Weekly Wisdom #398 - What I learned from the debate!

Wow, what a crazy debate we had the other night in front of millions and millions of Americans.

But the truth is, I could only watch a few minutes of it because I simply could not feed into either candidates ego. It was simply frustrating!

But in those ten minutes I learned something really important that I think my DG Family members have to hear.

And it has nothing to do with politics themselves, but rather something I realized they WEREN'T doing, that if either one of them had, we all would have been in support.

This is a big one! So check this out!

Watch now!

Millionaire Success Habits

sistreat's picture

Hi Dean
I always love your weekly wisdom. It gets me pumped up for the week. I cannot wait to get your new book and the Larry King interview! I will read it cover to cover and share my thoughts with the DG family.
Donald Trump...one of the greatest real estate tycoons ever and he totally gets investing and investing strategies. Love Trump and love you too Dean.


Valuni's picture

I won't comment about politics here... but I will say that I admire and respect successful women who are breaking glass ceilings for women all around the world, and are redefining the possibilities for our future generations of girls to be and achieve anything they set their mind to...

Thank you for another great Weekly!! Looking forward to the release of your new book!!!


jade_east's picture

Agree that we all need to focus on the positive paths ahead rather than splitting our attention on the past, however we perceive that.
Also think we've outgrown the original party/person system of government that worked in Colonial times, and that it's high time to move from a now mostly competitive/divisive form of politics into more collaborative/constructive forms of national and international cooperative creation.
But that will likely unfold as we evolve in that direction in our individual lives and community efforts, which is part of what I love about the general focus of this community.
Thanks, Dean!

Critical point in time

Thanks Dean for your insight and this weekly wisdom. I agree with you. It was hard to watch but I had to stay with it to observe and see who they are. She was vicious and vindictive and her sole goal is to be the first woman president. I do not want to listen to her for the next 4 years and more importantly I don't want us as a nation to stay on the same track and path that we are on now. Trump is the card we need at this point in time. She accused him of not paying taxes and he responded that makes him smart. At another point he mentioned the massive looming bubble and I wonder how many people got that. I have also seen Robert Kyosaki talking about the bubble and how important the selection of the next president is. There is a lot of fixing that needs to be done and we need less rules and regulation. Another point in the debate was about the stop and frisk and how it is racial profiling. I say we need more stop and frisk and not stop and shoot. There are rotten apples in every barrel/on both sides. Officers leave home to do their job not knowing if they will return home that night. Some officers are bullies and terrorists mixed in with all the good officers. So many African Americans have worked extremely hard doing overtime to be better than good and be a good example while others are lazy out and out criminals. Drugs and illegals are rampant and only getting worse. I believe we need Trump and no matter who gets in there will be massive changes and big problems ahead. It is frustrating and scary to watch and causes much anxiety. I have to put it out of my mind and focus on other things. I give it all to God and pray for peace and direction of my path. So, we wake up appreciative and grateful for what we have and have excitement an enthusiasm about what we get to do and focus on the positive point of our goals. Love it. Thank you so much. You are a blessing to me and I am so happy to have you in my life. You are part of God's plan in my life and I thank the Lord my God.


Dean, I agree with you.

Thanks Dean

AndyS's picture

Another great WW Dean. At times like these , especially like these, we need a positive direction and a positive influence in our lives. I definitely appreciate you being that influence and pointing the way. You have served me well with your messages as I'm sure you have done to others too.
I would like to revise one statement that you made if you don't mind. I'd rather not hear "#398, I can't believe I have been doing this for 398 weeks." I'd rather hear, It's # 398 and counting. That's a future something to look forward to. Eye-wink

Can't wait for the new book.

Have a great week.

Andy Sager (DG's AndyS)
CFIC & IE member
2013,2014,2015 & 2016 EDGE Alumni Laughing out loud

Positive Point

mdagrace's picture

Great WW Dean! We've all heard versions of this idea before; but I love the way you presented it. There are so many distractions in today's activities; making it easy to get distracted. Focusing on the positive point and having faith that you are moving in the right direction toward your goal is paramount in that success. Focus, concentration, consistent action, and being in gratitude will always lead us to success. Thank you again Dean!!!

Focus on Solutions

Focusing on the positive things in life & solutions to the challenges, makes a great day. Every morning i wakes up, i do my daily ritual of what i am thankful for, great health, good family relations, being blessed to live in the richest country in the world. Yes, we americans should quit taking situations for granted & focus on how to solve situation for the betterment of manking. Well said Dean. & looking forward to reading your new book, cover to cover & applying those ideas i will see when i digest the comments. Thank you so much...

I get to...(fill)

SeattleDan's picture

Nice point on being grateful and thankful...we get to interact with people,walk and talk and live life in some way...again...hey and thanks for saying it again, focus on what you want,your goal..thanks Dean

Three Awesome Points, Dean!

Dean, you hit it right on the head. We need leadership to point us in the RIGHT direction, not only for our country, but our own thoughts, every day, every minute, need to be focused on where we WANT TO GO!! It's hard to forget all of our failures & "should have done this or that"... but we CAN do it if we focus on our GOAL! Thank you for reminding us so often!! That "Positive Point" is a great "visual" reminder we can keep in mind...and the "get to do" list is an awesome idea, too! God bless you, Dean!

Weekly Wisdom 398

Thank You as always it is the best advice,looking forward to your new book.


I have been away from the site for a while and forgot how much I enjoy the WW. This was a great one.


joeyharp_2001's picture

Well Gosh, certainly I can agree with a bunch of what you said about the debate. But it's a "debate" and in this presidential cycle, as has been with all the cycles since the congress decided not to give in to anything coming out of the executive branch, and the neo-conservatives have done what they have. I will not go into my opinion of that. What I thought was right on about what you said is how you brought it home as to how we focus/where we put our focus is what we manifest. People would say to me, "Joseph, my life isn't working [for whatever reasons]." I would say, "Pull out a piece of paper and a pen. OK. You have 5 minutes, and I want you to write down everything wrong in your life." And then they would proceed to fill the paper!" Then I'd say flip it over, and now you have 5 minutes to write down everything positive with your life. They would maybe jot down 2 or 3 things.. And too, they had 5 minutes. And I'd tell them that the UNIVERSE is giving you exactly where you are putting your greatest and deepest emotions. That is what you are asking for! We do this as habit. There are many reasons we come to this in our life, but in the end, we all get where we put most of our emotions with our greatest intensity, and where we do so most of our waking time. Now, with the work and new book by Rudolph Tenezi, Ph.D., who holds the J.F.Kennedy Chair for Genetics at Harvard University [he's the Steven Hawking worldwide of Genetics; all worldwide research reaches his desk; he guides the direction of research, and interprets the data collected from all sources], in his newest book "Super Gene's" he confirms that the intensity of our emotions is making an IMMEDIATE IMPRINT in our DNA/Genetic Code, at the Quantum Physic's level, rather than it taking generations, and we are immediately passing such traits along to our off-springs: All this is confirmed now and accepted, and NOT a theory! We know that we are living in a Quantum Universe, and that at the level of the Quantum Particles, everything exists as a possibility or probability, and that the options are being picked and chosen... they move up to becoming an Atom, where the results are now finite. So at that point, the Analogue reality becomes a digital reality. At the Digital Level of a formed Atom, Newtonian Physics takes hold. It becomes an absolute. But at the Quantum level, your emotions are helping define the reality, and you (and I) are creating it. So you, Mr. Dean, are plugging into the results as you perceive it, as you work with us so we will get the maximum and desired results from our efforts. And it works with whatever we so apply such thinking to, in our lives. That's what I love about this Weekly Wisdom from you.


joeyharp_2001's picture

Well Gosh, certainly I can agree with a bunch of what you said about the debate. But it's a "debate" and in this presidential cycle, as has been with all the cycles since the congress decided not to give in to anything coming out of the executive branch, and the neo-conservatives have done what they have. I will not go into my opinion of that. What I thought was right on about what you said is how you brought it home as to how we focus/where we put our focus is what we manifest. People would say to me, "Joseph, my life isn't working [for whatever reasons]." I would say, "Pull out a piece of paper and a pen. OK. You have 5 minutes, and I want you to write down everything wrong in your life." And then they would proceed to fill the paper!" Then I'd say flip it over, and now you have 5 minutes to write down everything positive with your life. They would maybe jot down 2 or 3 things.. And too, they had 5 minutes. And I'd tell them that the UNIVERSE is giving you exactly where you are putting your greatest and deepest emotions. That is what you are asking for! We do this as habit. There are many reasons we come to this in our life, but in the end, we all get where we put most of our emotions with our greatest intensity, and where we do so most of our waking time. Now, with the work and new book by Rudolph Tenezi, Ph.D., who holds the J.F.Kennedy Chair for Genetics at Harvard University [he's the Steven Hawking worldwide of Genetics; all worldwide research reaches his desk; he guides the direction of research, and interprets the data collected from all sources], in his newest book "Super Gene's" he confirms that the intensity of our emotions is making an IMMEDIATE IMPRINT in our DNA/Genetic Code, at the Quantum Physic's level, rather than it taking generations, and we are immediately passing such traits along to our off-springs: All this is confirmed now and accepted, and NOT a theory! We know that we are living in a Quantum Universe, and that at the level of the Quantum Particles, everything exists as a possibility or probability, and that the options are being picked and chosen... they move up to becoming an Atom, where the results are now finite. So at that point, the Analogue reality becomes a digital reality. At the Digital Level of a formed Atom, Newtonian Physics takes hold. It becomes an absolute. But at the Quantum level, your emotions are helping define the reality, and you (and I) are creating it. So you, Mr. Dean, are plugging into the results as you perceive it, as you work with us so we will get the maximum and desired results from our efforts. And it works with whatever we so apply such thinking to, in our lives. That's what I love about this Weekly Wisdom from you.


joeyharp_2001's picture

Well Gosh, certainly I can agree with a bunch of what you said about the debate. But it's a "debate" and in this presidential cycle, as has been with all the cycles since the congress decided not to give in to anything coming out of the executive branch, and the neo-conservatives have done what they have. I will not go into my opinion of that. What I thought was right on about what you said is how you brought it home as to how we focus/where we put our focus is what we manifest. People would say to me, "Joseph, my life isn't working [for whatever reasons]." I would say, "Pull out a piece of paper and a pen. OK. You have 5 minutes, and I want you to write down everything wrong in your life." And then they would proceed to fill the paper!" Then I'd say flip it over, and now you have 5 minutes to write down everything positive with your life. They would maybe jot down 2 or 3 things.. And too, they had 5 minutes. And I'd tell them that the UNIVERSE is giving you exactly where you are putting your greatest and deepest emotions. That is what you are asking for! We do this as habit. There are many reasons we come to this in our life, but in the end, we all get where we put most of our emotions with our greatest intensity, and where we do so most of our waking time. Now, with the work and new book by Rudolph Tenezi, Ph.D., who holds the J.F.Kennedy Chair for Genetics at Harvard University [he's the Steven Hawking worldwide of Genetics; all worldwide research reaches his desk; he guides the direction of research, and interprets the data collected from all sources], in his newest book "Super Gene's" he confirms that the intensity of our emotions is making an IMMEDIATE IMPRINT in our DNA/Genetic Code, at the Quantum Physic's level, rather than it taking generations, and we are immediately passing such traits along to our off-springs: All this is confirmed now and accepted, and NOT a theory! We know that we are living in a Quantum Universe, and that at the level of the Quantum Particles, everything exists as a possibility or probability, and that the options are being picked and chosen... they move up to becoming an Atom, where the results are now finite. So at that point, the Analogue reality becomes a digital reality. At the Digital Level of a formed Atom, Newtonian Physics takes hold. It becomes an absolute. But at the Quantum level, your emotions are helping define the reality, and you (and I) are creating it. So you, Mr. Dean, are plugging into the results as you perceive it, as you work with us so we will get the maximum and desired results from our efforts. And it works with whatever we so apply such thinking to, in our lives. That's what I love about this Weekly Wisdom from you.

sorry about multiple posts

joeyharp_2001's picture

Don't know how this ended up here 3x, but I don't know how to undo two of them...Sad

The fact is that what people

The fact is that what people say is not always what they think about. write my essay

Weekly Wisdom 398

beachshack7444's picture

This is just what I needed to hear at this point in my life. Focus on the Positive Point, let go of the past, find appreciation in the little things, and write the "get to do list'
So excited & uplifted. Thank you, Dean!