Foreclosure questions

Foreclosure questions

So I feel kind of weary posting this but for the seasoned vetrans I feel I have another family here. We live in a 2 bed 1 bath condo. About 9 months ago we fell behinde on our payments, me being laid off and just lack of $$. Were in the foreclosure process now and I feel with this new found knowlage I can get us out of the jam and maybe even make some money. So the condo is in my fiance's name because she at the time had pre approved the loan. We paid $147,000 and owe $138 with fee's as a pay off. Well we had sent papers last month about the loan mod and in that time of the foreclosure they said that we didnt need to pay even know we wanted to even if they escrowed the money. So now they denied the mod with there dragging feet. The loan is "assumible" I figured I could buy it as a short sale and save money and walk away with a nice fat check at closing. Any help would be appreciated.


Im gonna make him an offer he cant refuse


Is there already a date of auction set on your foreclosure? I can help you, please contact me on my business email, it's on my profile.


Cool Elena Cool
Psalms 118:23 "This is the LORD's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes."

No auction set. I just

No auction set. I just didnt know what the better steps were to use the knowlage I've learned here to use it in my own situation


Im gonna make him an offer he cant refuse


Got some BAD news for ya, not to rain on your parade or anything, but they have this "LAW" in place....It's called "ARM'S LENGTH TRANSACTION", it basically states that No Realative can do a "SHORT SALE" on another Realatives house. If they find out that you guys were related in some way they will "unravel the sale", SULLY



Legally were not realated in

Legally were not realated in any way. We just live together. We plan to get married next year. So if they say anything I can just say. Hey were room mates


Im gonna make him an offer he cant refuse


Give me a shout if you really want some help... Last call. Eye-wink


Cool Elena Cool
Psalms 118:23 "This is the LORD's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes."

are ya going to offer to buy

are ya going to offer to buy my condo? LoL


Im gonna make him an offer he cant refuse