(Not sure if I put this in the right forum or not)
Hey guys
Most of you are aware that I am having the worst time finding a realtor to come aboard.
I wanted to pick each of your minds as to what exactly you said to these realtors to:
#1 Let them know it is NOT illegal
#2 Let them know exactly what their role will be in working with an investor.
#3 Let them know that I am doing something that will be so beneficial to them and everyone involved.
When I find a realtor I am excited when tell them what I am looking for and that we will be placing a lot of offers per week and making a lot of money for everyone involved. I explain how the process works and that I have funding in place, proof of funds, and a title company who does all my double closings.
I go in positive and leave positive about what I am doing.
They leave thinking I am a criminal and seemingly disgusted at wholesaling/assigning. I leave amused at realtors and continue on working with the rest of my team. LOL! Remember that I live in Arkansas and they are still slightly behind times here. LOL!
You are allowed to hack and slash contracts. Marking through a contract section and writing N/A is done all the time. Adding addendums, changing wording or putting contingencies is common practice. Many, it seems, feel that they cannot change the contract as though it will spoil the contract but you do have the option work the contract the way that works for you.
If you would like the chance to work with me or one of my fellow real estate investor coaches and our advanced training programs, give us a call anytime to see if Dean's Real Estate Success Academy and our customized curriculum is a fit for you. Call us at 1-877-219-1474 ext. 125
Be sure all signers have a copy of the same contract. I once had a buyer make a change on a contract after my seller had signed it. He then gave it to the escrow company, and I caught the change in the HUD-1 before closing. I was able to show that my client had signed a different contract, and we ended up walking away from the deal and getting the earnest money back.
Watch your thoughts; They become words,
Watch your words; They become actions,
Watch your actions; They become habits,
Watch your habits; They become character,
Watch your character, it becomes your destiny.
Frank Outlaw
That's good to know, thanks for sharing that tidbit of info!
Psalms 118:23 "This is the LORD's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes."
Yes, sometimes the contract can change so much in the countering back and forth (you should see all the slashing and handwriting on some of them!) you want to make sure the final offer is exactly what you want. If it gets too messy, you might just want one clean final revision.
And ALWAYS look over the HUD-1 carefully (don't ASSUME it's all correct). You should be able to get a copy BEFORE closing for you to look over.
"Obstacles can slow you down, but they can only stop you with your permission." Dean Graziosi (BARM pg 101)
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
For a little about me, welcome to the site, and a few tips for new DG family members, click on this link: http://www.deangraziosi.com/user/3249
CBR (Al)
I have been wondering and just beginning to try to get an agent. Thanks for your suggestion. I will adapt and try it.
One of the quickest ways to find the right type of agent is to set up an appointment with the broker of one of your larger real estate companies. Since he is basically the manager of the office, tell him you're an investor and ask him to refer an agent in his office that has experience working with an investor. That way you won't have to break them in.
Another way, Real Estate Investment clubs. Sometimes agents will attend looking for new clients.
If you would like the chance to work with me or one of my fellow real estate investor coaches and our advanced training programs, give us a call anytime to see if Dean's Real Estate Success Academy and our customized curriculum is a fit for you. Call us at 1-877-219-1474 ext. 125