buying vacant land

buying vacant land

what should I be looking for to maximize profits and minimize risk when buying vacant land?


newbie on the block

Hi everyone Im going to hit the ground running and I am looking forward to helping and being helped along the way.I bought three houses in 06 with no money and got into trouble by not having my plan worked out.This time with deans and help from this forum I hope to do better.By the way I am a Real Estate agent in California and I am willing to help anyone with there Real Estate transactions,which means getting your house Listed and sold.Even helping you get that loan because I was in partnership with one of the best Loan Brokers in Northern California.If I don't know it,I can soon find the answer for you.
To a great 2009 success to us all.
Thomas P Gist TPARKERG
Cell 415-424-5842

land locked in NY

Welcome Thomas,
I have a question. If a buyer wants to buy a landlocked parcel, what rights does he have in entering his property? Say there are no current easements. I know in California escrow can not be closed without an easement, but what about up sate NY? Does anybody have info on such a predicament?

Thanks, Zeek