Thank you, Dean! I look at houses almost every day, still loving every part of REI, but seeing you so fired up just brings that RUSH OF EXCITEMENT right back into it!! I believe everyone who watches your blogs will get that same feeling (I don't know how they couldn't).
Anyone just joining us on, believe every word you just heard! It is such an AWESOME opportunity we have in front of us right now! There are so many real examples on this site of people who have turned their lives around in recent weeks/months, all because they faced their fears and stepped out there (with Dean's help) and MADE it REALITY!!
WOW! I am really looking forward to each new blog you bring us, Dean. Thank you, again.
And, now that you're 40, with TWO little ones, the best is yet to come!! Fasten your seatbelt! lol
Hi Dean, I spoke with two agents today, just emailed a third, and am trying to get some on my team. Thanks for the extra strategy that you just shared by way of video. I know it is a lot of extra work. I certainly hope you don't "bite off more than you can chew." Hope you had a great 40th birthday. Pas. Greg
thanks for the video blog its good to hear ya talking to us again , you made some great points ive been down some on all the bad news latley, feeling the money cruch now ,i know your right on the time to invest in relestate now , im praying 2009 will be a better prosper on for me ,ive taken the first step and got my rental prop inanchorage using your steps , will keep plugging away for 2009.
my mother wanted me to come home to tucson for thanksgivving but this year i descided to stay up here in wasilla , money reason right now, i love arizona dring the winters swimming in the family pool , hanging out!!
happy birthday ya im turning 38 in march lol be up in prudhoe bay then working
You're right on with your message and what you're doing with this site and your video blog.
As a new DG student...just received my book...I appreciate all that contribute to the site.
Everyone keep asking the questions as we all learn from each other and it's the community as a whole that will lift all to become successful in this profession of REI.
I look forward to sharing & growing with everyone.
I love your blogs! It really gives me inspiration and a much needed "kick" in the... I know we all benefit from everything you share with us, thank you for that!
Everyone here on the site contributes so much to each other, it's amazing and much appreciated. I join you in commending them! It's great to belong to such a caring family!
Congrats Dean on the new arrival! I hope you and your family enjoy a great Thanksgiving holiday!!
Hi Everyone, I live in Southern California and I am looking for someone to partner with in the RE biz.
Someone who is prepared to work and mentor me in this business, my main problem is FEAR of goofing up. So if anyone out there would like to contact me please do at [email protected]
Regards Robert
Go information on the market and making money for
the future. I am a lot like you and I see so
many home at a great buy. I did not need another home at the present time, but I was in the bank last week talking how the market was going to turn and I would be in the driver's seat. The banker said jim we have a house you may be interested in. First I said no, then he said make
us and offer, I said ok what is the value of the home, the banker said $489,000, it is a custom home with all the goodies. I said ok I will give you $290,000 and you finance with interest only. They took the deal. I had and offer this week for $399,000. I think I made a good deal.
Dean, I just what to let everyone know that you can make money in this market.
About being 40, you are still young. I think of age as just a number. Keep up the good work.
Happy Birthday Dean,
I and I’m pretty sure the rest of those who are affiliated with you in some way or another pertaining to REI are very grateful for your decision to start the (VIDEO BLOG) segment on your website.
In your book in Chapter 8 there is a quote by [Isabelle Eberhardt] under the heading (BREAK FROM THE PAST) which say’s, “The farther behind I leave the past, the closer I am to forging my own character”
I appreciate your continual attempts to motivate everyone with true life examples that may help someone break free from their past and begin to forge and mold their future with sound advice from you in a market that has hit a pretty low level in a long time.
Zoe Doxa
That is exactly what I was saying, a weekly encouragement video. A perfect Thanksgiving gift to us all. It is like school away from school. As always we do appreciate your encouragement and support as we make our REI career a success. The importance in biting off more than you can chew is making sure you are able to swallow without choking. Dean, you are a pro because you have done it many times over. Continued success, enjoy your family and have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Thanks so much for the video blog. It is really inspiring to me just getting started in your program. Keep up the good work and have a great Thanksgiving!
I think you are sincere person.
I bought a $250,000 home with $2500.00
down by thinking outside the box.The rent now pays the payment.
Happy birthday.
I have found 10 properties in my area with wonderful prices. Some of the houses are in a move in condition and some need minor TLC. Each property is currently listed for less than 20k and houses here rent for almost 650 a month. I would like to make offers on all ten of them but my Realtor does not want to do that. What should I do? she only wants to make one offer from the ten properties. she asked me to pick one out of the ten. I need help please. should I go ahead and make one offer or find another Realtor?
I bought your book, like the weekly blog, and thank you for the encouragement! I am an agent and currently have several properties listed. I was hoping to sell at least 1/3 of the 12 by December in order to buy another rental, but I may or may not be able to do that so soon.
Unfortunately, I have a couple of rentals that have been empty for three months even though I have aggressively marketed to rent them. If it wasn't for my husband's steady income, cutting expenses, and having savings in the bank, we could have lost our own home.
I took your advice, Dean, and reviewed properties that have been listed on the market longer than three months and could consider making a discounted offer up to 30%. The reason I have decided not to for now has to do low funds; due to my recent scenario.
It costs me approximately $2,500 a month to keep my rentals. Even though I should have a renter by Monday, I am considering that it will still take me a few months to re-cooperate a portion of the savings I have spent to keep afloat. Amazingly enough, we don't even have have any credit card debts or car payments that most people do, and I won't even charge for Christmas gifts this year.
To answer one person's blog about his Agent/Realtor, I probably would not write 10 offers for one client. Most likely I would have my buyers look at the top three and start there. I have written many offers in the last four months and the lenders don't want to loan money because of the recent economic crisis, and certainly not without cash down or low credit scores. As a result, none of my buyers have made it through the loan process, and out of my current listings, I have had four escrows in the last three months that have gone sour. I have had as much as 30 offers for one property and it fell out of escrow twice because of lender issues.
I am not saying that investors won't find an agent to make 10 offers all at once like you suggest, but someone with a lot of experience, probably won't because they only make money "if" 1) escrow closes because 2) an offer was accepted and the 3) bank actually loaned the money (lot's of variables in there). You have to go for a "starving" agent who can still support themselves, put gas in their car, and pay their agent fees, etc.
I tend to think on the cautious side and consider the investment from all angles. It is important to consider all costs involved and understand that real estate can go either way, especially in this market. My suggestion is that there are personally sufficient funds to cover for tough times like these, even for months at a time.
In conclusion, I own real estate and it is worth money and in time, it will be worth even more. I love real estate and I know that Dean is correct in saying that you can become a real estate millionaire. It just means making the right choices at the right time. If you have cash in the bank...this is an investors market! Just consider the costs involved and be well-prepared for surprises too.
Awesome blog!! I just got your book, have been reading all the emails. I am sooo excited!!Going to get into the book today. Website is much info. and support. WOW, great idea!! Am looking forward to the weekly blogs. Thanks Dean....let's make some money.
As a Realtor in Massachusetts, I like everything you said. Yes I am a hungry realtor, not because business is slow but this is what I do 7 days a week. Its Sunday, the Patriots are playing and here I am.....
I also know that a lot of Broker's are wary when someone wants to put in multiple offers, but I would also do it via e-mail and phone calls--Hey thats my JOB!!!
There are many opportunities here in Massachusetts--who besides me wants them??? I say lets all go make some cash so we can provide for our families, friends and others less fortunate.
Like Rina, who is Honorary President of the Mass Group, I am Fired Up.
To Pastor Greg, Massachusetts Group needs our own spiritual advisor.
To Robert: I also have the fear of goofing up, I join your group!
Hey Dean! Absolutely awesome!! I really love your advice on this blog. It is SO exciting to have you here advising us, and this is awesome advice!
God! We love you man!
I am really trying as hard as I can with little to nothing money wise, I know how, where, and if I had the $$$ I would do it last week, but I am in a place where I can not go to the Banks to get Financing, they will just Laugh at ME!! How can I figure out HOW to USE,OTHER PEOPLES MONEY $$$$
Where I live there is a House every 2 blocks, with a sign House For Sale, For Rent, For Lease, or Rent to Own!!! This is happening now and has been going on here for a year or more. Can Someone
Help Me with this?? I know it can and Will work I just need to be able to take the first step and that is OWNERSHIP, with out that there is no chance of making it work! I am READY WILLING AND ABLE TO BECOME A REAL ESTATE INVESTOR!!!
After the live Edge Event, I am making up for lost time and reviewing all prior blogs. I want to make sure I do not miss any important tips. I have went back and rewatched all the weekly blogs because I find it very inspirational. Thanks for taking the time to do the weekly blogs. It makes dealing with tough days seem not so tough. Believe and Achieve
Hi Dean,
Great inspiration. It's a fantastic opportunity taking place here. And I am so happy that I'm able to be in it at this time. I'm finally headed back in the right direction! Continued success..........
Hey Dean,
Call me a late bloomer but this is the first time I have watched this blog and its May! I'm going through watching all that I have missed out on and I appriciate the advice because I'm looking forward to doing my very first assignment deal soon!
The hardest thing for anyone to do it get out of the comfort zone. Alot of us are comfotable even in financial hardship and that is sad. We need to get out of our comfort zone, take action, and don't give up. Thank you Dean!
And I had to come on and see the first blog. A reminder of what I need to go try again (didn't work the first time). CA agents have a fiduciary responsibility to submit offers, but I have found that my 25-50% off offers are not being looked at by the banks. Hmpppff! Is there something I can do to make sure the listing agents show the offer to the bank?
Good work Dean, I enjoy all your blogs. You don't look a day over 21.
We are super happy about this investment, want to know if this still apply to our market today with 25 houses and making off 25-50% less then what they asking for. we are put all our saving to this, so far it's hard to see result, everyone is telling us the houses are going offer full price and even here in cases. What can we so that this point. Anyone help us. ^_^ please.
Hi Dean, this week you posted your 250th weekly wisdom! Congratulations and thanks!! That milestone made me curious about the 1st one and here I am! It brings back a lot of memories about 2008, I've changed a lot since then (for the better I hope) but you've been consistent in your message and motivation! Just great - the basic strategy is still the same - it's stood the test of time!
I went to the edge event for the 4th time and after working in the business world for about 5 months the real estate business seemed way more lucrative so i dove in 100%.
After the first 3 weeks back just putting out bandit signs like matt said got me 6 new buyers on my buyers list and a house sold that we had been trying to sell for a friend for 3 years.
This really got me excited and now i figured i would start from weekly wisdom #1 and go through them all.
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Free Periodic Webcasts
Dean has FREE webcasts and conference calls every so often! Be sure to register with us to stay updated and save your spot for future broadcasts and calls.
Any time a new conference call has been scheduled we will email everyone registered the special access information and put a reminder on the front page of the site.
Whooohoooo! Fired Up Again!!
Thank you, Dean! I look at houses almost every day, still loving every part of REI, but seeing you so fired up just brings that RUSH OF EXCITEMENT right back into it!! I believe everyone who watches your blogs will get that same feeling (I don't know how they couldn't).
Anyone just joining us on, believe every word you just heard! It is such an AWESOME opportunity we have in front of us right now! There are so many real examples on this site of people who have turned their lives around in recent weeks/months, all because they faced their fears and stepped out there (with Dean's help) and MADE it REALITY!!
WOW! I am really looking forward to each new blog you bring us, Dean. Thank you, again.
Fasten your seatbelt! lol
And, now that you're 40, with TWO little ones, the best is yet to come!!
Hi Dean
Hi Dean, I spoke with two agents today, just emailed a third, and am trying to get some on my team. Thanks for the extra strategy that you just shared by way of video. I know it is a lot of extra work. I certainly hope you don't "bite off more than you can chew." Hope you had a great 40th birthday. Pas. Greg
hey dean mike from alaska happy B-day
thanks for the video blog its good to hear ya talking to us again , you made some great points ive been down some on all the bad news latley, feeling the money cruch now ,i know your right on the time to invest in relestate now , im praying 2009 will be a better prosper on for me ,ive taken the first step and got my rental prop inanchorage using your steps , will keep plugging away for 2009.
my mother wanted me to come home to tucson for thanksgivving but this year i descided to stay up here in wasilla , money reason right now, i love arizona dring the winters swimming in the family pool , hanging out!!
happy birthday ya im turning 38 in march lol be up in prudhoe bay then working
You're right on with your message...
Hey Dean,
You're right on with your message and what you're doing with this site and your video blog.
As a new DG student...just received my book...I appreciate all that contribute to the site.
Everyone keep asking the questions as we all learn from each other and it's the community as a whole that will lift all to become successful in this profession of REI.
I look forward to sharing & growing with everyone.
The best is yet to come...
Thanks Dean!
I love your blogs! It really gives me inspiration and a much needed "kick" in the...
I know we all benefit from everything you share with us, thank you for that!
Everyone here on the site contributes so much to each other, it's amazing and much appreciated. I join you in commending them! It's great to belong to such a caring family!
Congrats Dean on the new arrival! I hope you and your family enjoy a great Thanksgiving holiday!!
Looking for a kindred spirit
Hi Everyone, I live in Southern California and I am looking for someone to partner with in the RE biz.
Someone who is prepared to work and mentor me in this business, my main problem is FEAR of goofing up. So if anyone out there would like to contact me please do at [email protected]
Regards Robert
Dean's Blog# 1
Go information on the market and making money for
the future. I am a lot like you and I see so
many home at a great buy. I did not need another home at the present time, but I was in the bank last week talking how the market was going to turn and I would be in the driver's seat. The banker said jim we have a house you may be interested in. First I said no, then he said make
us and offer, I said ok what is the value of the home, the banker said $489,000, it is a custom home with all the goodies. I said ok I will give you $290,000 and you finance with interest only. They took the deal. I had and offer this week for $399,000. I think I made a good deal.
Dean, I just what to let everyone know that you can make money in this market.
About being 40, you are still young. I think of age as just a number. Keep up the good work.
Mahalo Dean = "Thank you very much"
Happy Birthday Dean,
I and I’m pretty sure the rest of those who are affiliated with you in some way or another pertaining to REI are very grateful for your decision to start the (VIDEO BLOG) segment on your website.
In your book in Chapter 8 there is a quote by [Isabelle Eberhardt] under the heading (BREAK FROM THE PAST) which say’s, “The farther behind I leave the past, the closer I am to forging my own character”
I appreciate your continual attempts to motivate everyone with true life examples that may help someone break free from their past and begin to forge and mold their future with sound advice from you in a market that has hit a pretty low level in a long time.
Zoe Doxa
Hi Dean
That is exactly what I was saying, a weekly encouragement video. A perfect Thanksgiving gift to us all. It is like school away from school. As always we do appreciate your encouragement and support as we make our REI career a success. The importance in biting off more than you can chew is making sure you are able to swallow without choking. Dean, you are a pro because you have done it many times over. Continued success, enjoy your family and have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Great Video
Hey Dean,
Thanks so much for the video blog. It is really inspiring to me just getting started in your program. Keep up the good work and have a great Thanksgiving!
Thank you
I think you are sincere person.
I bought a $250,000 home with $2500.00
down by thinking outside the box.The rent now pays the payment.
Happy birthday.
I need help
I have found 10 properties in my area with wonderful prices. Some of the houses are in a move in condition and some need minor TLC. Each property is currently listed for less than 20k and houses here rent for almost 650 a month. I would like to make offers on all ten of them but my Realtor does not want to do that. What should I do? she only wants to make one offer from the ten properties. she asked me to pick one out of the ten. I need help please. should I go ahead and make one offer or find another Realtor?
Response to Weekly Blog
I bought your book, like the weekly blog, and thank you for the encouragement! I am an agent and currently have several properties listed. I was hoping to sell at least 1/3 of the 12 by December in order to buy another rental, but I may or may not be able to do that so soon.
Unfortunately, I have a couple of rentals that have been empty for three months even though I have aggressively marketed to rent them. If it wasn't for my husband's steady income, cutting expenses, and having savings in the bank, we could have lost our own home.
I took your advice, Dean, and reviewed properties that have been listed on the market longer than three months and could consider making a discounted offer up to 30%. The reason I have decided not to for now has to do low funds; due to my recent scenario.
It costs me approximately $2,500 a month to keep my rentals. Even though I should have a renter by Monday, I am considering that it will still take me a few months to re-cooperate a portion of the savings I have spent to keep afloat. Amazingly enough, we don't even have have any credit card debts or car payments that most people do, and I won't even charge for Christmas gifts this year.
To answer one person's blog about his Agent/Realtor, I probably would not write 10 offers for one client. Most likely I would have my buyers look at the top three and start there. I have written many offers in the last four months and the lenders don't want to loan money because of the recent economic crisis, and certainly not without cash down or low credit scores. As a result, none of my buyers have made it through the loan process, and out of my current listings, I have had four escrows in the last three months that have gone sour. I have had as much as 30 offers for one property and it fell out of escrow twice because of lender issues.
I am not saying that investors won't find an agent to make 10 offers all at once like you suggest, but someone with a lot of experience, probably won't because they only make money "if" 1) escrow closes because 2) an offer was accepted and the 3) bank actually loaned the money (lot's of variables in there). You have to go for a "starving" agent who can still support themselves, put gas in their car, and pay their agent fees, etc.
I tend to think on the cautious side and consider the investment from all angles. It is important to consider all costs involved and understand that real estate can go either way, especially in this market. My suggestion is that there are personally sufficient funds to cover for tough times like these, even for months at a time.
In conclusion, I own real estate and it is worth money and in time, it will be worth even more. I love real estate and I know that Dean is correct in saying that you can become a real estate millionaire. It just means making the right choices at the right time. If you have cash in the bank...this is an investors market! Just consider the costs involved and be well-prepared for surprises too.
Carol Bennett
Video blog
Awesome blog!! I just got your book, have been reading all the emails. I am sooo excited!!Going to get into the book today. Website is much info. and support. WOW, great idea!! Am looking forward to the weekly blogs. Thanks Dean....let's make some money.
Happy Birthday
Happy B-Day Dean!!!!! WOO-HOOOOOOOOOO
As a Realtor in Massachusetts, I like everything you said. Yes I am a hungry realtor, not because business is slow but this is what I do 7 days a week. Its Sunday, the Patriots are playing and here I am.....
I also know that a lot of Broker's are wary when someone wants to put in multiple offers, but I would also do it via e-mail and phone calls--Hey thats my JOB!!!
There are many opportunities here in Massachusetts--who besides me wants them??? I say lets all go make some cash so we can provide for our families, friends and others less fortunate.
Like Rina, who is Honorary President of the Mass Group, I am Fired Up.
To Pastor Greg, Massachusetts Group needs our own spiritual advisor.
To Robert: I also have the fear of goofing up, I join your group!
Agent Greg
23 November, 1968
Hey Dean! Absolutely awesome!! I really love your advice on this blog. It is SO exciting to have you here advising us, and this is awesome advice!
God! We love you man!
Michael B
OPM-- Financing with Other Peoples Money
I am really trying as hard as I can with little to nothing money wise, I know how, where, and if I had the $$$ I would do it last week, but I am in a place where I can not go to the Banks to get Financing, they will just Laugh at ME!! How can I figure out HOW to USE,OTHER PEOPLES MONEY $$$$
Where I live there is a House every 2 blocks, with a sign House For Sale, For Rent, For Lease, or Rent to Own!!! This is happening now and has been going on here for a year or more. Can Someone
Help Me with this?? I know it can and Will work I just need to be able to take the first step and that is OWNERSHIP, with out that there is no chance of making it work! I am READY WILLING AND ABLE TO BECOME A REAL ESTATE INVESTOR!!!
Thank you for sharing this and all your wisdom with us, we are forever grateful!
As always, we look forward to more video blogs from you...
God bless you always,
Elena
The Great Blog Beginnings
After the live Edge Event, I am making up for lost time and reviewing all prior blogs. I want to make sure I do not miss any important tips. I have went back and rewatched all the weekly blogs because I find it very inspirational. Thanks for taking the time to do the weekly blogs. It makes dealing with tough days seem not so tough. Believe and Achieve
Hi Dean,
Great inspiration. It's a fantastic opportunity taking place here. And I am so happy that I'm able to be in it at this time. I'm finally headed back in the right direction! Continued success..........
A Late Bloomer.....
Hey Dean,
Call me a late bloomer but this is the first time I have watched this blog and its May! I'm going through watching all that I have missed out on and I appriciate the advice because I'm looking forward to doing my very first assignment deal soon!
Dean you are so right!
The hardest thing for anyone to do it get out of the comfort zone. Alot of us are comfotable even in financial hardship and that is sad. We need to get out of our comfort zone, take action, and don't give up. Thank you Dean!
Curiosity got the best of me,
And I had to come on and see the first blog. A reminder of what I need to go try again (didn't work the first time). CA agents have a fiduciary responsibility to submit offers, but I have found that my 25-50% off offers are not being looked at by the banks. Hmpppff! Is there something I can do to make sure the listing agents show the offer to the bank?
Good work Dean, I enjoy all your blogs. You don't look a day over 21.
We are super happy about this investment, want to know if this still apply to our market today with 25 houses and making off 25-50% less then what they asking for. we are put all our saving to this, so far it's hard to see result, everyone is telling us the houses are going offer full price and even here in cases. What can we so that this point. Anyone help us. ^_^ please.
Hi Dean, this week you posted your 250th weekly wisdom! Congratulations and thanks!! That milestone made me curious about the 1st one and here I am! It brings back a lot of memories about 2008, I've changed a lot since then (for the better I hope) but you've been consistent in your message and motivation! Just great - the basic strategy is still the same - it's stood the test of time!
Starting from #1
Hey dean,
I went to the edge event for the 4th time and after working in the business world for about 5 months the real estate business seemed way more lucrative so i dove in 100%.
After the first 3 weeks back just putting out bandit signs like matt said got me 6 new buyers on my buyers list and a house sold that we had been trying to sell for a friend for 3 years.
This really got me excited and now i figured i would start from weekly wisdom #1 and go through them all.
Thanks for everything!!!
Navarre Brown