W.Mass Investors

Looking for W.Mass investors to form group and set up meetings. If interested, drop a note.

I live in central mass but I

emassey's picture

I live in central mass but I am interested in joining this group.

Central MA?

My partner & I are looking to partner with others in MA. Currently looking for deals in Worcester. Message me if you want to get together!


I am located in Western Mass

I am interested in joining your investors group. Let me know when and where your holding a meeting so I can attend. I also might be able to help with a meeting place at my place of business as well so please let me know.

Western Mass ???

Me as well were about and would like to talk. Could use someone like minded out here. Closest group in the area is in Springfield.

Good Morning, I need

GrandOpening's picture

Good Morning,

I need Portfolios in your area of interest asap...

I'm From Miracle 7 Investments and I specialize in Distress properties, Multi families, single family home & Portfolio Packages. I have a much inventory and I would like to know if I can be of any assistance to you with my current inventory. Or If I can Help you with any, Please do not hesitate to email me at [email protected] or give me a call at 843-847-7100
Best Regards