to document them correctly and so forth.
I'm a handy man and I live in south phoenix/tempe area. I'm interested in having rental properties and also doing assignments. Im looking into areas that are within 5 miles of ASU main campus. I wouldn't mind doing some flips in the near future. But for now I would like to start off with rentals and assignments to build up my capital (so I can leave my job and become a full time RE Professional). As for this group, I would like to gain some more knowledge and bounce ideas off each other and help motivate each other (we all need it sometimes), play cashflow, maybe partner on some deals. I'm looking for eagles to fly with.
We buy AZ real estate notes and sell them to individuals & companies that want to receive high returns (10-18%+) that have low Investment-to-Value (ITV) ratio's. The real estate secures all of these notes. We were introduced to this at Dean’s 2009 Edge event in Phoenix.
Currently, we have several high yield AZ products that you might consider. Please contact us if you have any interest in this type of investment. See our website at: www.AllStatesInvestments.com or email us at [email protected].
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Free Periodic Webcasts
Dean has FREE webcasts and conference calls every so often! Be sure to register with us to stay updated and save your spot for future broadcasts and calls.
Any time a new conference call has been scheduled we will email everyone registered the special access information and put a reminder on the front page of the site.
Hey Al,
Sounds great... Count me in! I have another couple that's interested too. We're even considering having small REI meetings once or twice a month. What did you have in mind?
same page
Elena, Sounds like we are on the same page. That is exactly what I was thinking of doing. I started a "Group" to attract others in our area. I think we can network and plan/schedule meetings thru that. I am not exactly sure how the group thing works.
networking group
Hey Arizona investors! Let us know what your ideas are about setting up a networking group or thread. Tell us what you would like to see or hear. I look forward to hearing from you.
I am interested
I just bought Dean's system and am a little overwhelmed. I have my first coaching session scheduled for today so hopefully that will clear a few things up.
I interested in meeting and networking with other investors in the area (I live in Gilbert). I will check back later to see what the plans are and if I can assist in any way.
We are still trying to put a group together. I believe we have four parties interested at this time. I suggest you go to the group section and become a member of the Phoenix Area REI group. We can communicate through that group.
Phoenix Investors!!
Hey Investors in Phoenix!
Al and I are having a REI club meeting within the next couple of weeks. If you're interested and you would like to participate, then you need to sign up by contacting me: webuyhouses24_7@****.
Let's make it happen!!
meetings in Az
I'm in New River and would like to come to any meetings you get together. I'd like to meet others in our area of like mind and see about putting some deals together.
want to learn.
im new at all of this.but very interested in learning.i would like to participate in your meeting.
looking to suround myself with like minded people
I am also a new investor looking to get my feet wet and hopefully finding partners. I am more than willing to attend meetings. Anyone a member of AZREIA by the way? (I just joined this year in february). Good organization and very useful resources.
Tell me more about this. Is it an investors club?
Welcome, Tell us a little about yourself. Where are you located? What are your investing plans? What would you like to get from this group. Elena and I have been wanting to get together as a group and discuss RE investing. What would work for you as far as a meeting place and time?
Yes, its called Arizona Real Estate Investors Association. they have monthly meetings in downtown phoenix at the Herberger theatre. You can check out the website at azreia.org. I just went to a meeting a few weeks ago and they talked about preparing for taxes and how to document them correctly and so forth.
About me
I'm a handy man and I live in south phoenix/tempe area. I'm interested in having rental properties and also doing assignments. Im looking into areas that are within 5 miles of ASU main campus. I wouldn't mind doing some flips in the near future. But for now I would like to start off with rentals and assignments to build up my capital (so I can leave my job and become a full time RE Professional). As for this group, I would like to gain some more knowledge and bounce ideas off each other and help motivate each other (we all need it sometimes), play cashflow, maybe partner on some deals. I'm looking for eagles to fly with.
Meeting time
Pretty much anytime after 5:30 mon-thur. I can meet anywhere in phoenix.
I will get with Elena and see about scheduling a meeting. Let me know if you would like some listings in your area. (I am a Realtor also)
sure that would be great. you can email me at Lee_a_martinez@****. thanks.
I would also be interested in going to these meetings. I'am located in Glendale but willing to go anywhere. Please email me aakracr@****
Thank You
Meetings and Investors in Phoenix
Yes, would love to meet once a month. 602-787-0208, Need help from some of Deans' more experienced investors to get me off the ground.
Buy AZ Notes for High, Long Term Yields
Hi All,
We buy AZ real estate notes and sell them to individuals & companies that want to receive high returns (10-18%+) that have low Investment-to-Value (ITV) ratio's. The real estate secures all of these notes. We were introduced to this at Dean’s 2009 Edge event in Phoenix.
Currently, we have several high yield AZ products that you might consider. Please contact us if you have any interest in this type of investment. See our website at: www.AllStatesInvestments.com or email us at [email protected].
Tom & Debby