So I just received and email that says I want to sell all of my houses and I guarantee at my prices you will want to buy at least 4. So I emailed him back and sayed ok what do you have? He emailed the list!! He has 350 properties in 15 states.
I looked down the list and they seem like they are tax foreclosures or something. They range in price from 4,800 to 11,800. 350 for a price of $2,347,000.00
I like 7 that are in my area for a total of 61,100 with an assesed value of 371,720. If I only had 61,100 cash this could be a great deal!!
Time to find an investor!! lol
Maybe it's just me, but that seems to be a little shady.
Thats what I thought. He found my add on craigs list and he says he buys from banks and sells them to you. He called me early but I could not answer so I know he is a real person!! lol Thats the reason i posted just seemed kind of weird.
that's either the DEAL OF A LIFETIME or a scam. Just in case it's the first one (VERY well could be), I would get someone to look over it ASAP! I mean you look into it too, but I guess I would ask a seasoned investor that you trust to look over the list and see what they think as well. Are you in the mentorship program?
Boy, you could make your million right there with assignments!! Or a bunch of rentals.
I'm crossing my fingers for you, Shaun!
Excited to hear the outcome,
P.S. Don't just shrug it off as a "couldn't be". You'd be shocked at how many times other people pass up "deals of a lifetime" because they thought "that can't be true". Just be wise.
"Obstacles can slow you down, but they can only stop you with your permission." Dean Graziosi (BARM pg 101)
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
For a little about me, welcome to the site, and a few tips for new DG family members, click on this link:
Come on, Shaun! You'll have to split with it me. Goodness knows I'm going to need some serious money for all this therapy I'll need after today's incident.
I am goin to have someone look over the list with me. That would be a whole bunch of assignments!!!
James sorry about your incident! I just read and posted in your journal!! lol
and no im not in the mentorship program yet!!
So who is ready to help me with assignments?? Haven't done one yet!!
So I have been emailing this guy back and forth and i asked him do you own all of these or have them under contract and trying to assign them. He says
"I buy them and sell them. Too much work to do a contract for sale. example. you do contract with me with option for me to sell with out you. Then I sell the property and all your work is for nothing. at these prices it's better to buy them and then sell them on your own and get paid for your efforts. would you really want to give up your source with these low prices that I have? I know what you are thinking. why so low? how can this be?
why so low? - well if i have 300 properties and i'm making $1000 per house and selling in 48 hrs. you do the math.
how can this be? - have you ever bought a property using your skills to bring the price down to some ridiculous amount that people wouldn't believe unless they had seen it with their own eyes? Well, how can that be?
No matter what you must do your research before buying any property to secure your doubts. use for quick research and much faster than a title co."
and he also said
"I'm the guy who got fed up with dealing with home sellers in need of selling. Sure you can get 1's and 2's here and there, but sometimes the headache just ins't worth it. So here we are 6yrs laters. I found you on craigs list or your web page.I buy from banks and sell to you. Your buying AS IS and yes you get the you know the typical turn time on these are 48hrs.
So opinions?? what do you guys think about this guy?
What state are you in? Are any of the deals in AZ?
I can help you with the assignments, my last deal was an assignment. So I can walk you through it. It's pretty easy, not rocket science or anything.... LOL!
Psalms 118:23 "This is the LORD's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes."
Elena im in ohio and none of the properties are in AZ.
The states that are listed are AL, AR, IL, IN, KY, MI, MN, MS, NC, NE, NY, OH PA, TX
350 homes total!
Shaun, Where in New York State. I am in upstate NY???
There are 5 total in 5 diff cities
City Zip
BUFFALO- 14206
UTICA- 13502
BUFFALO- 14215
If you are interested PM me!
Texas, huh? Any in the Houston area? I could be down for that.
Shaun, The Utica property is only 10 miles away from me, watch for my email,,thanks...Jan
We have
cities: Zip:
DALLAS 75241
WACO 76704
RHOME 76078
Again PM me if interested.
Sent my email!
Ha! Figures... Nothing in AZ, I'll just keep lookin... LOL! Well, thanks anyway.
Psalms 118:23 "This is the LORD's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes."
How about Ms.
Todd H. Brown
Cajun Investments LLC.
I am interested in any properties you may have within a 30 mi. radius from NYC
Let me know
Nick Walters
Walters Property Investment Group, LLC
PM me your email address and ill email you all the properties listed in NY
I'll send you a message to have you send me the ones in AR.if you don't mind - Thanks!
"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)" - Mike Spillman
"As long as there is breath there is hope!" - Mike Spillman
Are these tax lien certificates the investor is selling and if so, is it past the redemption period? If it's Tax Cert. waiting for the redemption period to be over, if you purchase them, you may or may not end up with the properties.
If it's Tax Deeds, no problem, you will purchase the property at auction. I thought I'd throw that out there, better to be safe than sorry.
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