Hi everyone!!! How is everyone doing?
Well, if anyone can suggest a good detailed repair sheet or repair form or self inspection form/sheet, whatever you want to call if, I would love to see it. I have a very brief one which is a page (can't remember where I got it) and a 16 or 17 page one which is very detailed, but a bit too extensive...can't remember where I got it. If you could tell me where you got yours or allow me to see what you use, that would greatly help.
I thought I got one from Dean's site at TALD, but I can't find it. Maybe I am wrong. I guess I could Google it, but no sense if you already found a good one.
Thank you,
Anything? Anyone???
If you're going to invest thousands of dollars into a project, it's best to have a professional inspector do his job. Just my opinion.
It is also just to run numbers, to see if it would work. I can't always get a professional in the property, just to see if I am interested. That's why you read and educate yourself to the best of your abilities. If that was the case and I bought 1 home of 20, I would be losing money considering all the professionals hired (not just the inspectors).
If you always hire a professional, where do you make money??? Why did you buy this course??? Thank you for your citicism, I am glad I can help you get a better forum rating. Just my opinion.
Here are a couple of links Anita gave for walk-thru inspections.
"Obstacles can slow you down, but they can only stop you with your permission." Dean Graziosi (BARM pg 101)
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
For a little about me, welcome to the site, and a few tips for new DG family members, click on this link: http://www.deangraziosi.com/user/3249
Ahhh... A BIG Thank You!!!
Thank you a BUNCH!!!
This is the form that I found, but it is a bit long. I know some may say it's good and some may say it's too long, but it is very detailed and very thorough. You can copy and paste it in Word or Notepad or whatever you may use. I am currently correcting it (fixing to my liking) by how I walk through a property. Feel free to snag it and do it yourself too. If this is too long for the Forum, I can delete it or delete it. I want to have 2 forms on-hand a basic (smaller one) and a more detailed one. If I can post files (not sure if I can) you can actually see the real version of it, looks better than below and all the work is really done vs. having to edit this one because the comment box is not supporting the HTML.
Home Inspection Form
Prepared for: Address: ______________________________
Construction Crew: ________________________________________________________________
Observation Material Cost Labor Cost
Category: Deck, Porch, & Patio
Deck: __N/A __Concrete __Untreated Wood __Treated Wood __Other
Appears to have no Major Defects
$ _____________ $_____________
Major Settling/Separation from House
$ _____________ $_____________
Steps Missing or in Need of Repair
$ _____________ $_____________
Wood in Contact with Soil
$ _____________ $_____________
Evidence of Moisture Damage
$ _____________ $_____________
Railings Missing or Damaged
$ _____________ $_____________
Wood Rotted or Weather Damaged
$ _____________ $_____________
Carpet Covering Surface, can not Inspect Properly
$ _____________ $_____________
General Comments ___________________________________________________ $ _____________ $_____________
Patio: __N/A __Concrete __Brick __Paver Tile __Other
Appears Serviceable
$ _____________ $_____________
Damaged or Displaced Bricks or tile
$ _____________ $_____________
Cracks in Surface, Need Repair
$ _____________ $_____________
Evidence of Poor Drainage
$ _____________ $_____________
Evidence of Moisture Damage
$ _____________ $_____________
General Comments ___________________________________________________ $ _____________ $_____________
Porch: __N/A __Concrete __Untreated Wood __Treated Wood __Other
Appears to have no Major Defects
$ _____________ $_____________
Major Settling or Separation from the House
$ _____________ $_____________
Steps Missing or Damaged
$ _____________ $_____________
Wood in Contact with Soil
$ _____________ $_____________
Evidence of Moisture Damage
$ _____________ $_____________
Railings Missing or Damaged
$ _____________ $_____________
Carpet Covering Surface, can not Inspect Properly
$ _____________ $_____________
General Comments ___________________________________________________ $ _____________ $_____________
Page 1 of 17
Observation Material Cost Labor Cost
Category: Exterior Assessment
Doors(Other): __N/A __Wood __Aluminum __Other
Door #1 - Door, Hardware, Frame and Weather Stripping All Appear Serviceable
$ _____________ $_____________
Door #1 - Weather Stripping Deteriorated or Missing
$ _____________ $_____________
Door #1 - Door Frame Damaged or Not Square
$ _____________ $_____________
Door #1 - Not Operational - In Need of Repair
$ _____________ $_____________
Door #1 - Evidence of Deterioration Due to Improper Installation or Faulty Product
$ _____________ $_____________
Door #2 - Door, Hardware Frame and Weather Stripping All Appear Serviceable
$ _____________ $_____________
Door #2 - Weather Stripping Deteriorated or Missing
$ _____________ $_____________
Door #2 - Door Frame Damaged or Not Square
$ _____________ $_____________
Door #2 - Not Operational - In Need of Repair
$ _____________ $_____________
Door #2 - Evidence of Deterioration Due to Improper Installation or Faulty Product
$ _____________ $_____________
Door #3 - Door, Hardware, Frame, and Weather Stripping All Appear Serviceable
$ _____________ $_____________
Door #3 - Weather Stripping Deteriorated or Missing
$ _____________ $_____________
Door #3 - Door Frame Damaged or Not Square
$ _____________ $_____________
Door #3 - Not Operational - In Need of Repair
$ _____________ $_____________
Door #3 - Evidence of Deterioration Due to Improper Installation or Faulty Product
$ _____________ $_____________
General Comments ___________________________________________________ $ _____________ $_____________
Electrical: __N/A __Copper __Galvanized __Plastic __Other; Switch Type: __Breakers __Fuses __Others; Voltage: __120V __240/120V:
Cable Material: __Copper __Aluminum __Other; Cable Type: __Power Cable __Branch Cable
Appears Operational - No Apparent Problems
$ _____________ $_____________
Loose or Damaged Connections at Masthead
$ _____________ $_____________
Not enough Clearance for Conductors
$ _____________ $_____________
Frayed or Improperly Spliced Wires
$ _____________ $_____________
Wires Close to or Touching Trees
$ _____________ $_____________
Evidence of Over Heating or Arcing
$ _____________ $_____________
General Comments ___________________________________________________ $ _____________ $_____________
Entry Door: __N/A __Wood __Aluminum __Other; Viewed from: __Crawl Space __Foundation
Hardware, Frame and Weather Stripping All Appear Serviceable
$ _____________ $_____________
Weather Stripping Deteriorated or Missing
$ _____________ $_____________
Door Frame Damaged or Not Square
$ _____________ $_____________
Not Operational - In Need of Repair
$ _____________ $_____________
Evidence of Deterioration Due to Imporoper Installation or Faulty Product
$ _____________ $_____________
General Comments ___________________________________________________ $ _____________ $_____________
Foundation: __Nothing __Concrete __Block/Stone __Post/Pier __Wood __Other; Viewed from: __Crawl Space __Foundation
Acceptable - No Visible Damage
$ _____________ $_____________
Major Moisture Damage
$ _____________ $_____________
Minor Moisture Damage
$ _____________ $_____________
Major Cracks
$ _____________ $_____________
Minor Cracks
$ _____________ $_____________
Other Notable Damage
$ _____________ $_____________
General Comments ___________________________________________________ $ _____________ $_____________
Gutters/Downspouts: __N/A __None Present __Partially Installed __Full Installation
Acceptable - No Visible Signs of Damage or Blockage
$ _____________ $_____________
Page 2 of 17
Observation Material Cost Labor Cost
Drains Blocked or Filled with Debris
$ _____________ $_____________
Loose or Damaged Downspouts
$ _____________ $_____________
Loos or Damaged Gutters
$ _____________ $_____________
Recommend Adding Gutters & Downspouts for Drainage
$ _____________ $_____________
Drains Needed on Roof
$ _____________ $_____________
General Comments ___________________________________________________ $ _____________ $_____________
Natual Gas: __N/A __Applicable
Inspected and Appears Functional
$ _____________ $_____________
Gas Meter Located, but not Functional
$ _____________ $_____________
Gas Meter not Located
$ _____________ $_____________
Inspection Not Performed
$ _____________ $_____________
Inspection Should be Performed by Utility Company
$ _____________ $_____________
General Comments ___________________________________________________ $ _____________ $_____________
Oil Tank: __N/A __Above Ground __Under Ground
Tank Exterior Sound; No Leaking Seams or Excessive Rust
$ _____________ $_____________
Patch of Oil on Ground or Pad or Other Evidence of Leaking
$ _____________ $_____________
Tank is not Equipped with a Overflow Signaling Device
$ _____________ $_____________
Tank Plugs and Piping Appear to be Tight
$ _____________ $_____________
Black or Galvanized Iron Piping not used for Filler and Vent Lines
$ _____________ $_____________
Tank not Vented Properly (1 1/2" - 2" Diameter Piping) to Outside
$ _____________ $_____________
Vent Line Improperly Capped
$ _____________ $_____________
Fill Guage Installed Improperly or Not Working
$ _____________ $_____________
Tank Support Lets are not Sound or on Firm Footing
$ _____________ $_____________
General Comments ___________________________________________________ $ _____________ $_____________
Patio Door: __N/A __Sliding Glass __French
Hardware, Frame and Weather Stripping All Appear Serviceable
$ _____________ $_____________
Weather Stripping Deteriorated or Missing
$ _____________ $_____________
Door Frame Damaged or Not Square
$ _____________ $_____________
Not Operational - In Need of Repair
$ _____________ $_____________
Glass Broken, Cracked or Appears to be Non Tempered
$ _____________ $_____________
Screens Missing or Damaged
$ _____________ $_____________
Evidence of Deterioration Due to Improper Installation or Faulty Product
$ _____________ $_____________
General Comments ___________________________________________________ $ _____________ $_____________
Plumbing: __N/A __Copper __Galvanized __Plastic __Other; Main Line PSI ______
Operational - No Visible Problems
$ _____________ $_____________
Corrosion Present
$ _____________ $_____________
Evidence of Leakage
$ _____________ $_____________
Loss of Water Flow Beyond Acceptable Standards
$ _____________ $_____________
Main Valve Needs Maintenance or Replacement
$ _____________ $_____________
Pipes or Other Components not Properly Installed
$ _____________ $_____________
Copper Galvanized Pipe in Contact
$ _____________ $_____________
Hose Faucets Need Repair
$ _____________ $_____________
Sprinklers not Operational
$ _____________ $_____________
General Comments ___________________________________________________ $ _____________ $_____________
Page 3 of 17
Observation Material Cost Labor Cost
Roof: __N/A __Asphalt Comp. __Wood Shake __Wood Shingle __Steel Sheets __Clay Tile; Roof Style: __Gable __Flat: < 10% Grade
__Mansard __Hip __Other
Appears to have Useful Life - No Obvious Repairs
$ _____________ $_____________
Appears to have Useful Life - Minor Repairs Advised
$ _____________ $_____________
Missing or Loose Shakes, Shingles, Tiles or Bare Spots
$ _____________ $_____________
Needs Major Repair. Recommended Evaluation by Licensed Roofing Contractor
$ _____________ $_____________
One or More Flashings in Need of Repair
$ _____________ $_____________
General Comments ___________________________________________________ $ _____________ $_____________
Siding: __Nothing __Wood __Block/Stone __Vinyl __Aluminum __Other; __All Sided Areas Viewable __More than 1 Story
Acceptable - No Visible Damage
$ _____________ $_____________
Dry Rot Present
$ _____________ $_____________
Evidence of Wood-Destroying Insect Damage
$ _____________ $_____________
Peeling, Cracking or Bubbling in Paint
$ _____________ $_____________
Exposed Wood or Metal
$ _____________ $_____________
Inadequate Ground-to-Siding Clearance
$ _____________ $_____________
Caulking Deterioration
$ _____________ $_____________
Evidence of Deterioration
$ _____________ $_____________
Evidence of Deterioration Due to Improper Installation or Faulty Product
$ _____________ $_____________
General Comments ___________________________________________________ $ _____________ $_____________
Waste: __N/A __Copper __Galvanized __Plastic __ Other
Operational - No Visible Problems
$ _____________ $_____________
Corrosion Present
$ _____________ $_____________
Evidence of Leakage
$ _____________ $_____________
Improper Termination of Sewage Line
$ _____________ $_____________
Vents Missing or Damaged
$ _____________ $_____________
General Comments ___________________________________________________ $ _____________ $_____________
Windows: __N/A __Wood __Aluminum __Vinyl __Fiberglass __Other; Window Style: __Sliding __ Encased __Louver __Double Pane __Others
Hardware, Frame and Weather Stripping All Appear Serviceable
$ _____________ $_____________
Screens Missing or Damaged
$ _____________ $_____________
Tracks Damaged; Not Allowing Windows to Slide Properly
$ _____________ $_____________
Cracked or Broken Glass
$ _____________ $_____________
Weather Stripping, Caulking or Glazing Deteriorated
$ _____________ $_____________
Improper Seal in Thermopane Window
$ _____________ $_____________
Security Bars do not Open
$ _____________ $_____________
General Comments ___________________________________________________ $ _____________ $_____________
Page 4 of 17
Observation Material Cost Labor Cost
Category: Garage & Storage
Garage & Storage: __N/A __Attached __Detached __Carport
Garage Appears to have no Major Defects
$ _____________ $_____________
Holes or Other Damage to the Fire Wall
$ _____________ $_____________
Floor has Cracks or Other Major Damage
$ _____________ $_____________
Screens Blocked, Missing or Damaged
$ _____________ $_____________
Exterior Door Needs Repair or Replacement
$ _____________ $_____________
Vehicle Doors Need Repair or Replacement
$ _____________ $_____________
Vehicle Doors Hardware Needs Serviced or Replaced
$ _____________ $_____________
Automatic Door Opener not Functioning Properly
$ _____________ $_____________
Electrical Outlet(s) not Working or Damaged
$ _____________ $_____________
Light Fixture(s) Damaged or not Present
$ _____________ $_____________
General Comments ___________________________________________________ $ _____________ $_____________
Page 5 of 17
Observation Material Cost Labor Cost
Category: Grounds
Driveway: __N/A __Asphalt __Concrete __Gravel __Dirt __Other
Acceptable - No Visible Damage
$ _____________ $_____________
Evidence of Poor Drainage
$ _____________ $_____________
Signs of Deterioration
$ _____________ $_____________
"Trip" Hazards
$ _____________ $_____________
Sealant Needed
$ _____________ $_____________
Major Cracks
$ _____________ $_____________
Minor Cracks
$ _____________ $_____________
Settling or Raised Areas
$ _____________ $_____________
General Comments ___________________________________________________ $ _____________ $_____________
Fences: __N/A __Block/Stone __Chain Link __Wood __Other
Acceptable - No Visible Damage
$ _____________ $_____________
Evidence of Loose or Rotted Post
$ _____________ $_____________
Evidence of Missing Blocks
$ _____________ $_____________
Broken or Missing Boards
$ _____________ $_____________
Rust/Damage on Metal Posts
$ _____________ $_____________
Unable to Fully Inspect Due to Fence Being Covered by Foliage/Debris
$ _____________ $_____________
Gate(s) Need Repair
$ _____________ $_____________
General Comments ___________________________________________________ $ _____________ $_____________
Landscape: __N/A __Basic __Extensive
Acceptable - No Visible Damage
$ _____________ $_____________
Foliage Against the House
$ _____________ $_____________
Grass and/or Other Greenery Overgrown
$ _____________ $_____________
Trees Entangled in Power Lines
$ _____________ $_____________
General Comments ___________________________________________________ $ _____________ $_____________
Sidewalk: __N/A __Concrete __Brick __Gravel __Tile __Other
Acceptable - No Visible Damage
$ _____________ $_____________
Evidence of Poor Damage
$ _____________ $_____________
Signs of Deterioration
$ _____________ $_____________
"Trip" Hazards
$ _____________ $_____________
Sealant Needed
$ _____________ $_____________
Major Cracks
$ _____________ $_____________
Minor Cracks
$ _____________ $_____________
Settling or Raised Areas
$ _____________ $_____________
General Comments ___________________________________________________ $ _____________ $_____________
Storm Drain: __N/A __Galvanized __Vinyl __Other
Appears Servicable
$ _____________ $_____________
Evidence of Blocked Drainage
$ _____________ $_____________
Visible Signs of Damage to Grate
$ _____________ $_____________
Needs Replacing
$ _____________ $_____________
General Comments ___________________________________________________ $ _____________ $_____________
Page 6 of 17
Observation Material Cost Labor Cost
Category: Interior Assessment
Attic: __N/A __Full __Partial; Frame: __Truss __Rafter Framing
Attic Appears Fine; No Major Defects
$ _____________ $_____________
Structural Damage to Framing
$ _____________ $_____________
Visible Staining
$ _____________ $_____________
Moisture Present
$ _____________ $_____________
Inadequate Ventilation
$ _____________ $_____________
Screens Missing or Damaged
$ _____________ $_____________
Insulation not Present or Appears to be Inadequate
$ _____________ $_____________
General Comments ___________________________________________________ $ _____________ $_____________
Basement: __N/A __Finished __Unfinished
Basement Area has no Apparent Problems
$ _____________ $_____________
Dampness or Musty Odor Detected
$ _____________ $_____________
Cracks in Foundation Walls
$ _____________ $_____________
Visible Signs of Leakage
$ _____________ $_____________
Sagging in Floor Joist and/or Beams
$ _____________ $_____________
Does not Appear to have an Adequate Foundation Drain System
$ _____________ $_____________
General Comments ___________________________________________________ $ _____________ $_____________
Bathrooms: __N/A __Full __3/4 __Half __Other
Bath #1 Electrical - Appears Serviceable
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #1 Electrical - GFCI was not Present or did not Function Properly
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #1 Electrical - Outlet Damaged
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #1 Electrical - Light did not Work Properly
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #1 Electrical - Electrial Item too Close to the Tub or Shower
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #1 Electrical - Exhaust Fan did not Operate
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #1 Electrical - Electric Heater did not Work Properly
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #1 Shower - Appears Serviceable
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #1 Shower - Damage or Serious Deterioration to Enclosure
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #1 Shower - Leaking or Damaged Shower Head
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #1 Shower - Not Draining Properly
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #1 Shower - Tile, Wall Surface, or Floor Surface Damaged
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #1 Shower - Caulking Deteriorated
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #1 Sink - Appears Serviceable
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #1 Sink - Faucet Leaks
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #1 Sink - Sink Cracked or Damaged
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #1 Sink - Leak in Drain Line
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #1 Sink - Visible Staining
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #1 Sink - Damage to Countertop
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #1 Sink - Damage to Cabinet
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #1 Toliet - Appears Servicable
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #1 Toliet - Cracks in Bowl or Tank
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #1 Toliet - Does not Flush or Water Continually Runs
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #1 Toliet - Loosely Connected to Bowl
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #1 Toliet - Tank Loose
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #1 Tub - Appear Serviceable
$ _____________ $_____________
Page 7 of 17
Observation Material Cost Labor Cost
Bath #1 Tub - Damage or Serious Deterioration to Tub
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #1 Tub - Leaking or Damaged Faucet
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #1 Tub - Not Draining Properly
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #1 Tub - Stopper not Operational
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #2 Electrical - Appears Serviceable
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #2 Electrical - GFCI was not Present or did not Function Properly
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #2 Electrical - Outlet Damaged
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #2 Electrical - Light did not Work Properly
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #2 Electrical - Electrial Item too Close to the Tub or Shower
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #2 Electrical - Exhaust Fan did not Operate
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #2 Electrical - Electric Heater did not Work Properly
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #2 Shower - Appears Serviceable
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #2 Shower - Damage or Serious Deterioration to Enclosure
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #2 Shower - Leaking or Damaged Shower Head
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #2 Shower - Not Draining Properly
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #2 Shower - Tile, Wall Surface, or Floor Surface Damaged
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #2 Shower - Caulking Deteriorated
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #2 Sink - Appear Serviceable
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #2 Sink - Faucet Leaks
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #2 Sink - Sink Cracked or Damaged
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #2 Sink - Leak in Drain Line
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #2 Sink - Visible Staining
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #2 Sink - Damage to Countertop
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #2 Sink - Damage to Cabinet
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #2 Toliet - Appears Serviceable
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #2 Toliet - Cracks in Bowl or Tank
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #2 Toliet - Does not Flush or Water Continually Runs
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #2 Toliet - Loosely Connected to Bowl
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #2 Toliet - Tank Loose
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #2 Tub - Appears Serviceable
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #2 Tub - Damage or Serious Deterioration to Tub
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #2 Tub Leaking or Damaged Faucet
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #2 Tub - Not Draining Properly
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #2 Tub - Stopper not Operational
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #3 Electrial - Appears Serviceable
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #3 Electrical - GFCI was not Present or did not Function Properly
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #3 Electrical - Outlet Damaged
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #3 Electrical - Light did not Work Properly
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #3 Electrical - Electrical Item too Close to the Tub or Shower
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #3 Electrical - Exhaust Fan did not Operate
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #3 Electrical - Electric Heater did not Work Properly
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #3 Shower - Appears Serviceable
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #3 Shower - Damage or Serious Deterioration to Enclosure
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #3 Shower - Leaking or Damaged Shower Head
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #3 Shower - Not Draining Properly
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #3 Shower - Tile, Wall Surface, or Floor Surface Damaged
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #3 Shower - Caulking Deteriorated
$ _____________ $_____________
Page 8 of 17
Observation Material Cost Labor Cost
Bath #3 Sink - Appear Serviceable
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #3 Sink - Faucet Leaks
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #3 Sink - Sink Cracked or Damaged
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #3 Sink - Leak in Drain Line
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #3 Sink - Visible Staining
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #3 Sink - Damage to Countertop
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #3 Sink - Damage to Cabinet
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #3 Toliet - Appears Serviceable
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #3 Toliet - Cracks in Bowl or Tank
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #3 Toliet - Does not Flush or Water Continually Runs
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #3 Toliet - Loosely Connected to Bowl
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #3 Toliet - Tank Loose
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #3 Tub - Appears Serviceable
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #3 Tub - Damage or Serious Deterioration to Tub
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #3 Tub - Leaking or Damaged Faucet
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #3 Tub - Not Draining Properly
$ _____________ $_____________
Bath #3 Tub - Stopper not Operational
$ _____________ $_____________
General Comments ___________________________________________________ $ _____________ $_____________
Bedroom (Master): __N/A __Applicable
Room Appears Fine, no Major Defects
$ _____________ $_____________
Cracking, Peeling or Scuffed Paint
$ _____________ $_____________
Ceiling Texture Damaged
$ _____________ $_____________
Holes in Walls or Ceiling
$ _____________ $_____________
Base Boards Missing or Damaged
$ _____________ $_____________
Electrical Outlet(s) not Working or Damaged
$ _____________ $_____________
Light Fixtures Damaged or not Present
$ _____________ $_____________
Closet Door not Functioning or Damaged
$ _____________ $_____________
General Comments ___________________________________________________ $ _____________ $_____________
Bedrooms: __N/A __Applicable
Bedroom #1 - Room Appears Fine, no Major Defects
$ _____________ $_____________
Bedroom #1 - Cracking, Peeling or Scuffed Paint
$ _____________ $_____________
Bedroom #1 - Ceiling Texture Damaged
$ _____________ $_____________
Bedroom #1 - Holes in Wales or Ceiling
$ _____________ $_____________
Bedroom #1 - Base Borads Missing or Damaged
$ _____________ $_____________
Bedroom #1 - Electrical Outlet(s) not Working or Damaged
$ _____________ $_____________
Bedroom #1 - Light Fixtures Damaged or not Present
$ _____________ $_____________
Bedroom #1 - Closet Door not Functioning or Damaged
$ _____________ $_____________
Bedroom #2 - Room Appears Fine, no Major Defects
$ _____________ $_____________
Bedroom #2 - Cracking, Peeling, or Scuffed Paint
$ _____________ $_____________
Bedroom #2 - Ceiling Texture Damaged
$ _____________ $_____________
Bedroom #2 - Holes in Walls or Ceiling
$ _____________ $_____________
Bedroom #2 - Base Boards Missing or Damaged
$ _____________ $_____________
Bedroom #2 - Electrical Outlet(s) not Working or Damaged
$ _____________ $_____________
Bedroom #2 - Light Fixtures Damaged or not Present
$ _____________ $_____________
Bedroom #2 - Closet Door not Functioning or Damaged
$ _____________ $_____________
Bedroom #3 - Room Appears fine, no Major Defects
$ _____________ $_____________
Page 9 of 17
Observation Material Cost Labor Cost
Bedroom #3 - Cracking, Peeling or Scuffed Paint
$ _____________ $_____________
Bedroom #3 - Ceiling Texture Damaged
$ _____________ $_____________
Bedroom #3 - Holes in Walls or Ceiling
$ _____________ $_____________
Bedroom #3 - Base Boards Missing or Damaged
$ _____________ $_____________
Bedroom #3 - Electrical Outlet(s) not Working or Damaged
$ _____________ $_____________
Bedroom #3 - Light Fixtures Damaged or not Present
$ _____________ $_____________
Bedroom #3 - Closet Door not Functioning or Damaged
$ _____________ $_____________
General Comments ___________________________________________________ $ _____________ $_____________
Entry Areas: __N/A __Applicable
Room Appears Fine, no Major Defects
$ _____________ $_____________
Cracking, Peeling or Scuffed Paint
$ _____________ $_____________
Ceiling Texture Needs Attention
$ _____________ $_____________
Holes in Walls or Ceiling
$ _____________ $_____________
Base Boards Missing or Damaged
$ _____________ $_____________
Light Fixtures(s) Damaged or not Present
$ _____________ $_____________
Floor Covering Damaged or Worn
$ _____________ $_____________
General Comments ___________________________________________________ $ _____________ $_____________
Family Room: __N/A __Applicable
Room Appears Fine, no Major Defects
$ _____________ $_____________
Cracking, Peeling or Scuffed Paint
$ _____________ $_____________
Ceiling Texture Damaged
$ _____________ $_____________
Holes in Walls or Ceiling
$ _____________ $_____________
Base Boards Missing or Damaged
$ _____________ $_____________
Electrical Outlet(s) not Working or Damaged
$ _____________ $_____________
Light Fixture(s) Damaged or not Present
$ _____________ $_____________
Floor Covering Damaged or Worn
$ _____________ $_____________
General Comments ___________________________________________________ $ _____________ $_____________
Hallways: __N/A __Applicable
Room Appears Fine, no Major Defects
$ _____________ $_____________
Cracking, Peeling or Scuffed Paint
$ _____________ $_____________
Ceiling Texture Needs Attention
$ _____________ $_____________
Holes in Walls or Ceiling
$ _____________ $_____________
Base Boards Missing or Damaged
$ _____________ $_____________
Light Fixture(s) Damaged or not Present
$ _____________ $_____________
Floor Covering Damaged or Worn
$ _____________ $_____________
General Comments ___________________________________________________ $ _____________ $_____________
Home Office: __N/A __Applicable
Room Appears Fine, no Major Defects
$ _____________ $_____________
Cracking, Peeling or Scuffed Paint
$ _____________ $_____________
Ceiling Texture Damaged
$ _____________ $_____________
Holes in Walls or Ceiling
$ _____________ $_____________
Base Boards Missing or Damaged
$ _____________ $_____________
Electrical Outlet(s) not Working or Damaged
$ _____________ $_____________
Light Fixture(s) Damaged or not Present
$ _____________ $_____________
Page 10 of 17
Observation Material Cost Labor Cost
Phone Jack Damaged or Missing
$ _____________ $_____________
Closet door not Functioning or Damaged
$ _____________ $_____________
General Comments ___________________________________________________ $ _____________ $_____________
Kitchen Counters/Cabinets: __N/A __Tile __Laminate __Stone __Other
Counters Appear to be Serviceable
$ _____________ $_____________
Counters Worn or Damaged
$ _____________ $_____________
Box Damaged
$ _____________ $_____________
Missing or Damaged Hardware
$ _____________ $_____________
Drawers Damaged
$ _____________ $_____________
General Comments ___________________________________________________ $ _____________ $_____________
Kitchen Dishwasher: __N/A __Applicable
Dishwasher Appears Serviceable
$ _____________ $_____________
Racks do not Operate Smoothly
$ _____________ $_____________
Soap Dispenser Damaged or not Operational
$ _____________ $_____________
Door Seal Damaged
$ _____________ $_____________
Unit not Responding Properly to Controls
$ _____________ $_____________
Visible Signs of Leakage
$ _____________ $_____________
Not Draining Properly
$ _____________ $_____________
General Comments ___________________________________________________ $ _____________ $_____________
Kitchen Flooring: __N/A __Ceramic Tile __Laminate __Wood __Carpeting __Other
Flooring Appears to be Serviceable
$ _____________ $_____________
Cracked Tiles
$ _____________ $_____________
Fooring Worn or Damaged
$ _____________ $_____________
General Comments ___________________________________________________ $ _____________ $_____________
Kitchen Other: __N/A __Applicable
Trash Compactor Appears Serviceable
$ _____________ $_____________
Regrigerator Appears Serviceable
$ _____________ $_____________
Water Filter Installed but not Inspected
$ _____________ $_____________
General Comments ___________________________________________________ $ _____________ $_____________
Kitchen Range: __N/A __Gas __Electric
Range and Oven Appear Serviceable
$ _____________ $_____________
Burners and Oven Appear Serviceable
$ _____________ $_____________
Oven Door Gaskets Damaged
$ _____________ $_____________
Fan and Hood not Operational
$ _____________ $_____________
Gas Shut Off Valve not Operational
$ _____________ $_____________
General Comments ___________________________________________________ $ _____________ $_____________
Laundry Room: __N/A __Garage __Basement __Service Area; Type: __Electrical __Gas
Piping Waste, Cold and hot Water Operational
$ _____________ $_____________
Not Grounded Properly
$ _____________ $_____________
Not Wired or Wired Incorrectly for 240V
$ _____________ $_____________
Gas Piping
$ _____________ $_____________
Dryer Venting not Present or Installed Improperly
$ _____________ $_____________
Laundry Sink Damaged
$ _____________ $_____________
Page 11 of 17
Observation Material Cost Labor Cost
Evidence of Leakage
$ _____________ $_____________
General Comments ___________________________________________________ $ _____________ $_____________
Living Room: __N/A __Applicable
Room Appears Fine, no Major Defects
$ _____________ $_____________
Cracking, Peeling, or Scuffed Paint
$ _____________ $_____________
Ceiling Texture Damaged
$ _____________ $_____________
Holes in Walls or Ceiling
$ _____________ $_____________
Base Boards Missing or Damaged
$ _____________ $_____________
Electrical Outlet(s) not Working or Damaged
$ _____________ $_____________
Light Fixture(s) Damaged or not Present
$ _____________ $_____________
Floor Covering Damaged or Worn
$ _____________ $_____________
General Comments ___________________________________________________ $ _____________ $_____________
Mud Room: __N/A __Applicable
Room Appears Fine, no Major Defects
$ _____________ $_____________
Cracking, Peeling, or Scuffed Paint
$ _____________ $_____________
Ceiling Texture Needs Attention
$ _____________ $_____________
Holes in Walls or Ceiling
$ _____________ $_____________
Base Boards Missing or Damaged
$ _____________ $_____________
Electrical Outlet(s) not Working or Damaged
$ _____________ $_____________
Light Fixture(s) Damaged or not Present
$ _____________ $_____________
Closet Door not Functioning or Damaged
$ _____________ $_____________
General Comments ___________________________________________________ $ _____________ $_____________
Page 12 of 17
Observation Material Cost Labor Cost
Category: Interior Utilities
Alarm System: __N/A __Central Refrigerated A/C __Wall Unit A/C __Heat Pump __Evaporative Cooler __Other
System Apears to be Operational
$ _____________ $_____________
System not Responding Properly
$ _____________ $_____________
General Comments ___________________________________________________ $ _____________ $_____________
Cooling System: __N/A __Central Refrigerated A/C __Wall Unit A/C __Heat Pump __Evaporative Cooler
Systems Appear to be Operating Properly
$ _____________ $_____________
Could not Operate due to Outside Air Temp. Being Below 65 degrees
$ _____________ $_____________
Unit Excessively Noisy
$ _____________ $_____________
Unit Excessively Noisy
$ _____________ $_____________
Disconnect not present at the Unit
$ _____________ $_____________
Condesnsate Line not Installed or Installed Improperly
$ _____________ $_____________
Refrigerant Lines Appear Damaged or Leaking
$ _____________ $_____________
Unit does not Respond to Controls
$ _____________ $_____________
General Comments ___________________________________________________ $ _____________ $_____________
Fireplace/Wood Stove: __N/A __Masonry __Freestanding __Insert
Appears Operational
$ _____________ $_____________
Gas not Working or Installed Correctly
$ _____________ $_____________
Damper not Working Properly
$ _____________ $_____________
Appears to not be Installed According to Code
$ _____________ $_____________
Fans or Blowers not Operational
$ _____________ $_____________
General Comments ___________________________________________________ $ _____________ $_____________
Heating System: __N/A __Forced Warm Air __Steam __Hot Water __Radiant __Baseboard Electric __Other
Systems Appear to be Operating Properly
$ _____________ $_____________
Pilot Light not Lit or not Operational
$ _____________ $_____________
Some Living Areas do not have Vents or Radiators
$ _____________ $_____________
System does not Appear to Work Properly
$ _____________ $_____________
Ducts and/or Pipes are not Insulated Properly
$ _____________ $_____________
No Record of Annual Check Up for Gas or Oil Furnace
$ _____________ $_____________
No Record of Annual Check Up for Gas or Oil Furnace
$ _____________ $_____________
Thermostat not Located in Proper Area
$ _____________ $_____________
Return Air Vent too Close to Heating Vent
$ _____________ $_____________
Vents not Adjustable
$ _____________ $_____________
System Appears to Need Cleaning
$ _____________ $_____________
Equipment Appears Aged, Nearing the End of its Useful Life
$ _____________ $_____________
General Comments ___________________________________________________ $ _____________ $_____________
Interior Electrical: __N/A __Breakers __Fuses
Electrical System Appears Serviceable
$ _____________ $_____________
Missing Outlets in Key Living Areas of House
$ _____________ $_____________
Some Outlets are Not in Proper Working Condition
$ _____________ $_____________
Covers Missing on Light Switches or Outlets
$ _____________ $_____________
Some Light Fixtures Not Working Properly
$ _____________ $_____________
Switches Damaged or Missing
$ _____________ $_____________
Wiring Appears Damaged or Substandard
$ _____________ $_____________
Page 13 of 17
Observation Material Cost Labor Cost
Main Circuit Breaker not Operating Correctly or Missing
$ _____________ $_____________
Antiquate Circuits for Load in Home
$ _____________ $_____________
Some or all of Circuit Breakers not Working
$ _____________ $_____________
Circuit Breakers Wamr to the Touch
$ _____________ $_____________
General Comments ___________________________________________________ $ _____________ $_____________
Smoke Detectors: __N/A __Photoelectric __Ionization __Not Determinable
Smoke Detectors Pass Smoke Test and Push Button Test
$ _____________ $_____________
Insufficient Number and/or Improperly Located Detectors
$ _____________ $_____________
Batteries Missing
$ _____________ $_____________
Detector Nearing End of Useful Life
$ _____________ $_____________
Needs Cleaning
$ _____________ $_____________
General Comments ___________________________________________________ $ _____________ $_____________
Water Heater: __N/A __Gas __Electric
Water Heater Appears to Function Properly
$ _____________ $_____________
Signs of Leaking and/or Standing Water
$ _____________ $_____________
Pressure Relief Valve not Installed or Appears Damaged
$ _____________ $_____________
Size not Sufficient for Projected Usage
$ _____________ $_____________
Appears to be Close to End of Useful Life
$ _____________ $_____________
General Comments ___________________________________________________ $ _____________ $_____________
Page 14 of 17
Observation Material Cost Labor Cost
Category: Pool & Spa
Pool: __N/A __Vinyl __Fiberglass __Plaster/Gunite __Other; __Location: __Above Ground __Below Ground
All Systems Appear to be Working Properly
$ _____________ $_____________
Heater Requires Servicing
$ _____________ $_____________
Water Filter Requires Servicing
$ _____________ $_____________
Blower not Operational when Tested
$ _____________ $_____________
Surrounding Deck or Concrete Needs Maintenance
$ _____________ $_____________
Circulation and or Pump Timers not Functioning Properly
$ _____________ $_____________
Lights not Working Properly
$ _____________ $_____________
General Comments ___________________________________________________ $ _____________ $_____________
Spa: __N/A __Vinyl __Fiberglass __Plaster/Granite __Wood __Other; Location: __Above Ground __Below Ground
All Systems Appear to be Working Properly
$ _____________ $_____________
Heater Requires Servicing
$ _____________ $_____________
Water Filter Requires Servicing
$ _____________ $_____________
Blower not Operational when Tested
$ _____________ $_____________
Surrounding Deck or Concrete Needs Maintenance
$ _____________ $_____________
Circulation and or Pump Timers not Functioning Properly
$ _____________ $_____________
Lights not Working Properly
$ _____________ $_____________
Water Jets not Working Properly
$ _____________ $_____________
General Comments ___________________________________________________ $ _____________ $_____________
Page 15 of 17
Observation Material Cost Labor Cost
Category: Well Assessment
Well: __N/A __Drilled Well __Shallow Well __Spring System; Flow Test Results: __Not Performed __Sufficient Water Production
__Insufficient Water Production; Contamination Test Results: __Not Performed __Passed __Not Passed
All Systems Appear to be Working Properly
$ _____________ $_____________
Located Near Septic (Possible Contamination Problem)
$ _____________ $_____________
Well not Properly Abandoned
$ _____________ $_____________
Cap Needs Repair or Replacement
$ _____________ $_____________
Conduit Damaged or Missing
$ _____________ $_____________
Pit Prone to Flooding
$ _____________ $_____________
Exposed Electrical Wiring
$ _____________ $_____________
Pump Damaged or Working Improperly
$ _____________ $_____________
General Comments ___________________________________________________ $ _____________ $_____________
Page 16 of 17
Observation Material Cost Labor Cost
Page 17 of 17
That was looooooooooooooooooooong! But it IS thorough! LOL! You can always condense it to what you really need, or use another one.

Psalms 118:23 "This is the LORD's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes."
Looks like garbage because of the conversion from Word. Oh well. I have 2 now. A shorter, condensed form and a more detailed thorough one.
Looks like that other one would have kept you there all day... LOL!
Psalms 118:23 "This is the LORD's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes."
Yeah!!! Exactly. Just a bit scarey to not under budget and be eating it later. Whether its labor or material or both. It is a pain to start out too and sometimes the veterans forget that they once were new to this game too. It's a bit overwhelming with information and a bit scarey to start this. It can be a lot of money and/or a big whoops. How do you know you are close to what it would cost. I have read the book/program as well as others too, but still nothing saying how exactly to be close to the magic number. I do know that each project is completely different and each sub may charge differently.
Well... Here's what I do. Figure out your approximate costs and then add another $5k - $10k. That will give you a buffer zone just in case something else goes wrong, and in rehabbing that is usually the norm. You never know what's uncovered when rehabbing. I know it's overwhelming to understand all this stuff, but that's why we're able to ask each other questions, sort of hold each other's virtual hand... LOL! We're out here, and we've got your back!
Psalms 118:23 "This is the LORD's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes."
Seriously, it's no problemo! I don't like rehabbing, but I watch all the flip this house shows and also have a good friend that rehabs (or used to) til his last project went waaaaaaaaaaaay over budget and waaaaaaaaay longer than expected. He couldn't sell it and now he has to rent the house til the market goes back up to recoup all that money. So, it's always good to over estimate, use the highest estimate and add your buffer to that and you should be covered.
Psalms 118:23 "This is the LORD's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes."
It's still a work in process and I add to it as needed. Please feel free to use it and adjust it as you feel needed. Hope this helps. G, F, P stands for Good, Fair, Poor.
1. Ownership and Property Location
Property Location__________________________________________ Age:______
Owner’s Name___________________________ Phone #_____________________
Owner’s Address______________________________________________________
Realtor Name ____________________________ Phone # _____________________
2. Physical Description: Interior
Square Footage__________ Bedrooms_______ Baths: Full___ Half___
Kitchen: Condition:
Appliances: Refrigerator Y N G F P ________________________
Washer/Dryer Y N G F P ________________________
Microwave Y N G F P ________________________
Dishwasher Y N G F P ________________________
Stove Y N G F P ________________________
Oven Y N G F P ________________________
Garbage Disposal Y N G F P ________________________
Other_______________ G F P ________________________
Floor________________ G F P ________________________
Cabinets _____________ G F P ________________________
Light Fixtures________ G F P ________________________
Walls________________ G F P ________________________
Dinning Room:
Floor_________________ G F P ____________________________________
Light Fixtures__________ G F P ____________________________________
Walls_________________ G F P ____________________________________
Living Room:
Floor__________________ G F P ___________________________________
Light Fixtures________ G F P ___________________________________
Walls________________ G F P ____________________________________
Bed Room 1:
Floor________________ G F P ___________________________________
Light Fixtures________ G F P ___________________________________
Walls________________ G F P ___________________________________
Bed Room 2:
Floor_________________ G F P __________________________________ Light Fixtures_________ G F P ___________________________________ Walls_________________ G F P ___________________________________
Bed Room 3:
Floor_________________ G F P __________________________________ Light Fixtures_________ G F P ___________________________________
Walls________________ G F P ___________________________________
Bath Room 1:
Floor_________________ G F P _____________________________________
Light Fixtures_________ G F P _____________________________________
Walls________________ G F P _____________________________________
Fixtures______________ G F P _____________________________________
Bath Room 2:
Floor_________________ G F P ____________________________________
Light Fixtures_________ G F P ____________________________________
Walls________________ G F P ____________________________________
Fixtures______________ G F P ____________________________________
Half Bath:
Floor________________ G F P ____________________________________
Light Fixtures________ G F P ____________________________________
Walls________________ G F P _____________________________________
Fixtures_____________ G F P _____________________________________
Utility Room:
Floor__________________ G F P _____________________________________
Light Fixtures_________ G F P ______________________________________
Walls________________ G F P ______________________________________
A/C____________________G F P Heater______________________ G F P
Fire Place ___Y N_______ G F P Window Coverings____________ G F P
Basement ___Y N________G F P Attic ____Y N________________ G F P
Furnace ____Y N ________G F P Water Heater__ Y N __________ G F P
3. Physical Description: Exterior
Roof Type _________________G F P Siding Type __________________G F P
Foundation Type ___________ G F P Chimney ____________________ G F P
Garage Type Y N __________ G F P Carport Y N ________________ G F P
Porch Y N ________________ G F P Landscape Y N ______________ G F P
Sewer Type ________________G F P Pool Y N ____________________ G F P
Doors: Front ______________ G F P Back ________________________ G F P
Windows: Qty. ________ Shape G F P Replace Qty.________________________
4. Owner’s Situation:
How Long Owned ________________ How Long on the market ______________
Original Asking Price ________Asking Price _________ Date of change __________
Why Selling?____________________________________________________________
Will owner help with financing? Y N What type of financing? Y N
Does owner need cash? Y N Amount $________________
What Owner likes most about the Property? _________________________________
Offer Price ___________________________________________________________
Comments _____________________________________________________________
5. Rental Analysis:
Is Property Rented? Y N To Whom? _____________________________
How Long ____________ Adults_______ Children _______ Pets ______
Lease or Month to Month _____________________ Last Increase _____________
Monthly Rent _______________ Deposit Amount ____________ Refundable Y N
Other Rents in the Neighborhood? Y N ____________________________________
Improvements needed before renting: ______________________________________
Todd H. Brown
Cajun Investments LLC.
I like that one. I might have to take it and adjust to my liking. Thanks for the post.