Credit Repair
In our ongoing mission to provide you with terrific resources to succeed in building wealth through real estate, we have teamed up with a excellent company based out of Texas. I searched the country looking for a Credit Repair company that can actually produce the results on a daily basis that my students need. I found a great guy out of Texas named Jeremy Roberts. Jeremy Roberts is the founder of The Roberts Group and he is one of the nations leading experts on Credit and Credit Repair. Jeremy has worked with thousands of Real Estate Investors and their clients, helping them increase their credit score so that they can attain the American Dream of owning their own home and/or investing in real estate. Jeremy will teach you how having good credit can make you stand out from the other Real Estate Investors in your area. The Roberts Group has 4 parts to their program with a small up front fee they offer Credit Repair, Credit Coaching, Credit Montoring and Identity theft Protection. The Roberts Group is so confident they can help you that they will offer you a 100% money back written guarantee! If they cannot help you, they refuse to accept any payment.
The Roberts Group specializes in Removing
- Bankruptcies
- Tax Liens
- Judgements
- Reposessions
- Foreclosure
- Collections
- Chargeoffs
- Slow Pays
- Inquires
Roberts group
Has anyone evey used them and what was your results;
Roberts Credit Repair
I am currently working with them and am anxiously waiting for the first set of reports to come back from the credit bureaus. I signed up, they requested my reports, and once I received them I forwarded to them to try their magic. The credit bureaus must reply within a specific time frame and I am due to get them back within the next week. I can then check to see if anything has been removed and if I still have questionable things on there then I send the reports to Roberts and they do it again and again until they get off as much as possible.
I want to set up an LLC and they will also help me start to build my business credit too. I will be looking into that soon.
I will keep you posted Randy and let you know how it goes once those reports get back to me. Then I am going to have my mortgage guy rerun my credit to see if my score has actually improved.
broker in Texas
Does anybody know a good broker in San Antonio, TX?
Short Sale Can I chose my buyer?
I have a buyer for my short sale but hes lacking paper work, is there a way to stall the bank, until he can retrieve whats needed for the loan? Many offers on the property but I would Like them to be able to purchase the property is this possible?
Roberts Credit Repair
I received my second set of reports and was disappointed to see they were exactly the same as the first set. But the next day I received several notices from the credit bureaus stating they were investigating some claims on my credit reports and they will respond within the allotted time frame. I am excited to see that Roberts Credit Repair is trying to do what they promised to do, which is question and dispute items on my reports until they get removed.
I will let you know next month if anything disappears from the credit reports and if my credit score improves.
2nd mortgage refinancing
Hey Mike, I have 5 months to find financing on my $68,000 2nd mortgage...or they foreclose (this is my home)..I'm self employed and credit score is only 558....I'm in Frankfort you have any suggestions?
New Seasoning Requirements for Flipping.
I have read Dean's book and I am very determined to get started in RE Investing. The new seasoning requirements for house flipping have been discourageing. It appears that the one day transactional funding is almost a thing of the past.
How do the new requirements effect the assignment purchase?
Thank You, Robert Davis
What is the Robert's Group Contact Information?
How do you get in touch with the Roberts Group?
Hi I run into a lot of great deals and flips but would rather do my first deals with an investor so that hopefully the process would go quicker, there would be a 10% on investment payable before a 1 year term with monthly payments.
Roberts Credit Repair Update
I received a statement from Transunion saying that 2 negative items (that were legitimately mine) have been removed from my credit report. They sent a letter saying those 2 were gone and that several others had been updated.
Now I need to contact Roberts Group to see if they need copies of these letters and they will also keep sending in requests to remove potentially damaging credit issues from the reports.
If anyone is interested in working with them give them a call and see what they can do for you.
trying to purchase a first time home
I have been trying to purchase my first home for my family to live in.
I have been turned down for a mortgage do to my credit rating, my medium score is 624.
I have looked into some of the high interest loans but have been turned down due to the amount of the loan I was aking for was to low.
the purchase agreement is for $19,500.00
is there any one out there that could help me to secure a loan to purchase this home
The location of the home is in Charleston ,WV
Credit Report/Score is in good standing, but can't get financed
I'm facing a dilemma, I am currently unemployed and have been spending the past three months learning everything that I can about real estate investing. My mother and I have even started our own company (Flippen Investor, LLC) we have both cleaned up our credit reports and have above average credit scores, but can't get financing from either the banks or the mortgage companies, since neither of us have a JOB. This is our job, and ironically I feel that we are in a better position than most to devote our full-time effort into this business. However, we need to figure out where we should turn next. With no one willing to finance us for our first property, how can we make a "no-money-down" deal work? We are searching every possible path to get going, but keep on running into roadblocks...we've narrowed our starting properties to Assignments/ Wholesales/ Flips so that we can be able to get some money in our pockets to start eventually buying+holding. Are there any other paths that we should consider, or should we just keep pushing for properties that we might make a few bucks on? Are there any benefits to finding properties on a "subject-to" basis these days? Or are there any other paths that have worked (and are still working) for you that we might pursue?
Thank-you for your time and dedication to helping those of us in need. Jonathan
try owner financing
find a property you are interested in that someone owns and ask if they would be willing to carry the financing, sometimes known as a land contract if they own it outright with no mortgage, then you can rent it out for more than your monthly payment to them and have positive cash flow. Hope that helps
Hello anone in IL.
I've read some really good stuff here and now excited again! I lost mey zest after several no money down programs let me down!
Currently, I in a rent to own condo and the lease expires in 11/2010. I know I do not want buy this property because of the many problems I've had. After looking at some of the emails here.; I'm excited about investing in real estates again!
How do I go about finding another property, probably a duplex or triplex with the same options. I found this propoerty thru a multi listing, so any help you can give would really help.
I am new to Dean's Program and have learned alot reading his books, I would like to know if anyone live in the Suwanee,Ga area or close to Atlanta,GA that would like to team up with me on this realestate venture? Also does anyone know of any GOOD Brokers in Atlanta,Ga.
Edward Smith
my bankruptcies were from 2002 and they are both off all but one report.
I'm brand new to this but I have located some great deals on a website that could be profitable. One is a home that is currently listed for $595,000 but When I looked at the cma it came out to over $700,000. The owner mentioned that they will look at any offer and the home has been listed for over 800 days. They original purchased the home in 2008 for $800,0000. I have lots of access to information like this and I'm researching over 140 single family homes in Lancaster county alone.
I would love to make an offer but I don't have the cash or the credit to start out. Any suggestions or anyone want to finance this.
heather h
you can lock it up for a good price and assign it and make a small proffit.
new in town
I have just started the programand am yet to make any deals. I just moved to Grand Junction Colorado population around 100,000.
I would like to know if anyone reading is in this area, and could possibly steer me in the right direction.
Any help would sure be appreciated.
Robertss Group
How do you get in contact with them. I can't find anything on them?
mortgage banker
FEEL FREE TO GIVE ME A CALL AT 1-877-339-0393 EXT 302
The Roberts Group
Can someone give me contact information for Jeremy Roberts company "The Roberts Group"?
credit repair
How do I get in contact with the roberts group for help in credit repair?
Thanks H.P.
Getting Financing when you are self employed
Many individuals with high Fico scores in this climate still are unable to obtain financing.
What you need to do is separate your business from your personal finance.
Should you want to discuss further, let me know.
Starting Out
I'm just starting my new real estate venture and don't know how to start building my team. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Annette Bates
Have you read PFRERN ?
Matt has an agent script you can email or fax to local real estate offices, and you can change the wording up a bit and do the same for brokers, try calling a few title companies and see which you would like to work with - maybe one that does double closings in case you need it, you may even want to add an re attorney to your team as well.
Getting starting
How do I learn to take step one.
There is an ad on the post page for a credit repair company called 'The Roberts Group' out of Texas. Does any one know how to contact them? Email or phone number is good.