Can helping the homeless explode profits? YES! In this weekly wisdom, Dean reveals how helping the homeless and people in need can help you crush it this year in Real Estate. It’s a secret that has allowed so many people achieve massive success and Dean’s revealing it to you right now…
Dean you are an Amazing Man!!
Dean you are an amazing Man you have done so much for people.. Thank You!! God bless you and your family....
You have such a given heart. You impart into your children teaching them to give to the less fortunate. Continue doing what you are doing and being a good example to the world through real estate.
helping the homeless#270 weekly wisdom
Thanks Dean
This is such a great massage, it passes you thru your heard times easily, and, it also gives you a push to move just got to know when to use, which kind of approach , thats the main key of success.
Its really amazing, to see people doing this in daily life, you just got to know to keep focused, and do veluable work not pushig rocks.
wish you all lots of luck!!
Hi Dean,
Thank you for the great video. Yes, it is awesome to lead by example especially to little one. Every Holidays is very hard for me to cope especially what I had gone through in the pass. Every though for right now I don't have all the financial freedom yet but we cook and pack food for the homeless. We would drive around and look for the homeless people my daughter would be so excited when she spotted a homeless people she would grab the food and out the door before I finish parking the car. Helping the less fortunate then I am make me realize that doesn't matter what my situation was but their are more people that have less than what we have. Helping other always give a sense of peace and also tears fill my eyes that at this moment I can't help them much. Especially when the weather cold we would try as much as we can buy blankets and sleeping bags to give them. With the Grace of God help I will open up a homeless shelter back home and help the orphanage, disable, and elderly that are homeless. These homeless people live on dump truck everyday just to survive. Soon since God get me to know you Dean and I will soon be able to help my people.
God Bless,
Dean you are amazing.I am on page 75 as of today .It is wonderful how I was just reading and stopped to read my e-mails and your video was talking about the same book.You are a giver.Thanks Dean.From Htown and Rita.
WHY NOT? Not only did you give out money you give your 'best seller' book. I also would like to pay it forward and never been on the streets to give away money but I am going to try it, though my means are not any comparable to yours. It reminds me of the 'widows mite' she gave all her living and many our of their abundance. Thanks for sharing. I will send in my reaction to this weeks video.
Excellent blog
Thanks Dean: for sharing about you and your kidsdoing for the homeless. That is a great idea,I can see that was a heart breaking story.great lesson you have taught all of us .Thanks for the book. Carol in Texas
Excellent Dean
I was just thinking about how I had a poor Dad upbringing and you are the one providing the rich Dad lessons for everyone. When I was working and had money I gave freely and bought things for others when I should have been more frugal and should have managed my finances better. I have no regrets as I helped some along the way but I could have done things differently. Part of my WHY is to be able to fund what I call Project Frannie because of a homeless senior lady that I met and gave her all the change I had left in my purse at the time. I was behind on some bills and days away from more income. Yet I figured she could use the change.
2014 has got to be my year to become un-yoked and overcome my BYE obstacles.
My mission - we are called to serve not to be selfish.
I love hearing how you do this with your kids at Christmas. Even more important how you teach them not to judge. That for many of these people it is not a choice.
I just thank God every day that you fueled me into learning this RE thing
and provided the tools to keep me motivated to never quit until it actually started happening.
I have my own things that I am able to do to help, of course, not on the same scale as you do, and I am thankful that I have been provided the means to do so.
God bless you and your family and all of us here. 2014 is going to be incredible!
Hi Dean,
Thank you for sharing your story of helping the homeless. It is very encouraging. Today, what I do is go through the drive thru at the nearest restaurant and purchase a combo meal when I see someone that is homeless. When they accept the meal with gratitude then I give them money $10-20.00 next time I see them. One day, I will be able to give them $100.00 bills like yourself with the help of your education and your students helping me to get to that level of expertise and knowledge.
Melt Away The Crap
I love that you do such a wonderful thing and teach your children the value of giving back at the same time. The story brought tears to my eyes and I would love to take you up on the challenge of doing it myself. What stuck out the most is "melt away the crap" I LOVE THAT PHRASE!!! That is what I need so desperately is to melt away all those things that are definitely holding me back. I've done all the training with you and I still have not done that first deal and I know its all ME. I'm an elite member, I've done the Boots on the Ground, and I also had a one on one as well as being a member of the Inner Circle and I'm still struggling. I have not given up and I'm trying not to loose my hope. This story gives me some hope. Thanks Dean. May many more blessings come to you and your family for 2014.
Proud of my Son's
Dean, great message as always. I've got to tell you, I'm not in the position that I'd like to be yet but I will I know. I try to help those less fortunate than me also but I have to tell you this story, brief. My sons (We have three wonderful sons) are very good and kind hearted boys. One day I was on my way to pick up two of them at a restaurant and when I got there one of them was walking toward the restaurant from the other end of the parking lot. Me not really thinking anything of it I didn't ask what he was doing. So they both get in the truck and we leave. My son Jacob doesn't say anything about it either but my other son Zachary does. He says that Jacob saw a homeless man at leaning against a tree at the edge of the parking lot, he went over and gave him $20. Just like that. Of course I was very proud of him to say the least and I made sure he knew that. Of course I did warn him about the possible dangers of approaching someone like that. But still I've got to say that all three of my boys have very big and caring heart. So good people do still exist in this world. Thank God.
Anyway I just wanted to share.
Happy New Year Dean! This is
Happy New Year Dean! This is another great wisdom video and very moving! Thank you!
Dean, what a great life lesson for your children,(and the rest of our D.G.Family),showing us that giving, or sharing is so important to life for us to grow. Thanks again C.J.
Amen to that Dean
I went on Thanksgiving to a homeless shelter and it was the best thanksgiving I have had ever! And I was feeling blue that I had no where to go for the holiday.
Xmas I was in Mexico, but coming up I will go to feed the homeless on Thur, every Thur they feed the homeless at the local church and i will go and help. God bless Dean, working on my 4th deal! See you at the Edge.
Amazing Dean!
So many good life lessons is this weekly wisdom! Thank you for continuing to inspire, motivate, teach, and remind us of how to be totally fulfilled!
Make it a great week!
paying it forward...
All i can say is "thank you again, Dean..." not only for showing us how to not judge others but also teaching our children (and in my case, grandchildren) that same lesson. At times we see so many negative things from people in our day to day lives that we often tend to just close ourselves off and not realize that not everyone chooses their circumstances--those circumstances chose them.
Back when I was living in a motel room in 2010, I often saw how many people worked hard to climb above their situation but were being held back (i know now it was the gray matter between their ears in some cases). As I look at myself now some three years removed, i know that my gray matter needs just as much work done as theirs. I don't want to find myself at the end of 2014 lamenting ANY missed opportunities--not in my REI career, not with my loved ones, not with friends, and certainly not in my self development.
My one "why" for 2014: to make sure that I do everything in my power to help others rise above less than ideal circumstances to be the very best that God created them to be. And I know that I can do it--I have the DG family, my family, and more importantly I have God on my side (and I KNOW Dean's success and that of others here IS my success since God is NO respecter of persons). Thanks again Dean--you really are helping me keep on the right road in 2014!!
God bless,
Gloria (missgee64)
Good lesson for all.
We give in material and receive in spiritual . We need to give to receive. This is the most full filling life stile. What a message for the new year.
Thank DG and family
awesome dad
Dean, you are such an awesome dad.
Happiness is the love of something outside of self - Edgar Cayce
Your Christmas tradition enables your children to experience that.
Thank you for the reminder of what true happiness is and as always thank you so much for all you do for us.
Gift of Giving
Hi Dean: Great and Very True Weekly Wisdom, Not only is giving rewarding for the mind and inspires me to do more by giving gratitude of where I am today but there is also CARMA involved....!! I gave this thanksgiving and xmas without expecting anything in return...after new years a debt that I thought I would incur was wiped away-clean slate not to mention my herniated disc is healing...
Thanks for your unending widsom..
Have a great New Year!!! Dean/Fam. DG FAM...
Hellping the Homeless #270 Weekly Wisdom
WOW! Thank you Dean! In just a few words you put into perpective what it's all about. Your ansewrs to your kids on the "how and why" are an awesome reminder to us all about judgement! Thanks for keeping it real!! May 2014 be a blessing to us all!
I completely agree with you Dean. Because of my selfishness and greed, I lived in the streets for ten years. I really believe that money makes the world go around and that can't happen if you horde it. I'm doing I little better now, and I know this wouldn't be so if I was the selfish and greedy guy I was ten years ago. Great message Dean!
Giving Back!!
What a great thing to do with your kids! When we give back we are blessed in so many ways.
Dean, THANKS for ALL you do!
Wonderful Message
Sir Dean, as always it was another wonderful message! Here's to a great 2014!
Awesome, let us all pay it forward...
Tony From NH
Thank you, Dean!!!
I help the homeless, too, but not as much as you could afford to. I was regularly helping one homeless in downtown Los Angeles, whom I used to have a conversation with at least three times a week when I was studying at CalState LA. He was a bright man but when he lost his job as a bellboy in the famous Roosevelt Hotel along Wilshire Blvd LA, he seemed to have lost it all!
I say he was bright because he helped me with my homework for film and television; he suggested that I watch "Psycho" and write an analysis of the film I did, wrote my paper, he edited it verbally as I took notes. I got an A+ for my analysis. I asked him if it was okay for me to create a documentary about his homelessness, he refused to share his life story with me. Then one evening he asked if I could help him check on the property he was sitting on - with all his junks - that was his home! He wanted to know if it was a state facility because he was bring evicted by the State Patrol. I promised to seek the help of my supervisor at the Los Angeles Superor Court. It was a sidewalk outside the gate of a State property but he was considered a menace to society. He was picked up by State patrol and I haven't heard about him anymore.
Until...I heard the news that he was murdered along Third Street in LA. A young Asian guy poured gasoline all over his body and set him on experience an agonising death!!! At a vigil, I met his sister and nephews and nieces and the rest of his family at his memorial service. And so I learned a little more about him through his family. I wasn't able to create a documentary but an independent filmmaker videotaped me for his documentary.
Indeed, the wisdom that you shared with your young children and us, your DG family, is a food for thought. We really cannot judge a person by the lifestyle he lives. My homeless friend refused to solicit help from the government - he could have - rather he opted to eat the food that we, his friends whom he met on the street of Los Angeles Civic Center, provided for him. The memorial for him was a full-packed church. The guy who scorched him to death was captured later on. My friend, Robert, is now resting in peace - no more homelessness, no more hunger.
Way to go Dean
That really hits home for me as 20 years ago I was on the receiving end of a $100 bill from someone that I did not even know. She told me that God had told her to give it to me as I did not even know who she was. At that time, it was needed more than she could have possibly known. All she said was that when I was able to, that I was to give a $100 to someone else who needed it someday. And to pass that message.
You are truly doing the Lords work Dean. Keep it up.
Thank You Dean!
Another great Weekly Wisdom! You should also hand out those books in the bookcase. A wealth of information.
Thank you for all you do for all of us!!! We are all very lucky to have you enrich our lives and especially your children and the less fortunate!!
I can't wait until I'm able to give not only my time but also financially to the people in need in my own community!!
Great story Dean!
Touching share this week Dean. What a great family tradition to do every year. This was awesome!
helping the homeless
Weekly Wisdom #270 is the true compassion for the unfortunate homeless who are working and cant afford to live in a home or pay rent but keep working to make ends meet I am my self homeless and live in my truck to work and make ends meet. One day I will own my own home and do rehabs to help homeless people who really need help still helping real estate investers work on rehabs THANK you DEAN for this weeks wisdom