Weekly Wisdom #411 - Wisdom at 220 degrees below zero? (SOOO COLD)

This week I deliver my weekly wisdom on the power morning habits from 220 degrees below zero. Yea really. It's soooooo cold!!!!

Watch me shiver and shake and try to talk half way intelligently.. hahah

I'm not sure there is anything that can set your day up for success and less stress than what you do in the first hour your eyes open..

Go learn why it's so important and what some of my personal habits are;-)

Plus learn how we can help my dear friend Tony Robbins feed 100 Million people who deserve a hand up..

We have already fed nearly 500,000 and that's just the beginning..

This is a weekly wisdom you won't want to miss

Hope you had a great weekend and if a football fan you enjoyed the super bowl..



Go watch me freeze, share some wisdom the best I can at 220 below zero and even a special way you can gain NEW capabilities and help others in need all at the same time...

weekly wisdom #411

Dean, You get better with age. You are the most interesting person and real estate investor I have ever hear of. You have a good personality too.
When I meet you one day I will squeeze the stuffings out of you. Thank you!

Wisdom at 220 degrees below

Wisdom at 220 degrees below zero and we can watch through the above video. It's very interesting video which full of information with the help of different angle and fb.com have more related videos to express squeeze the stuffings.

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